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Everything posted by ZedsDeadBaby

  1. ZedsDeadBaby

    Dayz Current State is Game Over

    If you have "hours" worth of gear to empty, then you've been cheating for a very long time for no other reason than to cheat. That's your own fucking fault. They have acknowledged the issue with duping. They have said they are working on it. You're not doing anyone any favors by exploiting the issue en masse or talking about it as if it's not common knowledge. See the post at the top of the fourms that says search before posting? Try searching. You might be shocked to learn you're not the first genius to figure out that this is an issue.
  2. ZedsDeadBaby

    Minor Complaint about PVP

    Says who? Where did you read this? who said this? Why? Where? Tell me. Post a link.
  3. ZedsDeadBaby

    Dayz Current State is Game Over

    Bringing up "issues" that are directly a result of the game being Alpha is not productive during Alpha. Alpha is not the stage of development in which bug fixing takes place. Alpha is for testing new features and mechanics. Sometimes unfinished. Sometimes not working. Sometimes broken. Often, in fact. So bringing it up over and over again that the game has bugs and is unfinished is not helpful. Report bugs you find in the bug report forums. But acting like rocket is somehow failing because he's not fixing all of the bugs during Alpha is to not understand the point of Alpha. People agree it s a problem. But, most people understand it is part of playing an Alpha. You do not. You should. Try to understand.
  4. ZedsDeadBaby

    Dayz Current State is Game Over

    Drop gear on the ground. It will de-spawn.
  5. ZedsDeadBaby

    Dayz Current State is Game Over

    Crushed tents will return. It's irrelevant. Alpha, man. Alpha. I think I'm at ~700 hours. Not bored. Just lost a 20 day survivor with 500+ zombie kills to a bug tonight. Did I care? No. Alpha.
  6. ZedsDeadBaby

    Dayz Current State is Game Over

    You don't seem to understand what Alpha means or what the point of an Alpha test is. I suggest Google.
  7. ZedsDeadBaby

    Ultimate tent loot.

    Whining about it marks you as a huge fucking whiner in my book.
  8. ZedsDeadBaby

    100% of people I've engaged D/C

    60% of the time it works every time.
  9. ZedsDeadBaby

    Possible answer to player killing balance.

    There is no mistaking that when someone starts their post with an incredibly inaccurate generalization I don't bother reading the rest of the text because I can guarantee is some unnecessarily asinine solution to a problem that doesn't fucking exist.
  10. ZedsDeadBaby

    The direction dayZ is being developed in.

    Say whatever the fuck you want, Francis. Alpha is precisely the phase in which new features and mechanics are tested in unfinished states. Bug fixing is not the point of an Alpha. Someone already explained it to you in this thread, yet you still make this post: fail.
  11. ZedsDeadBaby

    Official word on simply dropping dead?

    ...holy fuck dude. Yes. I just told you how you can go test it yourself.
  12. ZedsDeadBaby

    Official word on simply dropping dead?

    You have confirmation in this thread. Sound travels realistically in DayZ as do bullets. Sound travels at 340 m/s roughly. Bullets generally travel at least twice that speed. So, yes, it's is "officially" possible for a bullet to reach you and kill you long before the sound does. You can test this in the game yourself. Just have a friend stand about 500m away and shoot at his feet with a lee enfield. Your friend will experience bullet impact before hearing your gun.
  13. ZedsDeadBaby

    Safe Zone Idea

    I think they should make a zone specifically for people who ask for safe zones. It's just a giant room separated into two halves by a single wall which has holes cut in it at regular intervals. On one half the of the room we keep all the people who have ever asked for a safe zone. And they have to take off their pants and push their dick & balls through one of the holes. And on the other side, zombies. Hundreds of hungry zombies. Zombie glory holes. That's what I'm talking about.
  14. ZedsDeadBaby

    Official word on simply dropping dead?

    Post a video of you dropping dead in a place where you could not possibly have been shot by another player and I think you're more likely to get a response. Otherwise, what do you want them to comment on?
  15. ZedsDeadBaby

    Official word on simply dropping dead?

    Were there... windows in this building?
  16. ZedsDeadBaby

    DayZ Standalone confirmed??

    What? Why? I don't understand this statement at all. If rocket leaves the ARMA engine why would BI care to support him in anything he does? If anything they would probably be pretty pissed that he built his empire on the back of their engine and then left them behind... I don't think anything in DayZ can be "saved" if they leave the ARMA engine. Possibly the motion-capture work rocket did, but otherwise he loses everything I think. It's all written in proprietary script language that only the ARMA engine understands. There is no real "code" to DayZ, only ARMA scripts. If they broke away, they are starting over... I'm not suggesting it will be released as a mod. That defeats the entire purpose of being stand-alone... I'm suggesting the ARMA 3 code base will be branched, rocket and the DayZ team will get their own copy which they will then turn into DayZ and released separately from ARMA 3.
  17. ZedsDeadBaby

    Official word on simply dropping dead?

    Not always... bullets traveling faster than sound and all that.
  18. ZedsDeadBaby

    DayZ Standalone confirmed??

