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Everything posted by ZedsDeadBaby

  1. ZedsDeadBaby

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    There is no combination of words that could follow "Dead Island is a masterpiece" that would not trigger exactly as much insane laughter. Unless of course the sentence was "Dead Island is a masterpiece is what my dad used to say after he was in a car accident and suffered a trauamtic brain injury which caused a unique rescrambling of vocabulary in his head such that some words meant other things to him and in this case 'masterpiece' meant 'steaming pile of shit not worth the disk space it occupies.'" I'll give you Left 4 Dead, or Dead Rising, or Resident Evil, but Dead Island, dude? Dead fucking Island? I'd sooner fuck a cheese grater and then wash my cock in hot vinegar than play that game again, coop or otherwise.
  2. ZedsDeadBaby

    Why are people against the idea of NPC guards?

    'cause finding PCs to guard them for you would just be too damn hard, right? Or maybe your friends are terrible shots? I hate every post you have ever made.
  3. Silly. There is no such thing as killing for survival. None. Never does your survival depend on killing. All killing is done for varying degrees of "teh lulz." I'm not sure what's higher, your horse or the road you're riding it on.
  4. ZedsDeadBaby

    Day Z is soon to be dead

  5. ZedsDeadBaby

    Bandit/Backstabber hate rant

    Here's a tip: Stop stumbling across and walking up to armed strangers without establishing their intentions ahead of time. If they're hostile, eliminate them. If you're not sure, avoid them. Don't just run up to them and expect a high-five and a hug.
  6. Why should anyone care about anything that happens to you after that sentence? Like "I was having unprotected, non-consensual sex with an HIV positive hungry grizzly bear. Things did not go well." Like, okay? What did you expect? Stop doing stupid things and bad stuff won't happen to you as often.
  7. ZedsDeadBaby

    Alt-F4 Simple Solution

    It sounds simple, but it's really not. Once a player disconnects, their client is no longer running. The client is where the logic exists to handle bleeding. So this is kind of like suggesting that a simple solution to murder investigations would be to just ask the victim who killed them. ;) In order to implement your idea, the server or database would need to store a temporary copy of the player and then hold them in some kind of holding cell and continue to apply bleeding effects and make calls to the database on their behalf. It's actually quite complicated technically, and has a lot of potentially weird side-effects. Trust me, if there were a "simple" solution to this problem, rocket would have implemented it months ago.
  8. Not a thread for discussion; simply a place for me to organize my contributions and link to in the future. Thread: Player Identification and Classification System Summary: A system allowing players to identify and categorize other players based on actual visual proximity. Why: Unlike the bandit skin, this system gives power and responsibility to the players instead of the game engine. Players must make their own visual identifications, and can make their own judgements about player behaviors. A more immersive and authentic solution. Thread: A Simple Solution to Loot Farming via Server Hops Summary: Prevent loot farming by suppressing the ability of players to pick up loot after leaving one server and quickly joining another. Why: Loot farming encourages server swapping which creates a lot of "blink in-blink out" experiences. This creates a lack of player persistence on a server, and drastically undermines tactical game play. Thread: Let Players Synchronize GPS Summary: Allow players to synchronize GPS units and share locations. Why: A simple way for teams to stay organized if they are able to successfully acquire and keep GPS units. Interesting PvP side mechanics for "stolen" units. Thread: Squad Identification Summary: Let us wear hats, arm bands or backpack badges to identify squad mates. Why: Self explanatory! Prevent Spawn Point "Choosing" by Suicide Summary: Bind players to a single spawn point until they reach 60 minutes of continuous survival time. Why: Prevent players from artificially "choosing" a spawn point by killing themselves over and over. Improves immersion and accuracy of death statistics which will be skewed by the new "extended suicides" which will appear in Thread: Boat Hitches Summary: Let us hitch boats and other water craft to land-based vehicles (other fun but less imporant vehicle suggestions). Why: Boats are dead weight in the game as-is. Impossibly slow and impossible to hide. If we could take them out of the water and stash them somewhere, their utility increases dramatically. Thread: Infected dogs Summary: Infected dogs with variant behavior. Why: Increase enemy variety, atmosphere, and downright awesome factor.
  9. ZedsDeadBaby

