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Everything posted by rikhall@live.co.uk

  1. This is now a DayZ 2017 server IP: Port: 2542
  2. rikhall@live.co.uk

    [rMod/Lingor Island] DayZ Underworld UK - Looking for Players

    At the moment we only have a few extra hangars but we plan on adding more buildings over the next few days. I'll be adding weapons and ammo crates at airports and military bases tonight which will contain the weapons that can't be found in Vanilla DayZ. Any other suggestions are welcome.
  3. rikhall@live.co.uk

    Need a good server provider!

    I've tried Vilayer and DayZ.st and found the latter to be much better. It has a great control panel, a live map which can be used to spawn vehicles, database access so you can spawn in vehicles and buildings,you can enable rMod by clicking a single button. Theres loads more features plus theres more added on a regular basis. All in all a great provider.
  4. rikhall@live.co.uk

    help with spawning LHD

    Been looking for this for ages,Thanks a lot. I spawned it as a deployable and it worked great.
  5. EDIT: This is now an unlocked Lingor Island server.