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Everything posted by ZedsDeadBaby
Rocket Said its up to the players to do something about bandits
ZedsDeadBaby replied to ThePunisher (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Why is that funny? -
The one and only Anti-PVP/PvP Discussion thread! Whine/discuss here!
ZedsDeadBaby replied to Legacy (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Uhh, so then why would they want to hide this thread? It's 33 pages of lack-wit mouth-breathers like you getting put in your place left and right by people who actually appreciate what rocket has done and understand what DayZ is about. This thread got unstuck because it wasn't a 33 page discussion it was the same discussion every 3 pages 11 times over restarting every time some < 10 post turd gurgler like you showed up and made the same asinine anti-PvP arguments that had been made 3 pages prior. The conversation is over. You lost. -
Taking away even more access to our servers?
ZedsDeadBaby replied to Soujyo's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Yes. And I'm absolutely convinced that no hosting company will step in and take over offering hosting services to the many, many new servers that come online every single day. Because as we all know companies HATE new customers. Haha. This thread gets funnier by the page. Screw HFB and screw every entitled admin who signed up for a server because they wanted a private playground for themselves and their friends to lord power over others and make their own rules. DayZ will live on without you. I promise. -
In other words "we don't want to lose our stuff." Seriously try to make this about "testing." You want to play with your friends and you're afraid of hackers. Thanks for helping to "test."
Rocket Said its up to the players to do something about bandits
ZedsDeadBaby replied to ThePunisher (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Umm, no. Bandits as a percentage of the total population has been going down or holding steady for a long time. For example, since 14-JUL we have gained 88,319 new players and only 12,506 new bandits. Bandits account for less than 20% of the total population so people are generally not playing DayZ as "your standard FPS DeathMatch on a giant map." Ridiculous hoghwash. Everyone has the exact same tools and mechanics. -
Okay, you don't get what DayZ is about. Take my advice. Yes. That's totally a good reason to implement game mechanics. Because the forum is cluttered... I'm not being a smartass, dude. I'm genuinely telling you that your suggestion is not appropriate for DayZ and if you think it is you need to continue to do research about the game and rocket's plans. That's all. Do it or fucking don't.
Dude, you are a piece of work. The acrobatics you go through to justify your suggestions yet attempt not to seem like you are calling for nerfs and punishments for PvP is hilarious. Authentic reflection of the availability of weapons? Is that really what you want? Including every weapon in the game? Because there are far, far, far, far, too many of everything right now from the makarov straight on through to the M107 and everything in between. If authenticity is what you want you're going to be running around with a flashlight for a long, long time. Stop hiding behind bullshit excuses. You want the .50 cal gone because people use it to snipe in PvP. That's it. Justify it or stuff it. Well, I wasn't going to bring it up, but since you asked, no. He has no intention of balancing the game. Here's what he has to say about that:
Welcome to the forums. Please do some reading up on what DayZ is and what rocket's plans are regarding restrictions on PvP (including safe zones). This is not an appropriate suggestion.
Have you looked around at how many humvees are scattered around the map? Or how all major cities have temporarily military hospitals? The military was everywhere, scattered around Chernarus trying to get the infection under control. Evidence of this exists in the body piles that you can find near cities and especially near military locations like the Chernogorsk military hospital and Green Mountain military base. They were probably at the airports taking shipments of supplies and medicine. Using fire stations as temporary shelters. And guarding grocery stores from being looted. As the soldiers became infected, they dropped their weapons and equipment. Chopper pilots became infected and crashed their helicopters. (Notice how some have medical crates near them?) Not difficult to figure out why there are many weapons scattered around Chernarus in unusual places.
My solution to anti-social behavior in DayZ
ZedsDeadBaby replied to sPloOsH's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Your friend is smarter than you. -
The "it doesn't take skill" argument. The ultimate slippery slope. It doesn't take skill to go prone in a building and aim at the door with any weapon so lets remove them all from the game I guess? And also disallow going prone. Everyone has to stand now. In reality it has nothing to do with how much "skill" is involved and everything to do with the range. You're not mad because they aren't using skills, you're mad because you can't shoot back. Well, that's why sniper rifles were invented. And the trade-off is in the fact that you will be emasculated in closer-quarters combat. How can any single rifle be "varied"? That makes no sense. Unless you're talking about all of the sniper rifles? I think the M107 is the only other one you could categorize as "AS" and those two guns are actually quite varied. They handle differently and have different optics. They're as different as the M249/M240 or the M16 and M4A1. Again I don't see how "not being different enough from similar guns" would be a reason to remove it from the game? How is that sensible? As for balanced, if you don't think the long-ranged rifles are balanced you've honestly never used one. They are good for one application only. Once you are in medium/short range combat the amount of time required to acquire a sight picture and the fact that going prone nearly always obscures nearby targets with tall grass or intervening obstacles, you are a sitting duck for anyone with a decent medium-ranged rifle. Especially because you have a giant cannon sticking out of your back screaming "Hey! Over here! Shoot me!" And close quarters? Like inside buildings? They're practically useless. They also aggro entire towns' worth of zombies, so using them anywhere near a settlement is right out. So even though to be honest rocket doesn't give a flying fuck about "balanced," these rifles do have pro's and con's.