    Cheating With No Consequences

    Reporting cheaters is kind of pointless. Player names do not uniquely identify players (most hackers use blank names) and rocket/DayZ staff cannot issue global bans. You just have to wait for the next BattleEye ban-wave to nab them. Server admins can look at logs, but they don't really need the names to do that either - they can search for the scripts being executed. And banning a hacker from one server is like pissing on a bonfire. They will just move on to the next server. This problem will likely not be addressed to satisfaction until DayZ goes stand-alone and can make some more permanent, engine-level changes to the client/server model and what clients are allowed to do with respect to script execution. Right now it's a catch-22. Disabling client scripts would disable mods, which means no DayZ. But enabling client scripts means hackers... So we have to live with it for awhile. :(
  10. ZedsDeadBaby

    ZedsDeadBaby's Ideas & Suggestions

    I think I might have been drunk when I wrote up the dog suggestion. It's more of a fluff bit anyway. In fact I think rocket has already said he doesn't have plans for new "enemy types." At least not any time soon. So ignore that one. ;)
  11. ZedsDeadBaby

    Standalone game from the DayZ devs?

    There seems to be a common misconception that "stand-alone" means "not based on ARMA anymore." That's not necessarily true. All stand-alone means is that the game will cease to be a "mod" and the team will have access to the full source code. The most likely scenario for a stand-alone version of DayZ is a game based on the ARMA 3 engine. rocket has already stated the game has been ported to ARMA 3. When ARMA 3 goes Beta, they can branch the code and give a copy to the DayZ team which can then cull out all of the ARMA-specific assets, add in the DayZ assets, and release the game as stand-alone. If rocket were to break away from ARMA entirely, he would have to scrap everything he has done up to this point. That really doesn't make a lot of sense given his current position. Stand-alone does not mean indepdenent. Very different things.
  12. ZedsDeadBaby

    IF this was an actual game...

    Except you didn't "already buy" the content that is being developed for an MMO (or any game) after it is released. Subscriptions pay for ongoing development, so the studio can afford to keep a full team on the product long-term, continuing to release updates and new content and bug fixes, etc. long after launch date. That's the whole point. If there were no subscription, then the team would move on to develop a new game, not stay on the product you're playing and continue to provide you content and fixes for free. So if you don't want to pay a subscription for DayZ, then you're just going to have to buy DayZ 2, DayZ 3, DayZ 4, etc., etc. so that they can afford to keep developing the game. Unless you're perfectly happy only ever having the content and mechanics that are available on launch day and nothing else forever? Nobody's holding you "ransom." You're just paying for what you get. Nothing is free.
  13. ZedsDeadBaby

    Very Disapointed

    When you say you're "very disappointed" in someone who has basically been busting his ass into the ground day-in day-out to provide you completely free entertainment in the form of one of the greatest and most innovative gaming experiences to hit the market in the last 15 years, you come off as an entitled, childish ass. That is why you are getting abuse. If you're interested in having a productive, informative discussion then you need to approach things with a modicum of humility and freely admit that you actually have no concept what a reasonable update schedule would be for a mod like this given the size of the team. When rocket released 1.7.1 and had to hotfix up to people went absolutely batshit insane accusing him of being sloppy and breaking the game. Now that he is taking his time, being more careful, and trying to address some of the major issues instead of minor ones, he has to listen to jagoffs like you tell him he has "abandoned" the mod somehow or is letting us down? I mean, I hate to be harsh (just kidding I love it) but if you don't want abuse then don't act like a jackass. It's as simple as that.
  14. ZedsDeadBaby

