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Everything posted by ZedsDeadBaby

  1. ZedsDeadBaby

    yo wat da dealo?

    Trying getting all up in it first.
  2. ZedsDeadBaby

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    Listen, dude; we're having a discussion. You seem a lot more interested in my post count than I am. I like DayZ. I participate in the forums. A lot. I'm not throwing my post count in anyone's face, nor am I particularly proud of it. It just is. So you can kindly get off my dick about it and focus on the discussion, okay? Other games make everything 1,000x easier. That's precisely why DayZ is amazing. Other games make finding your way around easy by giving you an awesome in-game map with flashing icons and arrows and a built-in compass. Other games make it easy to identify friends and enemies so you always know who's who. Other games make it easy to chat with anyone anywhere in the world any time you want. Other games make it easy to determine what your goal is and what the next step is toward reaching it by adding quests and waypoints and objective indicators. Other games make it easy to recover after dying, either by reloading a recent save or spawning at a forward control point. Other games make finding vehicles easy by making them infinitely respawn every 10 seconds in the same spot over and over and giving them inifnite fuel. DayZ is not other games. That's precisely what makes it so compelling and amazing. It breaks the status quo and does things differently and it doesn't apologize for that. It rubs it in your face and sometimes it makes you angry and frustrated, but that's something, isn't it? That's something besides just sitting there slack-jawed occasionally adjusting your balls when they start to tingle. So, yeah, when people show up guns blazing saying "Make DayZ like other games!" I stand and face because that's the last thing DayZ needs. rocket has carved out a niche for DayZ precisely by saying "I'm going to do things differently and if you don't like it tough shit." And that's awesome. No major publisher or developer has been willing to do that in the online gaming space in 15 years and speaking as someone who has been playing online games since 300 baud modems were all the rage, I can tell you it's pretty exciting. Yes, as a matter of fact. I do enjoy the time alone right after spawning. If nobody is available to pick me up in a vehicle, I don't sprint directly to my friends. I take my time and plan a route that passes through some safe but lootable areas like medium value farm buildings, deer stands, or the outskirts of major settlements if I think I can skirt by without attracting attention. This way, by the time I do reach my friends I usually have a few bandages, maybe a blood bag or two, a Winchester and a backpack. That way I'm actually useful to my friends instead of just being an extra mouth to feed. In this economy? More people are every day. If you had been in that situation, you might have a litlte more sympathy. But, I'm not; I have a full time job and a family. I also have hobbies other than DayZ, believe it or not. At any rate, you don't need an "infinite amount of time" to travel to anywhere on the in-game map. Absolute worst case scenario you die somewhere like the NWAF and spawn in Solichniy. That's still only ~10km, or 5km run if your friends meet you halfway. You sprint 5m/s so you can run 5km in 15 minutes which is slightly less than an infinite amount of time. Well, for one because I'm an arrogant asshole. I would say I'm sorry, but I stopped apologizing for that when I was a teenager. But, more to the point I get a little touchy when I see people calling for changes and additions to the game that already exist because it speaks to a lack of willingness to use the tools at your disposal to accomplish your tasks and goals in the game - which is the essence of sandbox gameplay. My group realized very quickly the value of having a way to quickly pick up new spawns on the coast, so we worked hard until we acquired a motorcycle and now we use that motorcycle almost exclusively as a death retrieval machine. It has made probably two dozen trips from ~Devil's Castle down to the coast and has helped us recover countless dead bodies. It's very satisfying when you spawn alone on the coast and a few minutes later hear the buzz of that engine coming over the hill toward you... So it's frustrating after putting the effort and planning in to accomplish this to see someone come along and say "rocket really needs to add a way for us to meet up with friends faster!" It's like it's right there waiting for you! Go use it and let rocket focus on things that the game doesn't already have.
  3. What a milestone. Congratulations DayZ team. And thanks to all the players. Survivors and Bandits alike. One day we will all be proud to say we were here at the beginning.
  4. ZedsDeadBaby

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    Yeah. Like multi-passenger vehicles! That would be awesome. I can hardly wait which is good since I don't have to.
  5. ZedsDeadBaby

    200k players in the last 24 hours!