Consequences of player killing - a new direction!
ZedsDeadBaby replied to heretic (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
You are going to sit there with a straight face and claim that hearing foot steps and gunshots have "no in game consequences?" Are you telling me you don't change anything about your decisions or actions in game after hearing gunshots or footsteps nearby? Come on, man. Hearing gunshots means a lot of time spent scouting the area trying to find out where they came from. After hearing a gunshot I abandon whatever I'm doing and go into scout mode. You're pulling me out of my mission and giving me something to do for 20+ minutes before I'm comfortable going back to my normal routine. And footsteps? You don't do ANYTHING when you hear footsteps? These "distractions" would have massive in-game consequences. Maybe not for you, but honestly if you're not responding in some tangible way to the sound of gunshots or footsteps then you are a terrible DayZ player. ;) -
Consequences of player killing - a new direction!
ZedsDeadBaby replied to heretic (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Don't apologize. It's okay. I read your post. It's about punishing player killing. I don't care what kind of semantic hoops you want to try and jump through to say it's not. More killing = more chances for "effects" = people who behave in one particular way are faced with a variety of distractions that would make survival more difficult. That's a punishment. And you want to apply it for "player killing" which is PvP. So, yes. You want to punish PvP. Please just admit it and defend your idea or stop bumping the thread. Don't try and skirt the issue. Again, why not just include paranoid hallucinations in the game for everyone? We're all under all manner of horrible stress. If hallucinations are added, we should all get them. -
Build your own. Trust me. It is no longer difficult or mysterious. If you can read and plug things into other things, you can build a PC. I recommend going to NewEgg and looking for top selling items with high rating. NewEgg users are often hardware experts making large purchases for companies so the feedback they leave is abundant and incredibly helpful and accurate. I have been using the site to build PCs for years both for upgrades as well as 3 complete "fresh" builds and they have never let me down. You need: CPU GPU PSU RAM HDD DVD motherboard Can you salvage a case and monitor from another machine? That is always a money saver. If not they sell both of those as well.
Consequences of player killing - a new direction!
ZedsDeadBaby replied to heretic (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
He also said he would rather shut the game down than implement rules or punishments for styles of play, including PvP. Making people go insane is a punishment. So, yes, discussions are important but they should stay focused on suggestions that are realistic and take into consideration the things that rocket has said he will and will not be doing with the mod. This is not one of those suggestions. Insanity is an interesting idea, but arbitrarily applying it to people who kill other players or those who choose to play alone are both a means of punishing people for playing a particular way. So it's just not going to happen in this way. Period. End of discussion. Everyone in Chernarus is exposed every day to all manner of horrors. Zombies are people too, you know? You are literally slaughtering town after town. Wiping out entire populations. Spilling guts and splashing brains all day every fucking day. The models aren't there, but you can assume among the infected are women, children, eldery people, etc. And the corpses. You don't think about the corpses. They would be everywhere. Zombies would be piled halfway up the sides of buildings. Rotting. The stink would be in your clothes. And those who weren't done the courtesy of becoming infected. Partially eaten bodies. Entrails dangling from fences. Flayed flesh drying in the sun like curing leather. So yeah let's talk about insanity. Lets talk about how everyone in the fucking game would already be crazy. -
I see vehicles every day. Often multiple times per day. And I keep my AS50 in the back of my truck for such occasions. As it turns out, not everyone is you. As to the OP and supporters, this is argument is silly. You go down a slippery slope of "unrealistic" rifles until we're basically left with revolvers and shotguns because honestly those are probably the only guns in the game the average "civilian" could handle properly let alone maintain, fix jams, etc. Maybe the AKs. Appeals to realism are made because you don't have appeals to game play. The AS50 is content, it has applications, it is no more unrealistic or unbelievable than an M4A1 CCO or an M16A2 ACOG or an M203 or the M136 or the M107 or the M249 SAW or M240 or the PDW or Bizon SD or L85, etc., etc. ad nauseum. By the time you're done taking out every weapon that doesn't "fit" we will be throwing rocks and sticks at each other or attacking with insults and japes. Basically you're asking the developers to devote time to removing content from the game. You better come equipped with a good reason. And so far nobody has.
