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Everything posted by ZedsDeadBaby

  1. ZedsDeadBaby

    Enhancing Fall Damage: Leg Injuries & Treatments

    Oh, and: Injury Modifiers Stepping slowly off a drop or edge should be considered a "careful drop." In this case the player is assumed to land upright and to execute a "safe landing" tactic by bowing the knees and absorbing the energy of the fall with tendons and ligaments. This should severely reduce the odds of injury. Conversely, sprinting off a drop or walking off at an angle or backwards fall should be considered an "unsafe drop." The player is out of control, off balance and much less likely to execute a safe landing. Chances of injury should be greatly increased. Players carrying an excess of gear in their packs should have an increased chance of leg injury. Players with existing injuries have very high odds of making the injury more severe by falling again before the injury has fully healed. Players who have suffered multiple injuries throughout their lives should have an increased chance of injury due to weakened bones.
  2. ZedsDeadBaby


    No there's not. It makes no difference. You can "graphically show" things like this in comic books all you want. People do it all the time. There are no laws against it. This is basic First Amendment territory. What difference do you imagine that makes? Do you think you can sue someone just because their medium is "less accepted." That's not how the law works. It is not against the law to depict these things. Comic books, video games, graphic novels, actual novels, short stories, blog posts, internet art. You can't just sue someone because they do "something icky." That's not how lawsuits work. It's not a debate. It's just fact.
  3. I brought up your sig because it's a fucking embarrassing train wreck, dude.
  4. ZedsDeadBaby


    Well, I'm not. This is how lawsuits work. You can read up on them if you feel the need to brush up. You cannot just bring a lawsuit because something makes you angry. You must incur a loss or suffer damages, physically or financially, in order to have legal standing to be a plaintiff in a lawsuit. You could certainly "sue" by filing such a suit, but it would be immediately dismissed if you could not show sufficient evidence of what damages you suffered (and it's not enough to say you were "made angry" or something of the sort). There is no law against depicting violence against children in fiction. There are plenty of authors of books that would be sued into oblivion if such a thing were illegal. In The Road by Cormac McCarthy, a family is depicted cooking and eating a baby. I'm pretty sure if you could be sued for such a thing, he would have been.
  5. No, not really. The round would pass through the backpack and damage the stuff it hit, but "a lot of the items?" How? Is it in there zipping around back and forth for a minute before it comes out the other side?
  6. ZedsDeadBaby


    That doesn't make any sense. What is the basis for the lawsuit? You can't just sue someone for doing something that makes you uncomfortable dude. That's not how it works. A lawsuit must have grounds in order to be heard by a court of law. A law must be broken or someone must suffer damages either physically or financially. "That guy did something icky!" is not going to make it to court.
  7. ZedsDeadBaby

    The gun problem (and the solution)

    When did they say this? They said the M4 would be less common, but there's going to be dozens more guns and weapons added to the game. Said who? When? That would be complex to implement and it would definitely not work. The game would be a bloodbath for a month and then nobody would play anymore.
  8. ZedsDeadBaby


    A lawsuit about what? There are no laws against depicting children in video games. Certainly a ban in certain countries, but lawsuit is a bit silly to suggest.
  9. ZedsDeadBaby

    Nerf Knocking Out

    Okay. That's exactly how it works in the game, so we're fine.
  10. ZedsDeadBaby

    We need medic "cloathing" (red cross emblem)...

