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Everything posted by XxMartinez18xX

  1. XxMartinez18xX

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Okay I know this will come in waves but the infection rate needs to be decrease either that or antibiotics need to be found more commonly or something because as of now If you get infected its like oh gotta kill my self and run to my body. At least have it where if you bandage regularly and eat and drink more periodically you get cured or the effects wear off or better yet make it were Mountain Dew cures you like sprite helps cure a cold and stuff with soup and stuff make it were antibiotics are not the only cure.
  2. XxMartinez18xX

    In combat with heroes and bandits.

    tehy should have it were it tells when it is self defense or not that would be beast
  3. I think something that will be really cool is weather such as snow and stuff but that will be pretty hard to do since its in real time so idk bout that idea. Also add close quarters combat like how it is in Metal Gear Solid that would be awesome like if u get ambushed n a enemy is next to u. u can grab him as a hostage like in a chokehold. then add rope to tie up ppl so if u sneak up on a group n one of them is a lone u can have like a ransom like "give me ur equipment or some thing like literally kidnapping tieing them up n stuff they r ideas so say something if u agree or disagree. It would be cool fo a map have like a huge city like new york n boston since they are huge and all full of buildings so there can be urban sniper warfare n add melee weapons like knifes or throwable knifes tomohawks n spears that would be nice . also workshops were u can make tools n stuff where u can get these supplies to make this so u wont need to find weapons u can make them urself but have like a con for ths like make it weaker. also have weapons downgrade. The biggest issue to me besides hackers is inventory systems plz fix that i lost a M4 because i had to drop it for something