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Everything posted by ZedsDeadBaby

  1. ZedsDeadBaby

    Currency - what would it be?

    That's because surrounding those 3rd world countries are 1st and 2nd world countries where that currency has value. If the entire globe was a "3rd world country wrought with death" then currency would cease to have value.
  2. ZedsDeadBaby

    Blood from zombies

    That's just the story of the game. It's why we're "Survivors." Still, I don't buy a blood transfusion. Just because we're immune to the disease doesn't mean we're immune to the effects the disease might have on normal red blood cells. In other words, just because we can't contract the infection doesn't mean infected blood won't kill us.
  3. ZedsDeadBaby

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    DayZ has never had even 10% of the features it's supposed to have. The mod was a pre-alpha proof of concept, and now we're in early Alpha. Dean has said over, and over, and over, and over. PvP will balance itself as more features come online to give players something else to do in the game besides fight each other. That has never happened. So, yes, it is a good suggestion. Except inherent in the suggestion is "be patient" until more features have been implemented and the game is in mid-late Alpha or Beta. Then you can start talking about how common KoS is and have it be interpreted as anything but a useless, empty complaint about an unfinished game that you choose to play in its current state.
  4. ZedsDeadBaby

    Used to love Berezino...

    Zelenogorsk is the new Berezino. You're welcome.
  5. In the mod, there was a reservoir near the NE Airfield called Pobeda Dam. Not sure why it was removed for the Standalone, but this is basically what I had in mind. A large northern lake or reservoir feeding a series of one or two rivers which would flow south to the sea. I'm not familiar enough with ARMA and it's ilk to know if rivers have been supported in other maps or incarnations, so it's potentially an awful lot of development work (especially if we're talking about the difference between still water and flowing water) but I think it's a worthwhile idea to explore. It would add so much variety to the landscape and game features. That's what I figured, but I think even a "still water" river would be better than nothing. Personally I would be willing to suspend disbelief at the lack of flowing water for all of the other added benefits. Still waters for version 1.0 and maybe down the line version 2.0 with flowing rapids.
  6. ZedsDeadBaby

    Persistent blood from kills

    I love the idea of tracking blood trails after winging someone in a fight. Exactly the kind of authentic and gritty life-or-death scenario that belongs in DayZ. Upbeans.
  7. ZedsDeadBaby

    Player Identification and Classification System

    As Gangrene says above, you're the one in control of assigning the marks and what they mean. So you don't actually "know" anything unless you really know it. You could have a generic category for "saw this guy but have no idea if he's friendly or not," just to keep track of people you have run into; But, until you witness someone doing something evil or interact with them in a positive way, you won't really know which category to assign them. So, the tension should remain right where it's at when encountering new and unknown survivors.
  8. ZedsDeadBaby

    10 minute is not enough to loot dead bodies you put down

    I agree 10 minutes is short. Yes, often the person you've killed is nearby and you can just pop over and snag his bean sack, but that's not always the case - especially if you get into a squad and face off against another squad. If a fight is 5 vs. 5, then the time between when the first person dies and when the fight is actually over and looting can begin could easily be 30 or 45 minutes or more. Rather than a timer that gets applied to every single corpse as soon as it is created, the ideal solution is to implement a scale and apply timers only to the oldest corpses in existence. So, if the server can handle, say, 30 corpses without a performance hit, then there should be no timer up to 25 corpses (or so, obviously I'm estimating here). Once that 26th corpse hits the floor, a reasonable clean-up timer gets applied to the oldest existing corpse in the game in order to "clean up" and avoid performance hits. You could set an upper-bounds threshold, or "emergency clean-up" number to account for weird scenarios where a bunch of corpses are created all at once. So, say if the server hits 50 corpses then we go into panic mode and apply a short timer to a group of old corpses, maybe 10 at a time, in order to bring numbers back down to manageable levels. Further, timers should respect both how long the survivor was alive and what they have in their body. A naked beachsprout who just spawned 5 minutes ago shouldn't need a persistent corpse at all. Clean it up almost immediately. Surely this would help keep the numbers down to healthy levels, since a LOT of the corpses in the game are probably newer players. However, when a veteran with a full compliment of equipment and rations falls, the corpse should persist as long as possible (and I think my above suggestion accomplishes this).
  9. ZedsDeadBaby

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    Tons of awesome stuff, but I have to ask, with all respect, what happened to the "most important" changes to address combat logging and server hopping?
  10. ZedsDeadBaby