The Difference Between A Good Bandit and a Bad Bandit
ZedsDeadBaby replied to alienxxi's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Okay, well, this isn't your local drama club. The people who "make it interesting" are doing it for theater. So they can make a Youtube video and get a bunch of hits or likes or upvotes or whatever form of internet social acceptance they're after. Doing this kind of stuff - robbery, hold-ups, kidnapping, etc. - has no practical application in the game. Standing around poking and prodding someone who wants to kill you while making a ton of noise and staying in one place for awhile. It's dangerous and silly and no self-respecting player who is interested in actually surviving is going to do it on a regular basis. If I want your stuff I'm going to kill you and take it, not put on a show for you. This whole robbery myth is based on a handful of Youtube videos. It's not common practice for very good reason. Now, that's not to say I'm not open to discussing mechanics that might help make things like this common. But right now those mechanics don't exist so asking people to partake just for the sake of it is a bit much. -
The Difference Between A Good Bandit and a Bad Bandit
ZedsDeadBaby replied to alienxxi's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Congratulations! Now, just keep doing that and stop making ridiculous threads and you might move from the "bad" category into the "good" one. Or, don't. Instead, do what I'm sure you're going to do which is make some elaborate attempt to explain how it's possible for you after being shot to know whether the person who shot you did it for a "reason" or did it for "fun." I want to see the logical twists you get yourself into. I laugh every time I read it. People who are like "These bandits make the game fun but these other ones ruin the game," yet never has anyone managed to explain how the fuck you know the difference. Both shoot you in the face. You are dead. Respawn on the beach. The complaint is really "I wish I hadn't been killed. How can I complain about bandits without seeming to complain about bandits? Ooo! I know, I'll make up some bullshit about good bandits vs. bad bandits and see if that catches on." -
The Difference Between A Good Bandit and a Bad Bandit
ZedsDeadBaby replied to alienxxi's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Difference between a good survivor and a bad survivor: Bad survivor: Someone who attempts to arbitrarily categorize and judge the behaviors of others based on their own personal, subjective opinion on what behaviors are acceptable and which are not. Someone who fantasizes that they can somehow divine ex post facto the intentions of their killers and tell the difference between someone who has killed them "for a reason" and someone who does so purely for enjoyment when in reality there is absolutely no way to tell the difference in the game and they all look the same and the complaint is really just about dying with no regard for the intentions or behavior of the killer. Someone who veils complaints about PvP in general around a vague, wishy-washy complaint about "immersion" and "atmosphere" so that they can side-step the inevitable wave of flaming that comes from people who understand PvP's role in DayZ and how critical it is to the overall experience. Good survivor: Survives. -
Increase pvp difficulty so its actually takes skill.
ZedsDeadBaby replied to jupsto's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Umm, right. Okay. So just to be clear you think the "real power gamer pkers" are going to deliberately play on servers where their position is constantly exposed to other players from over a km away and they appear on people's maps making them not only vulnerable but also undermining any attempt they make to play tactically and gain an advantage over people? And they're going to implement this brilliant maniacal plan in order to kill other players on those servers who are most certainly completely new and have absolutely no gear that the veteran player could possibly need and somehow this is supposed to allow them to farm gear more easily? If people want to farm gear, they do it at night on empty servers in Stary Sobor, the NWAF or at crashed helicopters. And they do it on hardcore servers so they can't be spotted and name-tagged/ranged from 2km away by some nubcake with his first M24 and a hard-on for target practice. So, yeah, "couldn't be more wrong" seems like a bit of a stretch. Again, if you don't like 3rd person and crosshairs, don't play on those servers. But don't try to invent some elaborate fiction in which the people who do choose to play on those servers are somehow gaining a tactical advantage over you when you're on a completely different server. That's pure, unadulterated silliness. -
Dogs and the game is done, eh? That's really what you believe? The game has no map (Chermarus is a temporary placeholder). It's not even on the engine it's going to use. What about underground bunkers, player fortifications, squad mechanics, communication/radios, humanity system? Honestly it's not even technically in Alpha yet if you want to be nit picky about it. If I had to label it, we're still in the concept & prototype phase. Pre-Alpha if you will. Beta. At least a year. Mark your calendar and bookmark this thread.
Orange Icon on map labelled "Man"
ZedsDeadBaby replied to TylerDurden (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Get off this server now and never return. I have no idea why any admin ever enables this. Waypoints I can forgive but map icons are so broken right now it's silly. I once stole someone's jeep because I opened my map and there was a mysterious blue rectangle 1000m behind me that I had apparently passed without realizing it. I went back, and sure enough there was a jeep tucked in between two trees. Eww. -
I really don't see that happening. A wipe, maybe. But Beta? Beta means the game is feature complete (as in, no more mechanics get added) and entering final testing, debugging and optimization mode. This game is at least a year away from Beta.
It was reduced by 20% in the latest patch.
ARMA 3 is a different engine. And if you don't understand the difference between a mod based on an engine and a stand-alone game using an engine then it's no wonder you have such a skewed perspective on the relationship between ARMA 2's bugs and DayZ.