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About Outgunned53

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Outgunned53

    Your way of saying "friendly"

    Tell 'em to crouch and drop their stuff. Then to sit while I go up and either take what i need from them, or most of the time see if they need help or anything. After the first contact I usually point the gun at them and don't take it off of them until they are a ways away. Then bolt.
  2. Outgunned53

    What is the best route north

    You should probably switch it up every time... Its unlikely but bandits could potentially read this and ambush ya.
  3. Outgunned53

    Hero Team!

    Ign (in game name): Cody Steam name: outgunned53 Combat Skills: Sniping, Mid-Range Combat, Pilot, possible medic. Do you have a mic: No, but I will be getting one shortly.
  4. Outgunned53

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed
