Well the new update looks to be the start of the demise of dayz no score system most players check there bandit and murder kills so many games have been successful because of score systems but no more Having a purpose in the game as in life is essential to long term playability just running in circles will get boring fast setting up camps and organizing items can be rewarding with no way to replicate items no one will use tents as goods get stolen all the time shooting zombies is already boring and is just a distraction in the game a game without anything to do wont last long finding tents looting them is part of the fun TOOOOO much time has been spent on taking things out that work TOOOO little time if fixing hackers most now are 12 year old kids paying for hacking services Not people with skill showing what the game could be Rant over I hope that they dont write out all the things that have made this a great game in the stand alone version but after seeing some of the updates I seriously doubt it