    Yes. No. Which is exactly why it shouldn't be artificially prevented by having goofy "earned" clothing. Okay. This isn't the mod. No, it's very obviously not in. That's not the plan. Your information is dated and inaccurate.
  11. Super original idea. It was a bad idea every other time it was posted. So we don't have to explain why, go read these: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/102332-sanity/http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/41084-loss-of-sanity/http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/23131-sanity-meter-re-envisioned-long-post/http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/102575-counter-bandit-measures-in-game-sanity/http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/136645-sanity-meter/http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/130461-sa-should-have-sanity/http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/165401-two-simple-kos-resolutions/http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/164880-a-suggestion-that-could-change-the-way-everyone-plays-dayz-and-add-more-realism/http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/163475-i-have-an-idea-for-helping-with-the-kos-problem-rocket-should-read/http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/162089-the-kos-conundrum-problemsolution/http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/162490-mental-constitution-socialsurvival-mechanic-for-immersion/http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/162496-sanity-punish-for-kos/http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/161417-my-ideassuggestions-on-kos-sanity-humanity-combat-loggers/http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/157599-sanity-system-instead-of-humanity-system/http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/36776-sanity-systemnew-animals-pets-and-more-intersting-hunting-mechanic/http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/25064-sanity-as-a-stat/http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/13811-sanity-turning-dayz-from-a-ffa-shooter-to-a-survival-game/http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/10297-the-sanity-system-a-more-balanced-approach-to-humanitypvp/http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/8630-encouraging-direct-communication-sanity-meter/http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/3635-rocket-humanity-sanity-issues/http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/155747-mental-health-modelling-and-potential-hacking-solution/http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/142235-mental-system-sa/http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/133956-players-should-develop-mental-illness/http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/117323-mental-health/http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/91464-suggestions-for-a-mental-health-system-in-dayz/http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/89759-hunamity-group-play-and-mental-illness/http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/23192-mental-health-system/http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/22500-dayz-needs-to-continue-to-have-freedom-but-fully-depict-a-persons-mental-state/http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/11719-mental-state-statistic/http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1unfyz/suggestion_sanity/http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/ulrx1/sanity_meter_idea/http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/vfg5e/sanity_anti_griefing_mechanic/http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1ghoa3/insanity/http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1gdmxh/shoot_on_sight_and_how_i_think_we_can_solve_it/http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1th6lm/possible_cure_to_kos_mentality_credit_to/http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1ua735/suggestion_a_sanity_level/http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1jxr2a/sa_penalty_for_killing_other_players/http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1vasbr/humanity_in_the_mod_kind_of_sucked_here_is_an/http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1udjsd/idea_would_like_to_see_some_creative_ways_to/http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1iab57/sa_humanity_revised/http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1var2g/suggestion_mental_health_and_you_to_end_kos_and/http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1rpy8r/solving_kos_with_mental_state/http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1o6djk/i_have_said_it_before_and_i_will_say_it_once_more/http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1tgtxs/psychological_effect_of_killing_someone/http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1t8aw1/an_idea_for_the_people_who_kill_on_sight/http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1i1vz0/sa_suggestion_low_humanity_effects/http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1t7p1o/suggestion_insanity_level/http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/vqd1d/adding_psychosis_cooperative_buffs_and_character/http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1thg9k/how_to_reduce_kos_combat_logging_hostage_ideas/
  12. ZedsDeadBaby

    How do you beat this? :(

    Ghosting is lame, but the fact is you played poorly. As soon as you saw the guy log you should have moved.
  13. ZedsDeadBaby

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    You can Google "DayZ bandit kill" and spend hours on Youtube watching people make 100% positive ID's and get successful kills. Over and over again. It doesn't take them hours. They see a bandit kill a new spawn or one of their friends, and they move in for a kill. The fact that you don't find this interesting just further serves to prove my point. You don't actually care that much. If it takes a few minutes of observation to decide if what you're doing is the right thing, you would rather not play at all. That's fine. You don't have to play. But there's no reason for the designers to dumb the game down because you're too lazy to observe a player for a few minutes to decide if they're good or bad. Holy shit you're shoveling it on thick. "Too carefully?" If you were playing carefully, you would have absolutely zero problem positively ID'ing bandits. Watch carefully from a distance until a player takes aggressive action against someone. It usually doesn't take long. Bandits are active and almost always looking for their next victim. If you're really playing "carefully" then shut up and watch. So watch and see who he shoots? Or, just move on. If you play "too carefully," you probably shouldn't be anywhere near Cherno in the first place, let alone sniffing around sniper hills. You hunt bandits around Cherno and you're telling me murders are "painfully infrequent?" Are we really being serious right now? So firefights in Elektro are "unimmersive" but magical sky wizards forcing people to wear (or not wear) certain clothes based on some goofy-ass contrived story you made up doesn't break your immersion at all? Totally immerses you in a realistic world when you can look at someone from 1km away and tell what kind of person they are by the color of armband they're wearing? So suck less at observing. Holy fuck. You let them get out of your sight. Your fault. Do better next time. Maybe I am. Maybe not. You won't know until we meet each other because I don't have to adhere to some stupid fucking dress code. You literally just got done telling me it makes the game "uninteresting" for you and it takes too long. Maybe you take the time now, but you're arguing for a change so you don't have to anymore. So that's where I got the idea. From you and the stuff you say. If you were willing to take the time, you wouldn't need the fucking armband. No, it fucking doesn't fit at all because in your stupid "story" nothing would stop me from cold ass murdering you and taking the arm band and putting it on. Which you say I'm "not allowed to do" for some sutpid magical ass reason.
  14. ZedsDeadBaby