    Jeez, wrong forum drama.
  6. ZedsDeadBaby

    We need keys!

    I have 1600 rounds on me and 3200 more in my tent. I think I can spare a few for your vehicle. And if you're referring to the bug that allows destroyed vehicles to return, rest assured it will be fixed long before car keys are added to the game.
  7. ZedsDeadBaby

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    Why do you have to do this every time you play? Do you die every night before you log off? If so, you should worry less about your friends and focus on mastering the basics. My group of ~6 friends always log off in roughly the same spot each night and we log in together the next time we play. Sometimes one of us gets bored and wanders off lone wolf style for a day or so, but never far and never for long. If one of us does happen to die, which is like once or twice per week, the others all pile in a vehicle and go down to the coast to pick up the fresh survivor. As for the server, why do you have to find a new one every night? Pick a server that matches your play time, has a reliable ping and keeps itself up to date. Preferably one which has contact info for the admin available. There are plenty out there. Then just always play on that server. You will want to stick to a home server once you have tents and vehicles anyway, so you might as well find one now. My group chose a server months ago and have used it ever since. No problems. No fuss. In short, get your shit together. The game shouldn't allow you to spawn in your friend's lap just because you don't want to put forth a little effort toward planning and organization, let alone basic survival.
  8. ZedsDeadBaby

    We need keys!

    Be careful what you wish for. If I can't steal your vehicle, I'm just going to destroy it. Would you rather come back to nothing, or the burnt and smoking husk of your former glory? Your choice.
  9. ZedsDeadBaby

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    In ~600 hours I've spawned in wilderness twice. Made it out alive both times. I think we will be okay. I love it. 5-10 minute run turns into "can't group up with friends." Reminds me of my son who cries and screams and stamps his feet when I tell him to clean his room when all he has to do is pick up like six fucking legos and a pair of dirty socks. I'll tell you what I tell him; If you used the energy you're using to complain to pick up the legos instead, you would be done already.
  10. ZedsDeadBaby

    Are millitairy tents supposed to have good gear?

    Sounds like you're at Balota Airfield. The tents there do not actually have spawn points inside, but each deer stand at the corners have two military piles each. http://dayzdb.com/map is a great way to know if you're at the right spots. The "true" military tents are in Chernogorsk, Berezino and especially Stary Sobor.
  11. ZedsDeadBaby

    Player Identification and Classification System

    If anyone spots similar posts or ideas floating around the forums, please PM me; I would like to keep the list in the OP up to date.
  12. ZedsDeadBaby

    Hunger and Thirst not realistic?!?!?!

    I understand you're excited, but please try to limit yourself to two terminating punctuation marks per sentence. People will be more likely to respond to your questions and concerns as though they are legitimate thoughts rather than the rantings of a child. As to your question, the accelerated hunger and thirst in the game is designed to compel you to approach settlements or water sources more often and thus encourage player interaction and "action" in the game. It's not realistic. But neither is the fact that you don't have to poop out all those beans. Realism is sometimes trumped by gameplay.
  13. ZedsDeadBaby

    Server's admin rant

    Try to announce server restarts ahead of time. 5 minutes at least. Don't change the time of day; that's obviously against the rules you agreed to when getting whitelisted. If a hacker shows up on your server, shut it down for 20 minutes and they will get bored and go some place else. Ignore assholes who shout at you. Pretty simple stuff here.
  14. ZedsDeadBaby

    So what is this game basicly?

    Try not to be average.
  15. ZedsDeadBaby

    Admin Abuse fix anyone?

