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About salium

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  1. Hi guys, Me and 2 mates started a Dayz epoch server! We were playing the standalone and got kinda bored. So we returned to dayz Epoch! These are the scripts that we are running. -Selfbloodbag -AI (WAI) -Autorefuel/repair -Safezone/anti-backpack stealing at traders -Snap building some of the customizations. - No plotpole needed to build. - Still want a plotpole to keep the base for yourself? We increased the range! - Custom map. To make Zelenogorsk and the airfields a bit more fun. We also created on NW airfield a special refuelpoint for helicopters. - Bases are indestructable. - 500 vehicles. The missions. We as admins/normal players would like to challenge the players. So from time to time we will create our own missions! Server IP : Got questions? Join our ts3: Greetings, -Dead Man Walking-
  2. This isnt the case anymore they reject this idea and now it would be a full release.
  3. I actually dont care how de WIP looks like atm. What i only care about is that it works like its suppose to. The layout could be changed later!
  4. Hopefully in the SA the woods (trees) also cover more. Now in a heli you can spot a tent or a hidden car easily xD
  5. salium

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Haha ofcourse no game is perfect i get that :D Well thanks for the reply mate! ^_^
  6. salium

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    R4Z0R49, I agree a little bit the last patch wasnt the best we have seen, no offense:P Still love and support the stuff that you guys create! But my main qeustion is: When can we expect the new patch? Hope the vehicle repair/reful bugg will fixed? Thanks mate! Keep up the good stuff!
  7. Hi guys, Alot of people got the same problem! Me and some buddy's quite playing dayz till the new patch comes out because of this problem. Well the trick is you gotta smash the car/atv/heli with an axe or shoot it with your pistol then the car etc. is repairable or refulable. This bug sucks specialy when gotta refule in openfield. Hope this might help you!
  8. Hi guys, Me and my mate have been shot by 2 hackers: [FU]-TOxic and [FU]Winnie- Puh. When: 2-1-2013 around 17:20 GMT+1 at server DE 1240. One of them was wearing a soldier uniform not camo or ghillie. One in ghillie. I striked the ghillie dude with a mk 48, serveral times and didnt die. My mate hit the otherone 5 times with a FN FAL also didnt die. When we came to our body they where hidden. We dont mind getting killed by better players but this is unrespectfull to the players that actually put a afford in being a good player and collect weapons and gear. We would love to see some action against this kind of game breaking. Salium & HazZard
  9. salium

    Car state

    Learn to read dipshit....
  10. salium

    Car state

    Hi guys, Me and my mate fixed a UAZ but the problem is after we took a ride with it and looked (fixing interface) at the car some things like engine and glasses were yellow. But when we took a look in the drivers interface everything is green. How come? Is this a bug? Thanks guys, Keep killing zombies, not bambies!
  11. salium

    Foods! Plz coment

    I was thinking also about fishing! I mean we have a sea and some lake's on the map why dont apply fishing :D