    Bad community

  15. ZedsDeadBaby

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    No, I guess I was just confused because you said you were addressing the fear of the unknown, and then you turned around and just talked about the fear of being shot. Those are two completely different things. Nobody ever claimed that the armband would remove the fear of being shot or the fear of dying. The complaint is that it removes the fear of not knowing what sort of person someone is. The "fear" of a bad guy shooting you isn't really that scary. You know they're going to try to shoot you. That's what bad guys do. That's why they're called bad guys. Do you get "scared" playing Call of Duty when you're near the other team? No. You don't. Because you know what they are going to do. There's no mystery at all. The heightened emotion that comes from the uncertainty which exists when you don't know how someone is going to react to your presence is a much more palpable fear than just seeing a bad guy and hoping he doesn't pop you a good one. That's what we don't want to lose, and that's what the armband system completely destroys. Yes. It's great that you can already do that without this stupid system. And why should you have that? That's the whole reason the decision of whether or not to kill someone is an emotionally interesting one. Are you making the right choice? Are you maybe killing a good guy? Wouldn't you feel guilty if you did? That makes you hesitate. Maybe you should wait and try to talk to him instead. What if he's friendly? Maybe he'll be a new companion. Maybe you should try to reach out... Or, maybe not? Maybe you're too scared and you want to shoot regardless because the risk of you dying is not worth the possibility that he might be a friend. Are you comfortable with that choice? Can you live with yourself if that's how you play? What does it make you feel? This is the entire human drama that makes DayZ so great. Not knowing makes you unsure, and uncertainty makes you question your decisions and that makes for drama. With an armband, all of this drama and uncertainty and decision making and questioning of motives goes away and the game becomes "Look! Bad guys! Let's get 'em boys!" Which is why for most of us this idea is a great big "Eww, no thanks." It waters the game down to exactly the sort of thing you claim it should not be - a deathmatch of one team vs. another. If you "REALLY, REALLY" didn't want to kill good people, then you wouldn't act like it's such a ridiculous burden to watch people and figure out if they're good or not. If it's so fucking important to you, then invest a few minutes into figuring out if your killing a good guy or not. If you're not willing to spend the time, then maybe you don't care as much as you say you do? You want the game designers to come and do all your work for you so you know you're making the right decision with zero actual effort on your own part apart from pulling the trigger. Basically, your argument is that you "REALLY, REALLY" want to be a good guy, but you're just too fucking lazy to actually do it. Right. But magically deciding what people must or must not wear based on their actions is totally realistic, right? Seriously, dude? You're playing the realism card while defending a system of magical wizard-enforced clothing options? And of course by "make sense" you mean make it possible for you to more easily avoid it by making people who do it look different. Which... makes sense. And "improves immersion." For some fucking reason. Because you said so? If you want to embrace KoS, then do it. Quit trying to call in the clothing wizards.
  16. Holy hot shitsnacks, you helped Bambis accomplish something they can accomplish on their own just be opening a door. You're literally like Jesus. What would they have done without you? They might have had to figure out how to operate their own mousewheels in order to open a door or two. I can't even imagine the hardship they would have gone through if you hadn't been there to rescue them! How does it feel to do so much good for people in such bad situations? I mean, I remember the first time I had to open a door. I struggled with my mousewheel for 40 minutes. Left, right, I pressed down. I even tried to pull up on it. It wasn't until I Googled what a "wheel" Was that I had the idea to roll it around its axis and then I had to go through a whole other learning process to figure out how to "click" it. Did you guys know mouse wheels click as well as roll? I didn't and I nearly lost my finger figuring it out. Anyway, by the end of it all, I had lost my index finger (on my left hand! what gives?), I had frostbite on my toes, I was malnourished (in real life, the irony!) and my beard had grown longer than I like to let it get. I would shave, but the book I ordered from Amazon about how to operate a safety razor hasn't arrived yet, so for now I'm just going to sit here with my shaggy beard and rumbling stomach and pray some good soul like you comes along and offers to groom my facial hair for me. Seriously, though. It's fine if you want to hang around on the coast playing grab-ass with beachsprouts, but don't act like you're a fucking saint. Jesus tap dancing Christ, dude. Are you fucking serious with that signature? What a mess. That would barely be respectable as a post, and it's your signature?
  17. ZedsDeadBaby

