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Everything posted by ZedsDeadBaby

  1. ZedsDeadBaby

    Character bound to server?

    In theory, it's a good idea. In practice, there's simply no way to reliably determine ahead of time whether the steward of your server is a reputable, professional and mature individual with the ability to provide and maintain a stable gaming experience, or a group of 14-year-old suburban jagoffs who pooled their lawn-mowing money together to rent a server which they will not maintain, will refuse to update, will shutdown every time one of them gets shot and which will go offline at the end of summer when they all go back to high school and forget about DayZ because all the girls in their class grew boobies.
  2. ZedsDeadBaby

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    There is a need to repeat myself when you choose to completely ignore the point I have made multiple times, fail or refuse to respond to it in any meaningful way, and continue to assert claims that you are "paying for" DayZ and should therefore have the right to do what you will with the mod. You literally just compared the necessity of adhering to the hosting rules to larceny. Larceny. And I'm not supposed to repeat myself? rocket grants you permission to host DayZ with the assumption that you will adhere to his rules, and you turn around and accuse him of thievery? And I'm not supposed to turn around and point out how asinine that is? I absolutely adore that you are suddenly trying to take the high road. Meanwhile in the 3 pages you have been in this discussion you have used the following words or phrases to describe your fellow DayZ players: asshat, pathetic spew and drivel, wannabe fanboys, suck holes, narrow minded, plebs, simpleton, a true slack ass, you are just a fucking asinine moron, fuckwit, another idiot, you have no validity, freeloaders, mentally challenged individual, child. Those are your words. In just a few short posts. So is this the sort of "respect" I'm supposed to learn how to show my fellow posters so I don't have my posting privileges removed by a moderator? Really? Yet, I'm "destroying the community" by appealing to reason and sensibility and asking you to address a very simple and basic flaw in your argument: that the money you pay for a server ought to confer you rights over DayZ. It actually hasn't been discussed. You've completely ignored it and made no attempt to respond to it other than to say "I'm not going to respond to it." Which is quite convenient for you, I'm sure, being that I can't imagine what possible response you could make at this point. You pay for the server. That gives you rights to the server. It does not give you rights to DayZ. That is an inarguable, indisputable fact. You cannot hope to respond to it so you tried to bury it under a wall of insults and when that failed fell back on righteous indignation. We all respect what server owners/renters do for the community. Nobody has said otherwise. But we also recognize that the ability to scrape together 50 bucks a month doesn't mean you're a trustworthy individual. There are plenty of server owners and admins out there who are incredibly unscrupulous and untrustworthy and are already going out of their way to circumvent the rules of the game in order to gain an advantage over other players and undermine the integrity of DayZ. You propose absolutely no compromise. How can we possibly hope to satisfy the reputable server owners without simultaneously giving the corrupt ones free reign to burn the mod down from the inside out?
  3. One time I stood in lava and my feet caught on fire. But I wasn't FRAPsing at the time.
  4. ZedsDeadBaby

    Waiting for character to create.

    Hey, zeke. Welcome to the forums.
  5. ZedsDeadBaby

    Clan locking server ..to farm gear ... ?

    I think he's making this post in an attempt to get rocket & co to do so. Although server general or cheat reporting would be a better place.
  6. ZedsDeadBaby

    hackers in new beta build....

    What does any of this have to do with the beta build? Is there something in the changelog that suggested this patch was going to do something to stop hacking?
  7. ZedsDeadBaby

    Bandits, Paranoids and Scumbags

    This is one of my favorite flavors of PvP punishment appeals. "Murder is awesome but only a very specific and arbitrarily chosen variety!" If they're not living long enough to require food and water, then they're not getting anywhere in the game that has big potential payoffs. If you have a lot of really good gear to lose to these people and you're hanging around close enough to the coast for them to get their hands on you, then it's your own fault and they deserve your gear. Except you did say something of it. You had to mention it. As if it matters. As if they're somehow lesser people because they take pride in besting other people at the game. Like that's not allowed? No, they're fucking not. YOU are the guys I want to punish. I want to take every person who has ever suggested a punishment for player vs. player on the forums and put a white flag on their backpack in the game. Then I want to hunt each and every one of you motherfuckers down, dip the tip of my M249 in a can of half-eaten beans, jam the end down your blubbering throat and pull the trigger so the last thing you taste before 30 rounds of LMG ammo burst out the back of your head is beans. Delicious, bloody beans.
  8. ZedsDeadBaby

    Would you guys love the Leaderboard back?

    Sure. I was just pointing out that your opinion was kind of wrong.
  9. Okay, you say that but then your OP basically says "since this wouldn't happen in real life I think it's wrong in the game." Which seems to imply that you're a bit confused as to what the difference is. So I clarified. Do I need to clarify further?
  10. ZedsDeadBaby

    Would you guys love the Leaderboard back?

