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Everything posted by ZedsDeadBaby

  1. ZedsDeadBaby

    Please Rocket, turn on "Who killed who"

    Names aren't unique. Hackers will just start changing their names to match a name of someone else on the server, or the admin, or a blank space or whatever. Kill messages won't fix hackers.
  2. ZedsDeadBaby

    bring back respawning

    Post your server in this thread. A good samaritan will come shoot your face off for you.
  3. ZedsDeadBaby

    Remove Please

    You seem to be a bit confused about why rocket doesn't have flexibility. It doesn't have anything to do with how the engine is "designed" it is simply a matter of not being able to alter the engine code. He is limited to the scripting language API. Once he is no longer limited to the scripting language API and can actually alter the engine source, he has as much flexibility as he needs. He can change anything and everything from the rendering to the physics to the data model, etc. You are absolutely insane if you think he's going to start from scratch. That would be 3-5 years worth of work, bare minimum, just to get back to where he is today. Capital or not. Money doesn't write code. "Hire people," okay. Well that's a 6-12 month process at least, maybe more - not sure what the talent pool is like in Prague. And that's just to get butts in seats. Another 6-12 months of ramp-up before full production, so you're 1-2 years deep before you even really have a functioning team. 1-2 years after that before you have a functioning engine. There's a reason people spend millions of dollars to license game engines, dude. You can't just hire a couple guys and write one in 6 months.
  4. ZedsDeadBaby

    Stop fixing minor issues or call it 'BETA' !

    Uhh, what? How is that even remotely what I said? It's not a matter of what they will let him do, it's a question of what is technically possible. DayZ is a mod right now. It is limited in functionality to what the mod scripting language is capable of doing. That's just it. That's how the system functions, period. I think BI has every intention of "letting" rocket do what he needs to do - when DayZ goes stand-alone it will most likely be based on the ARMA 3 engine. Making a bunch of major changes to ARMA 2 to support DayZ would be completely wasted effort because they're not going to base DayZ on ARMA 2. It's an outdated engine that Bohemia has already replaced. Why would they dump hundreds of hours into ARMA 2 development for DayZ just to turn around and flush it all down the toilet 3 months from now? So, right now rocket is going to continue working on DayZ as a mod, experimenting with what he can do with the mod, until ARMA 3 goes Beta later this year. Then the code will be branched, rocket and team will get a version of the ARMA 3 engine and they will begin work on DayZ stand-alone. At this point I'm guessing more resources will be dedicated to DayZ as well, and some hiring might even take place. Until then, patience is a virtue.
  5. Can you name one other game whose lead developer and designer is also the top forum contributor? rocket is on the forums more than any of this players, and his posts are always informative, respectful and even-tempered. He has shared more about his future plans for the project and the issues and problems he has faced than any developer I have ever seen, and I have been playing online games since 300 baud was the standard. I mean, he personally authors the update threads for the patches. And keeps them up to date every day. And uses giant colored text to make sure nobody misses anything important. Most developers would have a lackwit intern doing that shit, and 5 days after the patch goes live... Meanwhile Vipeax and Ander are on the forums too, responding actively to posts all over the place. I can't fathom how you can ask for more dev involvement in the community, unless you're just not really a part of the community yet and haven't really seen how involved they actually are.
  6. Some key issues are not fixable. DayZ is a mod and rocket cannot modify the engine code, which is 90% of what determines how the game functions. Many tent and vehicle issues, for example, are specific to ARMA and rocket has no power over them. He is at the whim of the ARMA team and they're mostly busy with ARMA 3. Just relax, be patient, and wait fro DayZ to go stand-alone. Once rocket has access to the actual engine, he can start making real fixes, changes and additions. Until then he's basically just trying to plug holes to keep the dam from breaking.
  7. ZedsDeadBaby

    More proof PKing needs to be nerfed.

    El oh el. Have fun playing concept screenshots. I hear the framerate sucks though.
  8. ZedsDeadBaby

    I don't want to lose my vehicle!

    Make a friend. Quick.
  9. ZedsDeadBaby

    More proof PKing needs to be nerfed.

    Where did you get the idea that survival killing was the only acceptable sort? So what if it's "just killing?" Why is that a bad thing? Point of fact there really is no killing "for survival" in the game at the moment. There are always safer, easier and more guaranteed ways to survive than killing someone. Always easier ways to get food & water, always easier and safer means to gain ammo and supplies, etc. The ONLY legitimate type of killing that might save your life is killing in self defense - but that implies there is an offender or agressor. Meaning the only form of survival killing in the game is predicated on the existence of NON-survival killing. Can't have yin without yang. Good is meaningless without evil. Now hike that camouflage diaper up and get back out there soldier. Incidentally that looks like a fire station in the video which means Cherno or Elektro? Haven't we learned not to play in Cherno or Elektro if we don't want to get killed? Isn't that common knowledge now?
  10. Yes, you're right jskibo. These admins are just rebels without a cause, that's all. And the man is trying to keep them down with their speed limits and helmet laws! Seriously. Can you take a moment and explain in detail why you're so desperate to defend and apologize for these abusers? You're clearly in the minority, and all you've really said so far is "quit complaining!" So can you tell me why it's okay for server admins to pick and choose which rules they follow? Why do you bother following the rules if you don't think they're important?
  11. ZedsDeadBaby

    Becoming your typical FPS PvP game?