    Where is going Dayz ?

    ...by, umm. Well. By not being in Alpha anymore? Is that the answer?
  18. ZedsDeadBaby

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    ...he says, five hours after the last post was made. Sorry, but what? This entire paragraph is nonsense. This situation is already possible without armbands. I can run to the NEAF, see two guys and have exactly the same intense encounter. The only difference is, with the armbands, I have a bunch of information about these guys that I shouldn't have in order to influence my decision of how to respond to the situation (which, you absolutely know means that you're either going to avoid these guys or shoot them). None of you so-called Heroes are going to bump up to two guys wearing these stupid armbands to say "Hello!" That's stupid even without the extra information the armbands give you. With them, it would be downright idiotic. So, no, the armband doesn't shift the fear of the unknown "elsewhere." It takes it away. You want to see these guys and know whether or not they're good. Fearing whether or not they're going to shoot your face is not nearly the same thing is not knowing whether they're friendly or not. Yes, people understand that. What's your point? Are we not allowed to do that?
  19. ZedsDeadBaby

    Fresh fruit is nonsense

    Survivors, like you, pick it. Then they put it on a shelf. Then they go die. How is it possible there's anything to loot? If you want to get all pants-twistingly realistic with loot, then we're going to be left with literally nothing at all anywhere. It would all be gone by now but boards and rusty nails.
  20. Because some "pointless shit" can be implemented in a matter of minutes by people with less expertise in particular areas. The more important stuff can take weeks or months and can only be done by people with very specific skills.
  21. ZedsDeadBaby

    Will there be consequences for your actions?

    More bandits "playing on easy mode." If only there was a humanity system! Except the guy in this video knew these people were bandits by observing their behavior. He didn't need to see them wearing a goofy hat (or even a special armband). He knew they were bandits because, shocker, he saw them doing bandit-like things.
  22. ZedsDeadBaby

    Will there be consequences for your actions?

    Which is basically the single most effective survival tool in the entire game, and always will be. Here's a group of like 5 Bandits suffering "no consequences" for their actions. My advice is to spend a little bit less time complaining and a little bit more time being a badass like the dude in this clip. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZzX2K3I1Hc
  23. ZedsDeadBaby

    Will there be consequences for your actions?

