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mclovingsfilms :D

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Everything posted by mclovingsfilms :D

  1. I had to make a new profile D: been awhile since I came here, is the mod less buggy? less childish player on there knees begging for there life or loot? After a crushing defeat me and my bandit friends lost all there sniper rifles and other weapons we were murdered horribly by ak47's and zombies. Sp Any good bandit groups I could group with? well I don't know if i'm a bandit.. I just kill heavily gear'd people and give things I don't need to newly spawn characters and bolt. :3
  2. mclovingsfilms :D

    I'm back! whats new and whats old?

    is it just me or i can't open my back pack. edit; Derp, wrong key :/
  3. mclovingsfilms :D

    Why you kill unarmed players

    I'm a bandit, Its fun to give newly spawned characters something to help them and watch them grow to a pistol to strong weapons. I always leave them alone and if we cross paths again that's when I decide either to leave him or kill him cause, you know they might want to kill you. Only kill for loot, I'm a "dick" cause the actual "dicks" kills for fun/sport giving bandits a bad name.
  4. mclovingsfilms :D

    I'm back! whats new and whats old?

    Awesome, killing will be much easier, though zombies are still gunna be a nuisance D: Thank you :)