    Surviving in Chernarus was one of the leaderboards... And, as it turns out, not everyone plays the game with the same goals and desires as you. And that's okay. Leaderboards were awesome but I'm willing to wait until they can fix them up a bit. They were seriously broken last time. I doubt they will bring them back before they find a more comprehensive means to deal with the hacking issue.
  11. ZedsDeadBaby

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    It's amazing how you were able to fit two different levels of being completely wrong into the same sentence. Helicopter crashes are best source of military equipment and they appear "randomly around the world" just like you said you wanted! Amazing. And even if the NWAF were the only source of military gear, you sure as fuck wouldn't be forced to go there. You could, you know, kill other people who have been there? Or just use the non-military gear, some of which is just as effective and powerful as the stuff you will find at the airfields? In summary, try to be less completely wrong.
  12. Newsflash: It's not actually the end of the world. It's a video game. If a crack opened up on the Earth and demons from hell started coming out, I probably wouldn't grab a sword and make my way down into the pit. But when I play Diablo, that's what I do. Because that's what Diablo is about. DayZ is about killing zombies and people. So I kill zombies and people. Short, sweet and simple. Debate over.
  13. ZedsDeadBaby

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    I just feel like the weapons are far more balanced than has been let on in the thread. If you're camping the barracks doors at the NWAF or the Stary Sobor tents then, yes, sniper rifles are king. That's one reason I haven't gone near the NWAF in 2 months and only stop by Stary if I'm in "fuck it" mode (which doesn't happen often). Outside of that, though, sniper rifles are incredibly situational. If someone gets the jump on me, especially if they are uphill and concealed by bushes, their AK or M4A1 is going to beat my DMR every day of the week. By the time I get eyes on target and try to bring up my scope, I'll have 3 holes in my chest. And even if I do get my scope up, it's going to be jiggling around from my recent running and the fact that I can't really go prone due to tall grass blocking my sight line, etc. There's a reason most snipers carry a second weapon - which is a huge sacrifice in bag space, etc. - because sniper rifles aren't really that good unless you know exactly where and when you're target is going to appear. I'm willing to entertain discussions of rarity and frequency. Though I think you must concede that item duplication exploits might account for your sense that sniper rifles are too common. But taking them out entirely just seems senseless. You're excising a major tactical element of the game for the benefit of saving a couple newbies' lives who would probably have died to a lee enfield just as quickly as they died to the M107.
  14. ZedsDeadBaby

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    Trying to type up a response to his ridiculous paragraph but I can only come up with one word: bullshit. Okay. Maybe a couple more words. Like "ridiculous bullshit." Less than 12 hours ago my team was ambushed while looting a helicopter. 3 clan members jumped and killed my friend while he looted the chopper. Thankfully we had an M107 and AS50 positioned nearby with sight picture on the chopper. We waited patiently and when the bandits emerged to loot we took out 2 instantly and the other we chased off. We acquired the bandits' loot and were also able to recover my friend's gear. Without the sniper rifles, we would have been helpless to do anything but run out into the open guns blazing and hope for the best. No preparation. No tactics. No planning. No patience. Just spray-and-pray Halo style. Fuck that, okay? Fuck that. So, please, take your "one use and one use only" bullshit and blow it out your ass.
  15. ZedsDeadBaby

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    All powerful? What the fuck? Even if I am covering him, the odds are good that any prepared ambush is going to go off before I can do anything to stop it with my sniper rifle. Chances are good that I will be watching his corpse and waiting for his return, upwards of an hour spent motionless in the bushes. That's "all powerful" to you? You seem to have a very skewed perspective on both the effectiveness of sniper rifles and their applications in the game. I would rather use my wits to safeguard an area from afar. Close proximity requires more wits? Your wits are better than my wits? Effective sniping requires extreme amounts of patience, preparation and perserverence. You have to evaluate the terrain in an area to safely find a spot that gives you a sight picture without exposing you to fire. You have to plan escape routes. You have to know which direction likely attackers are going to come from and plan to respond. Most of all, you have to be vigilant, ever-aware, always scanning nearby hilltops and treelines for the slightest motion. And when the fighting starts you have to track down targets from hundreds of meters away. Trying to spot a small puff of smoke or muzzle flash from the treeline that could be half-a-mile's distance. Again, this notion you have that snipers just "go sit on a hill" is hogwash. It has no basis in reality. That's also not really happening that often. Unless you're trying to spam loot the airfields, in which case I have zero fucking sympathy for you, then you're not getting sniped that often. Not unless you're being incredibly careless and standing motionless in open fields or on tops of buildings. I have played 600+ hours of this game and travel with 5 companions and we have lost two survivors to snipers. Total. In our entire time in the game. People camp the airfields and occasionally Cherno/Elektro. Stay away from those places, travel with disrection and remain unseen. You will not meet snipers. If you do meet a sniper, use the available optics in the game to counter-snipe and your problem will go away quickly.
  16. ZedsDeadBaby

    Why I've Stopped Playing DayZ

    It's not hard, but you have to cheat to succeed? Wut?
  17. ZedsDeadBaby


    I'm literally tempted to start a series of Youtube videos that are just 60-minute-long movies where I stand motionless on the beach on full servers, just so I have something to link to in every thread where the idea that people are being slaughtered en masse on the beaches by snipers or bandits or whatever the current myth is. I have played this game for hundreds of hours. I've probably respawned 500+ times. The only time I ever died on the beach was when other survivors had Makarovs. Since starting weapons were removed I've never died on the beach after spawning. Not once.
  18. ZedsDeadBaby

