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Posts posted by tinyone

  1. Claiming the female model is half the size of the male model is a bit much. Aside from being a bit slimmer' date=' there's not a huge difference. I honestly cannot think of an in game situation in which the minor change in model size would effect anything.



    I play a lot of Unreal Tournament 2004. That game is a bit different from other shooters (mainly more unreal), but I bring it up because there are female, male and robot models. The female and male models also come in some weight variations (some slimmer, some...rounder). I can assure you the effects in a deathmatch are minimal.

  2. Today I had a problem that whenever I left-clicked with my mouse, I only ended up throwing my bengal fire at the zombies. I ran off with two chasing me and lost one in the woods, but simply couldn't kill the other one because my chara didn't shoot. I tried accessing the gear and switching, but that didn't work. Any tips on how to avoid accidentally using other gear besides your gun? The mouse-wheel switch-function was disabled.

    Also, how can I open doors? I found one that was open a crack, but I couldn't open it completely.

  3. Okay, then I just join by adding the tag to my username? That's simple enough.

    Henceforth though shall find me on teamspeak, skype and dayZ under the name of [DzT] Nike. I hereby pledge not to become a bandit.

  4. Hello everyone!

    I just got my copy on Wednesday and I'm having quite a struggle simply getting to know the game.

    So far, I've only joined the game like 5 or 6 times, but not for a lack of trying (spend more than 2 hours yesterday and 1 hour today just trying to get into a server).

    Twice I had the problem that I couldn't move after being spawned. Other times it was night and I decided that I'd rather take my first steps during daylight.

    Today and one time before, I actually got to play, but I'm still having some issues. It lags even on low settings.

    But today, I had another problem:

    I got spawned in Chernogorsk at the beach and after stepping out of the shallow water, I immediately started to bleed. Even using a bandage didn't stop the bleeding. Needless to say, I'm confused as to why I was bleeding in the first place and why my bandage didn't help. I also ate some beans, hoping that would give me some blood back, but it didn't.

    Is it normal to start with a bleeding character?

    I also noticed how everyone is chatting, even while waiting on the server. However, I can't seem to get the chat to work. I know your supposed to press "/", but that doesn't do anything for me (I'm using a German keyboard....?). Once I'm in the game, I get some menu when pressing "/". It gives me some orders and other phrases, but where can I actually type?

    Finally, I read the thread about how to pick a server and it said I should look at the symbols next to the name - red won't work, yellow has a chance of working, green is what I should pick.

    All of the DayZ servers are yellow, except for some that turn red when I click on them.

    Again, newbie question: Is that normal?

    I hope you can help me. I appreciate anyone taking the time. I'd be thrilled if someone experienced could show me around (but I'm kinda worried it would take an hour until I could join the same server...).

    Nice to meet you all!