    Say Farewell to Item Wipes

    Yes, it is. Servers which are not yet white listed to access the hive will wipe your character when you join.
  11. ZedsDeadBaby

    Replace written status cues with verbal 'thoughts'

    It's not about pissing; it's about an empty bladder representing thirst. You need to differentiate between thirst and hunger because you can die of both separately. So if rumbling stomach is hunger, what's thirst? Dry, crackling mouth noises? Raspy breath? Then you've got groaning for pain, "Brrrrrrrrr" for being cold I assume, or rattling teeth? Labored breathing for being afraid. I guess some kind of gagging or wretching for sickness or poison? And all of this gets louder and more frequent as the conditions worsen? Yeah, sorry. No thank you. I'll pass on literally stumbling around like some kind of goddamn bodily function mariachi band popping off random noises left and right. I would sooner turn down the volume and listen to Justin Bieber's greatest hits while I play. That's not the point. Yes, a rumbling stomach is a real thing that does happen, but it has nothing to do with knowing whether or not I'm hungry. Sometimes it rumbles, sometimes it doesn't. The sensation of hunger is ever-present and I don't have to hear a noise to be reminded that I'm hungry. I just feel hungry. Okay, now you're just being ridiculous. You're telling me you have no way to tell if you're hungry until you hear your stomach make a noise? You never just feel hungry, independent of "cues?" If that's really true, see a doctor immediately because that's definitely not how real hunger is supposed to work. Using sound cues to determine what condition someone is in would make sense if I were observing another person and trying to figure out if they were hungry, but I'm supposed to be the player. I shouldn't have to hear sounds to know how I feel. That's not how feelings work "realistically." Feelings are feelings. I don't see how sound cues come any closer to reality than an icon, which is a visual representation of an emotion which we can all agree current game technology is incapable of representing in a truly realistic way. Oh, we absolutely agree on that. The text is far and away the worst possible solution and I have no idea what Dean was smoking to think it was an acceptable one. But, I just want to go back to icons rather than blorp-gurgle-brrrr-hrnnng'ing my way around Chernarus like some kind of drunk Oompa Loompa.
  12. ZedsDeadBaby

    Like to See Squad.xml Added

    I think Squad.xml should exist in a more limited fashion. It should allow players to design custom logo's, but that should only determine what's available to loot when you're online. You should still have to find the patches in game by looting military locations, dead milzombies, or crash sites. Unlooted patches are basically "generic," but once looted they acquire the look and feel of that player's squad.xml design (or one of a set of basic designs if the player has no squad.xml settings). Importantly, they acquire this design permanently once applied, so if the player is killed their enemy should be free to loot the patch and attempt to impersonate a member of their squad. Check out this thread for ideas on patches and additional squad identification items: Squad Identification
  13. ZedsDeadBaby

    Replace written status cues with verbal 'thoughts'

    What about when I'm slightly more hungry? Close to starving? Does my stomach rumble louder, or more often? What about thirst? Does my bladder rumble? Again, I can't imagine this being anything but extremely annoying and it doesn't mirror reality at all. I don't have to hear my stomach rumbling to know I'm hungry any more than I have to hear a fart to know I need to take a shit. I just know, because that's how human sensation works. Until they figure out a way to plug into our brains and pipe sensations or emotions directly into our cerebellum, on-screen icons are the best possible solution to these problems.
  14. ZedsDeadBaby

    Forum suggestion - rotten fruit

    Not really; there would be no actual effect on the post. This wouldn't determine whether a post rises or falls on the forum, or whether it appears in searches, and the developers would be under no obligation to pay attention to the votes. It would just be a running indicator of the community's general impression of an idea. Right now it's difficult to tell, because often the number of beans is more indicative of the age of the post rather than how people feel about the idea. If only 10% of people like an idea, it will still have 1,000 beans by the time it gets 10,000 views even though 9,000 people might think it's an awful suggestion. By comparison, a post that's liked by 90% of viewers but with only 1,000 views will currently appear to be less liked, even though it is vastly more popular. I think it's great. I almost posted the same thing yesterday - give us Downbeans or Rotten Kiwi! It's especially strange because the bug tracker, of all things, allows downvotes, but the forum does not! Crazy.
  15. ZedsDeadBaby

    Player Identification and Classification System

    Weekly Friday bump (17 JAN).
  16. ZedsDeadBaby

    Squad Identification

    Weekly Friday bump (17 JAN).
  17. ZedsDeadBaby

    Loot: Mysterious and Unpredictable

    Weekly Friday bump (17 JAN).
  18. ZedsDeadBaby

    Survivor Stories: Authentic Leader Boards

    I think it's a perfectly valid concern, but I honestly don't see it happening. At least not often enough to have a negative impact on the game. I think players will play the way the want, public boards or no. People who want to be friendly in the game generally take a lot of pride in what they do already. I don't see them turning around and becoming sadistic killers just to land on a leader board - especially when there are plenty for them to get on by playing their way. If there is some affect on players' behavior, I think it will swing both ways. Some friendly folk might decide to try to score on the killer boards, but I think some killers might see the variety of boards and decide on a new goal in the game besides just shooting everything with a heartbeat. If you feel strongly there's not enough motivation here for heroic play, how about these additional boards, specifically designed for people who manage to survive without taking a life? Hero Survivor [Longest Time in Game, No Player Kills]Hero Zombie Killer [Most Zombie Kills, No Player Kills]Hero Explorer [Longest Distance Traveled, No Player Kills]Hero Medic [Most Wounds Bandaged, No Player Kills]Hero Doctor [Most Blood Transfused, No Player Kills] I think you have to admit these would be hugely sought after. Look around these forums and reddit; I think it's clear that players able to make it on to these boards would be treated like legends and showered with accolades and admiration. I can imagine popular streamers going on "Hero marathons" in publicized attempts to score a spot on these boards and make a name for themselves in the annals of Chernarus.
  19. ZedsDeadBaby

    Reduce travelling time

    Each of these essentially accomplishes precisely the same thing, but requires a completely unique set of animations and poses. That's an absolute TON of art and animation work for absolutely zero gameplay benefit. I think mountain bikes will suffice.
  20. ZedsDeadBaby

    End Spawn Suicide

    I am trying to understand why you're being so hostile and antagonistic, and I'm not coming up with anything at all. Is it possible for you to disagree with someone without resorting to personal attacks and completely unnecessary insults? Believe it or not, not everyone who has different opinions than you is a brain-dead idiot. I would really appreciate it if you could try hard to just discuss your ideas like an adult, and not inject more of your pointless vitriol into this thread. With spawn points clustered the way they are now, you are at most 4000m from any other spawn point, which takes ~10 minutes to run. So, I disagree that players would take this route. It would not save them any time over simply running to where they want to be. In fact, it would probably take longer. Besides, Dean has announced that server-swapping will be addressed in the next patch (see here). Players are not going to be allowed to quickly change servers anymore, so staying on a server and running to where you want to be will be vastly superior to hunting around on other servers for a murderer. I feel like we have discussed this. There are no longer any spawn points in Elektro, Cherno or Balota (and there never have been any in Stary Sobor). There's a spawn point in Novy Sobor, but you get it maybe 1 out of every ~20 spawns. You would absolutely get there faster just by running. You've said that, mate. You don't have to keep saying it. Also, you might want to switch over to using "IMO" instead of "IMHO" because you do not deliver your opinion in a manner that any reasonable person would describe as "humble." I'm not sure if this is a serious suggestion; I don't understand why you keep proposing it. If the map had a single spawn point, it would be constantly watched by a dozen snipers and assault riflers on every server. New spawns wouldn't get 5m without being gunned down. I genuinely hope this doesn't happen. I think choosing spawn points puts too much power in the hands of new players or the recently deceased. Part of being a fresh spawn should be accepting your fate and dealing with it. Personally, I don't think you should have any control over where you end up on the coast.
  21. ZedsDeadBaby

    End Spawn Suicide

    I mean, okay? That seems weird. If you're already near someone who you can talk to, why not just join up and play with that person? And if it's stranger and you do convince them to kill you, okay. Great. That's a one time respawn and not necessarily an improvement on your previous position. Definitely not a "TOTAL" nullification by any means. You're probably going to spend at least as much time politely requesting someone murder you as you would simply running to the areas you want to be. Okay, sorry. Yeah. I can't imagine longer straws at which you might grasp. Do you have real objections to this suggestion, or just fantasy land stuff like this?
  22. ZedsDeadBaby

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    I absolutely adore the image of an entire clan of so-called "Heroes" who just so desperately wanted to be good, but had to give it up because it was a little tiny bit difficult. Like "Gee, we sure did want to feed that poor old lady, but her apartment was all the way on the other side of town and gas is expensive. So we let that old bitch starve." Some heroes. Truly men of myth and legend. Doubtless songs and poems will be written in your honor.
  23. ZedsDeadBaby

    End Spawn Suicide

    Can you list one or two of them instead of just saying that?