    Stand-alone DayZ is the fix. Just be patient.
  16. ZedsDeadBaby

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    Because the army wasn't just fighting zombies. They were fighting the early bandit clans that cropped up. Many of whom had stolen military eqiupment for their own use, including helicopters. Sniper rifles are here to stay, folks. Learn to use them to your advantage.
  17. You realize the infected are people, too, right? Though the models don't exist, we can assume women and children are among the infected. They're just diseased people. Regular, every day people with a terrible disease. And you shoot their fucking faces off all day, every day, happily. You celebrate their deaths. You rifle through their pockets and take their beans. You're a murderer too. On top of that, we've all probably watched our friends and family and everyone we have ever loved fall victim to the infection. Some of us probably had to kill loved ones ourselves just to survive. We would all have PTSD. And on a more final note, rocket has stated that he would rather shut the game down and close the project than implement a system of punishment for a particular style of play. PTSD for bandits only is a punishment for a particular style of play. So the game will sooner be closed than see your idea implemented. I'm sorry but that kind of closes the debate for me. Thanks for my daily dose of "make bandits insane" though. There's usually at least one per 24h period.
  18. First of all, vehicles do not appear on server restart. They respawn at secret intervals controlled by the hive and have nothing to do with server restarts. Secondly, if they end up in "caches" in the woods then that makes it easier to steal them. They will be repaired and you can get in one and drive away. I have owned and operated over 35 vehicles in my time in the game. About half of which I have repaired at their original spawn locations (long after a server restart, by the way) and the other half I have stolen from these super secret completely hidden "caches" you speak of. You want to travel faster? Man up and get to work. Vehicles are out there. Spawn points are not at the extreme edges of the map and two people running at each other only have to cover half the distance to meet. That's how I figured it out. Kamenka to Solichniy is around 11km. And chances are very very slim that you will end up at those extremes. More likely you will be about 5km from each other, which is an 8 minute run. Oh, god. 8 precious minutes. 3 guidelines and a bunch of timeouts and timers and you can't spawn now and a ton of completely unnecessary bullshit to solve a problem that doesn't exist. Just no. Really.
  19. ZedsDeadBaby

    Hackers Read up.

    Accuses mod creator of selling hacks for profit. Calls someone else a troll. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the internet.
  20. You can go beyond the line like 20 kilometers if you want. Nothing is going to hurt you out there with the possible exception of other bored players. But you can't set up tents or save vehicles anymore. Slyguy it's absolutely unmistakably obvious. There is a perfectly straight line at which the grass stops growing. Like someone cut it with a knife. All along the north and west edges of the map. You really cannot miss it.
  21. There is already a way to make it easier to meet up with friends after spawning. They're called vehicles. Don't have one yet? Lace up those shoes. The furthest you can possibly spawn from each other is like 10km which is a ~15 minute run. This is a complicated solution to a problem that doesn't exist.
  22. ZedsDeadBaby

    Off road truck spawn?

    I do not believe any vehicle spawns are random. If the vehicle doesn't already exist and the respawn script is run, it will appear. Where did you get this 5% chance info?
  23. ZedsDeadBaby

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    If you die so often that a 10 minute walk after spawning is "impeding" your play, then you need to stop dying so often. I haven't had to spawn in 28 days. 28 days ago I had to walk 10 minutes to meet my friends. So impeded.
  24. ZedsDeadBaby

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    Yes. You are truly a Chernarus bad ass. Who is apparently afraid to be alone for 10 minutes. Haha. Pure gold. Lazy assholes will suicide. I never have, nor anyone I've ever played with. So tell me, if this changes nothing for you, why are you even in this thread? Surely this change is completely irrelevant to you?
  25. ZedsDeadBaby

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    You are meant to spawn alone. You are meant to struggle to survive those first few minutes. Finding your friends should be a challenge, not given to you for free. Getting your bearings and they theirs, and agreeing upon a mutual meeting point and navigating there safely is part of the initial survival challenge. All over this fucking forum all day every fucking day I hear people calling out for more "survival" elements in the game. This is one of them. And yet here you are, tears flowing freely, decrying a change that makes early survival a challenge because you can't spawn sitting in your friends' lap sucking on his nipple. So suck it the fuck up and get out there and fucking survive. I'm ashamed of each and every one of you. You are an embarrassment to the name "survivor." Half the time? Half the motherfucking time? 15 minutes, tops. That's how long it takes to meet anyone who is anywhere in this game. Give me a fucking break.