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    ALL of your buddies have those things? Really? Then you're either duping or you don't very many buddies. My group of 6 have been looting for weeks. Everyone has hundreds of hours in-game. We have found 3 pairs of NVGs total, and lost one last night in a firefight. This thread is a directionless mess. What problem are you trying to solve, exactly? And how do you propose I play tactically and cover my friends while they loot highly dangerous, exposed areas? There's a reason chopper crashes are in the middle of fields and not in forests, you know that right? To make them hard to loot safely? Now I can use my DMR or AS50 and stay in the treeline to cover my brother while he loots. In your world we would both have to run up there like a couple of idiots and get killed by one nubcake with a lee enfield crouching in the bushes. Fuck that and fuck this thread. Sorry to be harsh but it's a terrible suggestion with no rational backing that would undermine critical tactical elements of the game. And this game will never, ever have AI "guards," ever. So lets not go down that road okay?
  19. ZedsDeadBaby

    At this stage, DayZ is not playable.

    Your suggestion is the game design equivalent of burning down your house because it is infested with cockroaches. You propose a completely fundamental change to the entire vision and philosophy of the game because it is currently being plagued (though not nearly to the degree that you intimate) by an extreme nuisance. I concede that hackers are an issue. I have every confidence that a stand-alone DayZ product will make fundamental, engine-level changes that will prevent nearly every instance of hacking that is occurring currently. Almost all of the hacking in the game is not hacking. It's just executing scripts that are permitted as per the engine in order to make mods like DayZ possible. All rocket has to do is shut off the client's ability to do this and the door will be locked on the vast majority of hackers. Will some still slip through? Of course. Just like they do in every game in existence and just like they would still if every server in the game were private. But the problem can be contained, and easily so. There is no need to burn the house down. Lets just stay in a hotel for the weekend and let the exterminators do their work. Which is to say have patience and confidence that the issue will be resolved. I understand it's incidental and subjective, but in 600+ hours in-game across 100's of servers I have never been killed or seen a server killed by a hacker. I was attacked once by a guy in an Apache but I successfully logged off. I've had two friends meet hackers, once each - and they have both also played 200+ hours. I do not mean to understate the extent or severity of the problem, but you should meet me halfway on your "every server, all the time" kind of hyperboles. I would appreciate it if you would go fuck yourself.
  20. ZedsDeadBaby

    Make ammo scarce. Make DayZ HARD.

    Sounds pretty boring. What's my main mode of play, then? Walk around begging? What motivation would anyone have to help me if I have no ammo to contribute to the cause? And when we find more ammo, why would they let me have it and not just murder me and take it? This whole "make stuff scarce so people will be friendly" idea just doesn't pan out in reality. And what about melee? If I run out of rounds I'll just axe you in the back of the head when you turn around. At the end of the day you want exactly the opposite of what rocket wants DayZ to be, so I would probably just find a new game.
  21. ZedsDeadBaby

    Make ammo scarce. Make DayZ HARD.

    If ammo is scarce I am not going to team up with you. I'm going to fucking kill you for your ammo. It might not fit in my gun, but I have 6 friends and one of them will use it.
  22. ZedsDeadBaby

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Nooooooooo! You weren't supposed to announce it, remember?!
  23. No, it didn't. Stop fucking making these posts. Every time you post in these forums you spout this bullshit. From Day 1 people were shooting each other's face off. There were just less people so less faces got shot. There was never a time in DayZ when trust was universal or even necessarily more common than it is today. I have about a 15-20% success rate using direct comm to make friendly contact with people in the game. That's how it was when I started playing these long months ago, that's about where it's at today. With a persistent character? With an open-world sandbox environment? With realistic military equipment and weapons? With zombies? I want all of those things AND to shoot people occasionally. Can you suggest a better game than DayZ? 16% of deaths from PvP. Not a deathmatch mod and you've clearly never played diablo. I interact with players every time I play. Every. Time. Why don't you? What game are you even playing? Wow. Every one of your bullet points gets MORE full of shit than the last. Literally 24 hours ago I was in Skype with a group (supposedly friendly "no matter what") that had been infiltrated. We were betrayed and lost 2 vehicles and 5 lives in the process. I get the feeling you don't even really play the game anymore peretsain. You just show up in the forums once in awhile and make an asinine post and then go back to whatever othre game you're playing. Because it's not DayZ. Or you're making no attempt to actually accomplish the things in the game that you seem to find interesting or valuable. You get out of DayZ what you put in. Stop expecting the game to do your work for you.
  24. ZedsDeadBaby

    Delete the super/overpowered weapons please

    Welcome to DayZ! Please take your slingshot and bag of small pebbles. Remember to play nice! Holy shit, OP. Grow a fucking pair. Ovaries or testicles. Whichever is appropriate. Just grow them.