    I'm genuinely impressed with how effectively you manage to find a different excuse every day to complain about KoS and then whore out "your" humanity system (which is basically just the bandit skin from the mod with an armband instead of a hat, but you can keep taking credit for the brilliant idea if you want). If you put half as much effort into improving your behavior and tactics in game as you do into moaning about KoS on the forums, you wouldn't have to worry about bandits at all. OP: There are already consequences for your actions. If you engage in violent behavior, violence is very often visited upon you in return. You can Google "dayz bandit kill" and spend quite a number of hours on Youtube watching this play out in various ways.
  24. There was a brief period back in the days of the mod where Dean put up a few leader boards. They were partially functional, periodically unavailable, and eventually overcome by hackers and taken down. While ill-fated in execution, I think the concept was a good one. Give players a record of survivors against which to compare their own survival abilities and accomplishments. I think it's a step toward making the game feel like a larger community rather than isolated and temporary pockets of 40 anonymous people. Unlike the mod leader boards which tracked all survivors, I think that Standalone boards should be limited to dead survivors. I don't think any of these stats should be visible or published while someone is still alive and in game. It begins to feel too much like a "score" at that point, and I don't think that feels right for DayZ. If, however, when you die you are presented with the option to "Save & Publish" your survivor's stats, I feel like the leader boards become more of a history of survivors passed. A collection of "Survivor Stories" that you can imagine being passed around by word-of-mouth, journal entries, graffiti tags or notes scrawled on paper. A sense builds of legends being passed on from one generation of survivors to the next - of great heroes, infamous killers or renowned explorers who have made their mark on Chernarus. This feels more authentic to me and more appropriate for DayZ. In order to keep leader boards from being overly influential on what people choose to do in the game, a huge variety should be included covering many aspects of the game and ensuring that, practically irrespective of your play style, there's at least one leader board upon which your character might be ranked at the end of your life. Some examples of leader boards might be (some assume future functionality): Trailblazer [Total Distance Traveled on Foot] Wheelman [Total Distance Traveled by Car/Truck/Motorcycle] Seaworthy [Total Distance Traveled by Boat] Paperboy [Total Distance Traveled by Bicycle] Test Driver [Total Unique Vehicles Entered] Field Medic [Total Bandages Applied to Wounds Not Your Own] Doctor [Total Blood Healed Not Your Own] Zombie Killer [Total Zombies Killed] Zombie Rifleman [Total Zombies Killed by Rifle] Zombie Shotgunner [Total Zombies Killed by Shotgun] Zombie Shooter [Total Zombies Killed by Pistol] Zombie Archer [Total Zombies Killed by Arrow/Bolt] Zombie Marksman [Total Zombies Killed by Headshot] Zombie Brawler [Total Zombies Killed by Melee] Glutton [Total Calories Consumed] Survivor [Hours Alive in Game] Wartorn [Total Damage Sustained] Kidnapper [Total Handcuffs Applied to Unique Survivors] Sadist [Total Force Feedings on Unique Survivors] Killer [Total Players Killed] Rifleman [Total Players Killed by Rifle] Shotgunner [Total Players Killed by Shotgun] Shooter [Total Players Killed by Pistol] Archer [Total Players Killed by Arrow/Bolt] Marksman [Total Players Killed by Headshot] Brawler [Total Players Killed by Melee] Celebrity [Total Unique Survivors Encountered] Sniper [Longest Range Confirmed Kill] Zombie Sniper [Longest Range Confirmed Zombie Kill] Demolition Man [Most Vehicles Destroyed] Hunter [Total Animals Killed] Chef [Total Calories Cooked/Prepared] Burglar [Total Residential Houses Visited] Bean King [Total Beans Eaten] Looter [Total Weight of All Items Picked Up] Comrade [Total Time Spent w/in 10m of Another Survivor In Game] Nightowl [Total Time Spent In Game After Sunset] Repairman [Total Vehicle Parts Attached] Hero Survivor [Longest Time in Game, No Player Kills] Hero Zombie Killer [Most Zombie Kills, No Player Kills] Hero Explorer [Longest Distance Traveled, No Player Kills] Hero Medic [Most Wounds Bandaged, No Player Kills] Hero Doctor [Most Blood Transfused, No Player Kills] Some care would need to be taken to avoid explotation in some of these - i.e., repeatedly shooting your friend over and over again in order to bandage his wounds or replace his blood. In most cases, this is solved simply by including "unique" in the evaluation, or by ignoring repeated usages on the same person in a short period of time. I think with some thought, the team could probably make a list twice this long by release, especially given all the new features they're sure to bring online. There's a reddit thread with a similar suggestion which includes an excellent screenshot. Credit to user jellypawn for this post which motivated me to write this up. :thumbsup:
  25. ZedsDeadBaby

    DEANS serverpolicy - PURE stupidity

    Yes, but not true of a cab for instance. Let's not take the analogy too far. The point is, money doesn't buy you the right to make the rules.