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About Metiphis

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  1. Nomad didn't respond on TS
  2. This makes me a sad panda.
  3. Atlanta 3 is my home server. The admins won't be around until tomorrow afternoon. Can a dev reboot for us?
  4. Metiphis

    Spawn on coast glitch with existing character.

    No, the main database had to be restarted due to epic server lag that was happening. Most player data got corrupted and many got beach spawned. I have also lost more gear than you could ever dream of to stupid things like this. yet starting over fresh is new and exciting to me. I find that once you get too attached to your gear, the game play stagnates a bit. I say spend it all like money on some dumb and risky things, and then rinse off with a fresh dip in the coastal bean wars after death!
  5. Metiphis

    Don't listen to the casual gamers

    You're an example of the overly-entitled, manchildren that spoil this community. Thank you for being typical and generic.
  6. Metiphis

    Vehicles gone?

    Vehicles out again? I know after this patch all choppers and cars that people had went away. None spotted since then...
  7. We all know that the infection originated at the Feline Leukemia research center.
  8. Metiphis

    mod: close thread ty

    Legion is making Atlanta 4 into a Hardcore server for those that prefer it.
  9. Yes, those are two completely related photographs that were in no way separate, unrelated incidents...
  10. Metiphis

    [Legion] Sorting this all out

    Never heard any sound clips being played, our main hub of activity was Dallas 3 that day, if that member was in 4 spamming sound clips he is a wang for not helping out our communal efforts. In any case, whenever a game or mod comes out of nowhere and catches on like wild fire, inevitably a clan will appear and its membership will swell at a dizzying pace. With that rapid influx of numbers a certain element of chaos is introduced. What falls to us now is to curtail the tide and bring things back down to an organized and manageable level. We are doing so. Please understand this time tested process and bear with us. Lastly, while some things said about us may be true, please do not blindly believe every little story told about us. Amongst the just victims are a sea of trolls, immature ragers and just plain goobers.
  11. Date/Time: May 8 2012/6:30 P.M. EST What happened: Died instantly upon sitting in downed chopper gunner position. Where you were: Undisclosed location until some time has past and i will edit it in. What you were doing: Checking the chopper to see which systems were red. *Current installed version: 1.5.6. yet to update appended items file. *Server(s) you were on: Atlanta 1 *Your system specs: Lovely enough to run this game smoothly. *Timeline of events before/after error: Running to certain town across field. Had shift-click map waypoint that I was following. Happened upon vehicle. Attempted to sit in pilot seat, entered gunner position instead. Died instantly.
  12. Metiphis

    [Legion] Kicking for killing

    Personally I get shot by fools all day long with crazy loots on me and nothing ill ever happens to my killers. Just ask them, 9 out of 10 bandits recommend 9Lives brand PKs.
  13. Metiphis

    [Legion] Kicking for killing

    Here's the reality. Legion just put up a state of the art new server box and opened up an ass load of new servers for you guys to play on for free. Free. Do any of you donate to the substantially expensive server costs? We have a variety of servers for you to play on, and most times the concentration of Legion members are on only one of those servers. If you feel like you are being treated unfairly, you may easily come into our team speak. Type if you have no mic, and chat it out.
  14. Not just your server, the person or persons has been hitting the Dallas servers as well. We have seen wall hacks, maps revealing all players, killing of the entire server population all at once and nuke spawns.
  15. It's real shame that selfish people are ruining the fun for others. Sure it's a good laugh for the person hacking, but if they actually had the personal character to step back and look at what they were doing, they would see how really sad and kind of embarrassing the way they are acting is. If any of them doing this are over 15 years of age, they have my pity.