    That is a hell of a lot sooner than DayZ could ever hope to see the light of day if they broke away from BI now and started from scratch in a new engine. A completely speculative but entirely plausible scenario would be that when ARMA 3 hits Beta and is feature complete, the code base will be branched and the DayZ team will assume control of their own copy of the source code (though any bugs fixed in the final phase of Beta by the ARMA 3 team would I'm sure be shared with the DayZ team). With a final 3-6 month "crunch time" push by the DayZ team it's not completely wild to predict that DayZ could launch near or shortly after the launch of ARMA 3. And both would benefit from the hype generated by the other... There are so many reasons why this relationship benefits both BI and rocket, I just can't fathom why they would break ties at this point.
  19. ZedsDeadBaby

    DayZ Standalone confirmed??

    I don't think so? In fact what I remember him saying is that if they had to start over and make their own engine it would take them approximately ~20 years to do so successfully. It was here on the forums. Quite possibly lost in the upgrade. You will have to take my word for it. It was a post asking about DayZ and ARMA 3 and rocket responded almost immediately saying, paraphrased "It has already been ported. DayZ is running in ARMA 3." And saying Euphoria "would be awesome" is a far cry from saying "We're going to be using a new engine for DayZ." Would, by definition, is purporting the consequence of an imagined event that has not and may not ever take place. Like if you asked him if he was going to fix it so hacking was impossible tomorrow he might say "That would be awesome." That doesn't really say anything about what's actually going to happen. ;) I'm not claiming to have the definitive facts of the situation here, but scraping ties to ARMA completely has huge implications for DayZ. They would lose a lot of progress made during this Alpha phase, rolling back months of incredibly hard work, and incur a huge up-front cost in licensing fees. If rocket was planning on licensing or purchasing a new engine for DayZ, don't you think he would be a little more serious about taking in funds at this point? Engine licenses aren't exactly cheap. And why would they have put time into so many bug fixes and optimization in the Alpha if they were just going to scrap it all and start over? Maintaining a relationship with BI at this point means maintaining a tie to the tens of millions that DayZ has already generated in "indirect" revenue. If he leaves now he's basically leaving all of his investment capital in BI's hands, and they aren't just going to generous give him a cut on his way out the door...
  20. ZedsDeadBaby

    DayZ Standalone confirmed??

    Everyone just skip my post? ARMA 3 is due out soon. rocket has already confirmed that DayZ has been ported successfully to ARMA 3. Why would he even bother if DayZ were not going to ultimately be based on the ARMA 3 engine? Why would he break ties with BI and ARMA at this point? They have a mutually beneficial relationship. I think you're confusing the word "stand-alone" with "independent." All stand-alone means is that the ARMA code will be branched so that rocket and team can start making changes to the base engine code instead of just working exclusively in the mod scripts. I mean, maybe I'm wrong but it seems to be the most logical and likely scenario. Give? Rocket has moved almost three-quarters of a million ARMA copies. He has made BI probably over $15MM. They're not giving him anything. It is in their best interest to maintain a relationship with rocket. And it is in rocket's best interest so he doesn't have to scrap all the progress they have made in Alpha and start over.
  21. ZedsDeadBaby

    Tent duration after death

    Tents never go away right now. Ever. This has been confirmed by the developer who was "supposed" to implement their de-spawn mechanics. I'm not feeling like digging around for the post right now, but he basically said "I never got around to making them disappear." Tents are permanent as of now. Unless the developers wipe them from the database manually they will never, ever go away. Destroyed tents will come back. Packed tents will come back in their original positions even if you put them down somewhere else. etc., etc. The only effect of death is that you will no longer be able to pack tents that belonged to you.
  22. ZedsDeadBaby

    Is anyone NOT a murderer?

    This, exactly. The reason you think "everyone" is a murderer is because 9 times in 10 when someone chooses not to kill you, you have no idea it happened.
  23. ZedsDeadBaby

    Tents are carebear

    When the tent duplication bug is finally and completely fixed and the original intended functionality is implemented causing them to disappear after their owner's death, the influence of tents is going to change dramatically in the game. Right now their usefulness is overblown because one tent can become 12 in no time and you can scatter them around the map and they never disappear. Once these issues are fixed, I don't see an issue with tents: They are not that easy to find. It is difficult to find a place that will not eventually be discovered by other players. They aren't just magically full of loot. You actually need to work to farm/gather more equipment and items. This gives "geared" players a reason to continue to enter areas that contain loot and items, meaning more encounters with players and a more interesting game. They cater to a variety of flavors of play style. Personally I use my tents to store "basic setup" type gear and whenever I talk a new friend into playing the game I can help kick-start them (after letting them suffer through a few attempts on their own of course). Yes, they diminish the sting of permanent death, but so do many other things - having friends in game, for example. You're not going to take friends away, right? Tents are fine. Underground bunkers are going to be even more useful/powerful so if you don't like tents you should probably get out while you still can. ;)
  24. ZedsDeadBaby

    Minecraft gets it right. MineZ

    Already a very extensive conversation on basically the same topic here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/28671-what-minez-is-doing-right-and-what-dayz-could-learn-from-it/page__hl__minez This doesn't belong in DayZ. Otherwise the things you note are all improvements we can expect in the near future.
  25. ZedsDeadBaby

    DayZ Standalone confirmed??

    I can't possibly imagine a scenario in which DayZ is not based on the ARMA 3 engine. They would have to scrap the game and start from scratch otherwise. It would be 6-12 months before they even had a playable again...