    buffing and nerfing need in dayz

    :huh: Wow, what did I just read? In what sense am I "hating?" I've given you advice on how to find vehicles - a strategy that has worked for many others. Clearly finding vehicles is important to you, and I told you how to do it. I would think a "Thanks, I'll try that!" would be in order, but instead I get this block of verbal diarrhea mixed with xenophobic slurs, a little dash of racism and something about "ya shit else where cheers," which I can't seem to make sense of no matter how many ways I parse it. If you want to have a productive discussion, please make an attempt to punctuate your sentences. I don't even need commas or semicolons or anything fancy like that; just splash some kind of something between thoughts so I know where one ends and the other begins. Think of it like pooping. You have to pinch the turd off every once in awhile so you can take a breath. You can't just squeeze it all out at once because you might pass out and even if you don't the turd will be so long by the time it breaks off that it will balance in the bottom of the bowl and fall forward, tapping the back of your nutsack on the way down and, well, that's just icky.
  15. Umm, that's exactly what happens in WoW. You never raided and suddenly had a tank stop moving the boss or dodging abilities only to find out that his PC crashed or power went out?
  16. ZedsDeadBaby

    Very Disapointed

    Actually it's pretty obvious you haven't the slightest fucking idea how much work is involved. Nor do you care. You're just another entitled little gimme-gimme who wants it all for free and yesterday.
  17. ZedsDeadBaby

    buffing and nerfing need in dayz

    How are they lost? I have had 10+ vehicles stolen from me over the last month by dedicated individuals. The only vehicles that can be really well hidden are bicycles. Anything else is visible from hundreds of meters away even if it's tucked into a tree. Get some friends together and go comb the forests. If you want something, work for it. Don't ask rocket to show up and drop it in your lap.
  18. ZedsDeadBaby

    Average Life Expectancy

    ...they never were. Like, not since 1.1 or something.
  19. ZedsDeadBaby

    buffing and nerfing need in dayz

    Hopefully rocket reads this thread and nerfs everything people asked for buffs on. Buffing the vehicle spawn rate would be such a huge mistake... Right now finding and repairing a vehicle with friends is such an accomplishment. The first time you start up that engine and roll out on to the road it's an incredibly exhilarating feeling. More exciting than any piece of loot I ever found in WoW. And the lengths we go through to keep our vehicles safe and secure is insane. Every night we move every one of our vehicles to a new location, and share the hiding spots among our trusted friends; they're never in the same place twice. If vehicles were more common none of this would mean a drip of shit. I would take whatever vehicle I found and do donuts in the middle of Cherno honking the horn 'cause who fucking cares, right? I'll just find a new one tomorrow... No thanks. Vehicles are special precisely because they are so rare.
  20. ZedsDeadBaby

    IF this was an actual game...

    So you will be satisfied if DayZ launches once and never updates with additional content after launch day? You will be happy when DayZ 2 launches one year later and you have to pay for that? People who refuse to pay monthly fees for games absolutely confound me. Makes no sense whatsoever.
  21. ZedsDeadBaby

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    GW2 is actually pretty amazing, to be fair.
  22. ZedsDeadBaby

    Average Life Expectancy

    Respawns are not counted in the stats. Good god I wish they would put a sticky post up that says this... I have to mention it at least a dozen times a day. Life expectancy has been rising consistently since 1.7.0 or so (around the time they removed the bandit skin), and rose even faster when they took out the starting weapon so newbies weren't shooting each other in the face on the beach all day long. That said, the most recent huge jump from ~38 to 49 minute was due to Vipeax changing the algorithm that calculates life expectancy. Whatever the change he felt the current implementation was a more accurate representation. You can find the post among his recent history if you're so inclined, or take my word for it.
  23. ZedsDeadBaby

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    They're semi-broken at the moment. Only people I know who have tried to wear in either lost their backpacks as a result, or spawned on the coast.
  24. ZedsDeadBaby

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    Four months is forever? For a small team of developers? Just shut the fuck up, dude.
  25. ZedsDeadBaby

    DayZ is now inspiring stupidity among new players

    What church is near a spawn point? None. Nobody is killing newbies as they spawn. Cherno? Elektro? Okay, sure. That's not a spawn point. That's a death trap. It always has been. Since day fucking one. Nothing has changed recently. If anything, a lot less newbies are dying at spawn these days, due to the lack of makarov spam.