    Yes, it is absolutely typical as long as you're willing to completely ignore all of the things that make it unique and innovative or the fact that the vast majority of deaths are not PvP related.
  12. The same reason there are so many people who think using the word "fag" as a casual pejorative is acceptable. The world is full of assholes is why. And you're one of them. Surprise!
  13. The number of locked and passworded servers is growing every day... I hate to make "calls to action" because I know people are busy and have other priorities beyond slapping naughty server admins on the wrist, but this is getting a little out of hand. What will any of the rules mean if admins are just allowed to ignore them at will with no consequence? Knock these guys off the hive for a few days and wipe the vehicle data on their servers in the meantime.
  14. ZedsDeadBaby

    Stop fixing minor issues or call it 'BETA' !

    The confusion and frustration arises from the fact that the mod is not actually an Alpha. It is a prototype or proof of concept. You cannot rightly call it an Alpha until it is a playable stand-alone build and rocket has access to the source code of the engine. Until then, his hands are completely tied by what the mod is capable of changing and what is "set in stone" by the ARMA 2 engine. He cannot engage in "Alpha like" development because he simply doesn't have the power to make any major additions or systemic changes because the bulk of the source is a locked-up black box to which he has no access. Once DayZ becomes stand-alone, a proper Alpha phase can begin and we will see a ton of major, sweeping changes. Until then rocket is simply juggling priorities. He needs to keep the game stable and playable so it can continue to grow in popularity while at the same time doing what small things he can with the mod to experiment with new ideas and mechanics. From us he needs three things: data, bug reports and an extreme amount of patience.
  15. ZedsDeadBaby

    Bring back player skins: Murders vs. Bandit Kills

    Yup, exactly. They're running rampant across the forum not the actual game. In the game, only ~16% of deaths result from PvP. It's all a bunch of forum drama and nothing more. We don't need to "solve" PvP. We need to support and encourage it as it is one of the most compelling aspects of the game. No. They were removed for a very good reason, and murder rates are down since they were taken out. That already happens. Stop asking the game to do your work for you. If you want to know who is friendly and who is not, go figure it out yourself. It's not that hard to tell. Bullets are a universal indicator of agression. Also, a system that puts the power of identification in the hands of players would be more authentic and immersive, less magical.
  16. ZedsDeadBaby

    Things that need to be removed

    Are you going to bother making an attempt to actually discuss why you think these ideas are bad or why you disagree, or are you just going to sit there and shit on the thread? You've posted three times so far in this discussion and you haven't said a fucking thing. There is a difference between realism (needing to eat, bandage wounds) and realistic (needing to shit, wounds get infected and kill you 90% of the time because nobody in the game washes). If you have something to contribute, let's hear it.
  17. ZedsDeadBaby

    People are still hiding stuff oout of bound??

    That's because not nearly as many people were ever really doing it as the forums would have you believe. It wasn't that common in the first place, so of course there's not a ton of people coming and saying "it doesn't work anymore." It was a bunch of overblown complaints on the forum and probably a small handful of servers where it was actually happening. Most people hide their vehicles near the map, because nobody wants to drive for 45 minutes and use a full tank of fuel at the start and end of every single one of their play sessions. It's prohibitive. People just park their vehicles in the forest west or north of the main avenues of traffic and nobody is smart or dedicated enough to find them. I've kept a land rover for like 30 days doing just that. No off map trickery. Just park it behind a tree and rely on people's inattention to keep it hidden. Simple as that.
  18. Did I just step into the wayback machine and stumble into 1996? People don't use grammar and punctuation on the internet; we stopped arguing about it a long time ago. Besides, people who don't understand the function of grammar and punctuation in cogent communication probably aren't communicating cogently in the first place. Properly parsing their verbal diarrhea isn't going to make it any more palatable.
  19. You don't need ammo to use the scope. ;)
  20. I hope people do have to throw their guns away occasionally. If you have to fall back on a Winchester because you run out of STANAG ammo, that will be pretty damn cool, no? It means you will have to weigh your priorities and think about how you spend your ammo and when and how often you farm up more of it. These are the kinds of survival-based decisions we should be making on a daily basis. Not just where to go to fire off our next 1,000 rounds of magical infinite ammo, but what to do to ensure we have the proper tools to just stay alive another day.
  21. ZedsDeadBaby

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    This is what you went with for your first post, eh? Welcome to the forums I'm sure we wil be seeing each other again real soon.
  22. ZedsDeadBaby

    less ammo.. more zombies

    * [FIXED] Ammunition amounts not loaded in properly (Now records used ammunition correctly)
  23. ZedsDeadBaby

    dayzmod.com - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    How do you feel about the ridiculous amount of asinine hyperbole on the forums, clouding any actual constructive discussion about the mod?
  24. ZedsDeadBaby

    Removal of Sniper Rifles and Silenced guns.

    Since this thread comes up about once a day with the same empty arguments, I'm going to stop posting and just link to a definitive response: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/47990-tom-berenger-has-a-lot-to-answer-for/page__st__40#entry461146 Sniper rifles are one of the most tactical weapons in the game. Arguing that their removal somehow makes the game more tactical is laughable. If I have a sight picture on you and you are a threat, which is more tactical? Taking you out safely from a distance, or charging out into the open like an idiot with an assault rifle blazing? You can argue you don't like getting sniped. Fine. Nobody does. But if you think removing them would make the game more tactical you either don't know how sniper rifles work or you don't know what the word tactical means.