The current bug that is happening for me since yesterday morning makes me unable to play the game (I haven't done anything special, so I don't know where this change comes from). What happens is basically that my whole screen goes to BLACK at night and WHITE at day. It happens when your FPS goes high, and it basically doesn't want to pass away in my case (thank god I have good computer ehh?) When I start recording with fraps, and it limits my FPS to 30, I can see everything, and play normally, but without fraps, I'm unable to even see ANYTHING, whole screen either goes black or white. I have also experienced blinking/flickering screen for some reason. I've got 1x Gefore GTX 670, 8gb ram, i5 3570k I tried: Reinstalling arma2 Reinstalling arma2 OA Reinstalling DayZ Reinstalling arma2oa beta patch Turning game on with different launchers Turning game on with different settings Turning on and off the vsync Changing HDR and other settings Copying arma2 OA from beta to game directory Deleting registry connected with arma2/arma2oa Updating drivers, even up to beta. I'm open for any suggestions from someone who thinks he might know how to fix it, I'm currently unable to experience the DayZ, so I'm pretty sad, would appreciate any help. I simply have no idea why this happens, I found some video with pretty similar bug, but my is much more annoying, I mean, I can't play the game at all. Explaination from the video's description written by the uploader: