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Everything posted by ZedsDeadBaby

  1. ZedsDeadBaby

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Yeah, pretty much exactly that bud. This is the end of the world and we're struggling to survive infected hordes and sadistic murderers in a harsh and unforgiving wasteland, so if you and your band of witless idiots thinks it's "funny" to put on a bunch of scary clown masks and dance around in the woods like it's all a big goofy joke, then, yes, a bullet to each of your heads is a well-deserved reward. Perhaps a motivation to take survival a little more seriously next time around. Hang around as along as you want. The more time you spend here the more people will show up to tell you how inappropriate your idea is. Maybe after another 17 pages you will get the message.
  2. ZedsDeadBaby

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    I believe the implication is that heroes ought not to run around wearing crazy clown masks if they expect people to think they're heroes. Seems like a tiny bit of common sense. That's a good question, 1S1K-Airborne. Why don't you do that? The only reasonable answer is that it takes time and effort which you are unwilling to commit. Sounds like you should start shopping around for another game rather than hanging out on these forums necro-bumping dead threads just to sling a few more insults around.
  3. ZedsDeadBaby

    Patch this turd or revert to before patch.

    No, we are. That's the whole point, jackanapes. Lock it and ban him for a week imo.
  4. ZedsDeadBaby

    DayZ Spawn Points - Mass Suicide

    You're not supposed to figure them out on your first play. You're supposed to die alone and hungry and scared the first time you play. And the second. And about a dozen more times after that. You can get geared in 15 minutes at Elektro if you manage to find a geared dead body and if you manage not to get killed in the process. Neither of those are guarantees. Yes, occasionally things work out in your favor and you walk away uninjured with a nice pack full of loot, but that's the exception, not the rule. Over time, across multiple spawns, when you add up 15 minutes times all the times you run into Elektro and find nothing but a bullet to the back of the head, you will quickly find that you're wasting way more time trying to get lucky in Elektro than you would just running inland. 3 hours is a ridiculous exaggeration. You can cover 50+ km in that amount of time. Eastern coast to Vybor military base is like 9km. You can run that in 30 minutes.
  5. I don't understand what the confusion is. Whatever your views on 1st/3rd perspective, you have to admit that 3rd is the easier game. Separate hives means people cannot play on "easy" to gear up and then move to Hardcore servers to "play for real." It's a simple, logical change. Please also keep in mind that this will not be the only difference between Regular and Hardcore servers. Perspective just happens to be the only difference that's currently implemented, but as new mechanics and features come online and are tuned, I'm certain more differences will be added between the two. Separating them now just lays the groundwork for future updates.
  6. ZedsDeadBaby

    Dayz banned arma 2

    I promise you that wasn't the motivation.
  7. ZedsDeadBaby

    what does the cleaning kit actually do?

    > testing purposes Given that I found a bug, I would say it was worth the mouse-click. Even if the cleaning kit caps out at Worn, it sure as hell should not damage a weapon.
  8. ZedsDeadBaby

    what does the cleaning kit actually do?

    For me, it made my Pristine M4A1 Worn. Thanks, cleaning kit! >:(
  9. ZedsDeadBaby

    DayZ Spawn Points - Mass Suicide

    Suicide can easily be stopped with the system I suggested. Suicide would no longer be useful and so people would stop doing it. As for KoS, of course it won't be stopped because nobody is trying to stop it. It's part of the game. If you don't want to be killed on sight then try to stay out of sight. Like, for starters, don't fucking march down the middle of the bleeding highway into the second largest city on the map 3 minutes after appearing on the beach with nothing but a flashlight and a battery, Sherlock.
  10. ZedsDeadBaby

    DayZ Spawn Points - Mass Suicide

    Isn't that a bit of a circular question? Getting closer to the good stuff is precisely why people commit suicide, so it's very clearly relevant. In any case, the current loot system is temporary. It's not always going to work this way. After the first time, you should have gone "Hmm." After the second time you might have had a good sit down and considered your options carefully. By the third time, you really should have realized that the problem has nothing to do with "dbags" or where they camp, but lies with you and your brain trust group of buddies thinking the second largest city on the map is a good place to meet-up. At any point did you consider meeting, oh, I don't know, literally anywhere else?
  11. ZedsDeadBaby

    DayZ Spawn Points - Mass Suicide

    Why? They're the ones who changed it from the old system on purpose. What's wrong with it, exactly? 5 minutes to Berezino, 15-20 to Chernogorsk or (better yet, if you're smart) a straight shot inland to Mogilevka, etc. Old spawn points west of Chernogorsk are no longer appropriate given the quality of loot available in Balota, Pavlovo, Zelonogorsk, Vybor, etc. West is the new North which makes East the new South. You spawn far from the "good stuff" for a reason.
  12. ZedsDeadBaby

    DayZ Spawn Points - Mass Suicide

    No. The solution is absolutely not to cater to players who would rather spend 20 minutes repeatedly suiciding in order to save themselves a 20 minute run. It's senseless effort to cater to a senseless group of players. Spawn points should not be "convenient." The solution is to make spawn suicide pointless by locking players to a single point until they're able to survive for at least an hour, or are killed by player-related activity. This way, suicide accomplishes nothing and players will quickly learn that the best way to get to where they want to be is to strap on their jogging shoes and run there, the way it should be.
  13. ZedsDeadBaby

    Well this is cute..........

    > "Love and enjoy very much" a harsh post apocalyptic survival MMO. > Afraid of the dark. Makes sense.
  14. It doesn't appear to be the Regular/Hardcore division at the moment; I tried both and had new spawns on each type of server; but, on other servers, I have a version of myself from about 6 days ago. Very odd.
  15. ZedsDeadBaby

    Let's make this game realistic

    In games, there's a difference between realism and things being "realistic." It's subtle, but it's there. I promise. "Realism" is absolutely something that DayZ aspires to, but it does not attempt to be completely realistic. Realism, in short, is the desire to model reality as nearly as possible while still remaining a playable game that can be programmed in a reasonable amount of time. I would write more but since you didn't actually address any particular issue, there's really nothing to respond to.
  16. You're so cute sometimes.
  17. I will respectfully wait for these clipping issues to be fixed before going full "Hardcore." Hope you won't judge me.
  18. ZedsDeadBaby

    Different characters for Hardcore/Regular servers??

    Given that private hives are, erm, private, complaining about population segmentation among private hives is kind of goofy. Every server is its own hive by definition, so regardless of hardcore, regular, official or mod it's going to be a unique set of characters. So really there's just one division, hardcore/regular. There will be plenty of both servers and plenty of players to go around, so I really don't think it's anything to fuss about.
  19. ZedsDeadBaby

    Growing number of banning servers/private servers.

    Just Google "DayZ standalone server hosting rules." Included: No private hives.No admin tools. (No revives, no reverts, nothing)No kicking.No banning.No passwording.No whitelisting.
  20. ZedsDeadBaby

    PvE and PvP Server

    I've seen you make this argument before; it didn't make any sense then, and it doesn't make any sense now. Can you please stop comparing people's desire for PvE servers to the struggle for civil rights for homosexuals? It's honestly kind of insulting.
  21. ZedsDeadBaby

    PvE and PvP Server

    Welcome to DayZ. I hope you will learn to appreciate the fear.
  22. ZedsDeadBaby

    Rocket doing Ask Me Anything on Reddit

    What would you have asked? There were a ton of great questions that he answered. Maybe take some more time to read through the "bullcrap" to find the stuff that interests you? Sure, there were a lot of goofy questions and personal stuff, but it's called ask me anything, not ask me about my job. If you were him, don't you think you would welcome the chance to talk about stuff besides DayZ for a bit?
  23. ZedsDeadBaby

    So Dayz made Drudge today

    You get out of it what you put in. If you don't invest yourself emotionally in the experience, then obviously you're not going to react emotionally to what happens in the game. It will get easier to "lose yourself" when there's more to do, though. I will say that. There was a day during the mod when my brother and I decided to load up our truck and travel across the map to relocate our home base from Zelenogorsk to the forests north of Berezino. We had it all planned out, and the truck was packed entirely full of weeks' worth of equipment, food, fuel, weapons, ammunition. An army's worth of stuff. We didn't get but 1500m when we stopped to fuel up and were ambushed by two guys with AK's. I was knocked out immediately, and the ensuing firefight was one of the most emotional experiences I've ever had in a video game. Watching my brother stand over me (through the grey and grainy unconsciousness filter) as he fired round after round at our assailants, downing one immediately and sending the other into cover all while shouting that he was going to save me was epic. The shots paused long enough for him to bandage me, and then I hopped up and joined the fight again, eventually pegging the remaining guy in the back of the head as he tried to move to more distant cover from the overturned car he was behind. We gave up on our cross-country trip that night, but my heart was pounding like never before in a video game and the fact that my own brother saved my life made it even more emotional. I gave him an extra big hug when I saw him that Thanksgiving.
  24. ZedsDeadBaby

    So Dayz made Drudge today

    If you read the article, it's actually not that critical. Actually seemed rather reasonable, and highlighted a lot of the crazy emotional situations that players have gotten themselves into. Of course the use of "murder simulator" is unnecessary and overly-dramatic, but the guy makes his money on clicks so you've got to give him a little leeway there.
  25. ZedsDeadBaby

    Do you agree with modding in SA?

    I realize this is a bit of a necropost, but rather than start a new thread I figured I would add to this discussion when I read an article today about Rust in which Garry Newman is quoted making a point very close to my own with respect to modding and how it can have a diluting or confusing effect on new players, and how it's important to balance your desire to give players freedom with the need to preserve the core vision or intent of the game's design. Rust is the latest Steam Early Access game to make loads of money "People have kind of started modding the servers already, but in a way...this is something we're focussing on. We kind of want to make the game we want to make right now, we don't want to give lots of people tools because we know that what they'll do is make people turn red if you kill someone and stuff like that. It kind of compromises it." "We don't mind what people do on the modded servers, but we don't want to confuse new players about what the game's about, in a way," he concluded.