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Posts posted by piraneous

  1. crashed it into a tree and bust the front right wheel off. had a look at the repair items and was disheartened when i didn't see the option to fix the front right tyre. hoping it might be because i didn't have one on me, (even though the patch notes say its ment to show up anyway) i hunted me down a replacement tyre and went back to the pickup. still no option to repair it.

    is it completely stuffed now? or is there hope for me yet...

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  2. Does anyone know exactly how the vehicles spawn?

    I'm using http://dayzdb.com/map#5.078.124 to try finding vehicles. so far every one that i've checked on the map is a dud.

    are vehicles spawned entirely at random? or are there x number of spawn points for a particular vehicle and it randomises between them?

    do they spawn when the server starts and remain there till it resets? or do they randomly spawn when a player moves into the area?

    anyone who's pulled the map appart and know its inner workings pls let me know.
