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About tinyone

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Actually, I am female and I'm going to switch my male model to the female one. And for the record, I'm not a bandit. So please don't shoot all females on sight. Approach them with caution, as you would anyone else. But drawing a general conclusion that all females are (male) bandits in disguise is false.
  2. Today I had a problem that whenever I left-clicked with my mouse, I only ended up throwing my bengal fire at the zombies. I ran off with two chasing me and lost one in the woods, but simply couldn't kill the other one because my chara didn't shoot. I tried accessing the gear and switching, but that didn't work. Any tips on how to avoid accidentally using other gear besides your gun? The mouse-wheel switch-function was disabled. Also, how can I open doors? I found one that was open a crack, but I couldn't open it completely.
  3. Have you tried the Amazon marketplace? Some stores offer their (new) products there. That's how I got my copy for 24€, no shipping fee. Alternatively, you can also get it from ebay. Not only used products are sold there, some are new and you can buy them directly without having to bet.
  4. tinyone

    DayZ Teamwork

    Okay, then I just join by adding the tag to my username? That's simple enough. Henceforth though shall find me on teamspeak, skype and dayZ under the name of [DzT] Nike. I hereby pledge not to become a bandit.
  5. tinyone

    DayZ Teamwork

    Cool. What do I need to do to join? I only have skype so far, shall I get teamspeak, mumble or something like that?
  6. tinyone

    DayZ Teamwork

    I don't have steam. Can I still join?
  7. Big thanks to all of you! I've managed to access the chat. It was "/" as mentioned everywhere, but somehow still didn't work. I've added the Numpad / to it and now just use that. Thanks for the idea with the water - I was indeed thirsty, but I still kept losing blood (I could see the amount going down). But thanks anyway - I'm sure I would also have confused the blood and thirst icons.
  8. Hello everyone! I just got my copy on Wednesday and I'm having quite a struggle simply getting to know the game. So far, I've only joined the game like 5 or 6 times, but not for a lack of trying (spend more than 2 hours yesterday and 1 hour today just trying to get into a server). Twice I had the problem that I couldn't move after being spawned. Other times it was night and I decided that I'd rather take my first steps during daylight. Today and one time before, I actually got to play, but I'm still having some issues. It lags even on low settings. But today, I had another problem: I got spawned in Chernogorsk at the beach and after stepping out of the shallow water, I immediately started to bleed. Even using a bandage didn't stop the bleeding. Needless to say, I'm confused as to why I was bleeding in the first place and why my bandage didn't help. I also ate some beans, hoping that would give me some blood back, but it didn't. Is it normal to start with a bleeding character? I also noticed how everyone is chatting, even while waiting on the server. However, I can't seem to get the chat to work. I know your supposed to press "/", but that doesn't do anything for me (I'm using a German keyboard....?). Once I'm in the game, I get some menu when pressing "/". It gives me some orders and other phrases, but where can I actually type? Finally, I read the thread about how to pick a server and it said I should look at the symbols next to the name - red won't work, yellow has a chance of working, green is what I should pick. All of the DayZ servers are yellow, except for some that turn red when I click on them. Again, newbie question: Is that normal? I hope you can help me. I appreciate anyone taking the time. I'd be thrilled if someone experienced could show me around (but I'm kinda worried it would take an hour until I could join the same server...). Nice to meet you all!