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Everything posted by tamaster92

  1. tamaster92

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    You can put plant material and and guts in a barrel to make fertiliser :) you can use barrels for many things - You can mix water and disinfectant to create a pesticide spray which stops your crops from getting diseased. Using guts and plant material in a barrel creates fertiliser. You can colour leather or white clothing (tshirts or armbands only currently) in a barrel too, you need a colouring object (bark, nails, berries) and the item to colour in a barrel of water. You can also bleach leather using garden lime or disinfectant in a barrel of water. You now need a barrel of water to tan pelts, other than that its the same - lime and pelt.
  2. tamaster92

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Someone posted this on reddit I hope it's real so badly
  3. So whilst I have been taking lot's of screenshots I got motivated to make a media thread on another site. Figured I'd post them here too. All screenshots are in 4K and ultra settings unless otherwise stated. More soon
  4. tamaster92

    Tamaster's Screenshots (Warning for slow internet)

    Yeah some are a few months old now :)
  5. tamaster92

    Exp Update: 0.55.126884 Discussion

    Does this mean in the future modded items will simply need tagging with the correct loot categories and they will be added to the heatmap? If so thats a massive step forward from manually edited loot tables every time as per the mod :D
  6. tamaster92

    Status Report - 10 mar 15

    Well that was short and not very useful. Hopefully it's because the team is busy working on the mentioned stuff!
  7. tamaster92

    Status Report - 3 mar 15

    Personally I hope they let modders do whatever the fuck they want. Just make sure there is always vanilla servers available as well. Some of the features in Standalone and recent DayZMod updates came from the modding community and it will always be where fresh content and mechanics appears. Restricting that will only damage the game and make it so that it's lifespan is significantly shorter. As long as we can mod; - new maps - new weapons - new clothes - new vehicles - new items (food, medicine etc) - spawn parameters - textures - loot tables (eventually) Its fine by me.
  8. tamaster92

    Experimental Branch: 0.54 Discussion

    Hey you used my gif in the OP :D IS it correct that the character name field can now handle more letters?
  9. tamaster92

    Status Report - 17 Feb 15

    Have to say I do like a more visual status report! Pics + gifs + short videos help explain things much more than words usually
  10. tamaster92

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Thats a pretty damn good reason actually. Thank you
  11. tamaster92

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Which also says damage logs will be included. And PVE logs were mentioned previously too. I'm just wondering why these features were advertsied as coming and ready for us then cut last minute without any sort of communication. My server was really, really looking forward to some good logs to help moderate and instead we got 1/3rd of the promised log types and even those hardly work. I love this game but it just kinda sucks y'know?
  12. tamaster92

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Since when? And why were we not informed at all? What about PVE logs, also cut?
  13. Play here constantly! Great RP, great atmosphere and great staff team. Plus both servers are always full of players!
  14. Episode 5! We go on the hunt for our stolen URAL and soon find ourselves in more serious trouble...
  15. tamaster92

    DayZ Ovaron - URAL adventures

    Episode 4! Today we explore more of the map including the trading post before ending on a rather bleak cliff hangar!
  16. Hey guys I just made a quick video showing how to install Taviana (or any other currently released custom map) and then run it easily using DayZ Commander. Figured it might be helpful to some!
  17. Episode 3! Me and two friends venture around Ovaron and find ourselves in all kinds of trouble!
  18. Enjoy! Loving Ovaron at the moment, its pretty unique and very fun.
  19. My first time recording on this new map. I fidn myself geared quickly with a couple of buddies and ruling the island with our guns.
  20. Episode 4! Pretty unlucky in this episode :(
  21. As the guy above put so well, Painkillers don't stop shaking from low blood.
  22. Hey! Today I started my third series on DayZ origins, Hopefully I can build a house! For now though I explore Mitrovice and find myself faced with a dilema.
  23. Episode 7 woo! Night time firefight in elektro...