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Everything posted by ZedsDeadBaby

  1. ANNNND the server is locked. Holy fuck these admins need to be blacklisted I'm so sick of this bullshit.
  2. I actually don't, no. But I also think it is widely spread mostly because duplicating items is so easy right now with tent cheats and vehicle cheats. Once the duplication exploits are fixed we can come back and have a discussion about how common the items are. I've looted a LOT of helicopter crash sites and I've only ever seen one M107 and 2 AS50's legitimately. I think they seem so common because a lot of people have no qualms about turning 1 rifle into 2, 4, 8, 16, etc. with a few dupe cheats. Then factor in the fact that these clips refill themselves when players logout and you have a recipe for feeling like this stuff is too common when really it's actually quite rare...
  3. No, they're not. They're playing that way because they fucking want to. Give them a slingshot and some pebbles and they will still shoot your fucking eyes out with it. Military gear is a very important part of the tactical aspect of DayZ. The reason you see people in videos using these weapons is because they're effective. It's not rocket science. . Give everyone a medium-ranged weapon and you're basically playing Halo with zombies. No thanks.
  4. ZedsDeadBaby

    Bicycles. There should be LOTS of bicycles.

    Eh, nope. They're one of the most powerful vehicles in the game. Silent. No need for fuel. Fast on all terrains. If you want one, work for it.
  5. And accomplish what, exactly? Do forum posts write code? rocket has already responded. Hacking will remain as is until DayZ goes stand-alone. Be patient or don't. Your choice. Just shut the fuck up about it.
  6. This definitely needed another thread.
  7. Neither will be fixed until DayZ is a stand-alone game. So, no. That's not really their focus right now.
  8. ZedsDeadBaby

    Know what would be cool? A River.

    It's actually not that unlikely. Chernarus is just a place holder map. It's unlikely to be the final DayZ map. When DayZ goes stand-alone we're certainly getting a fresh, custom map and probably more than one. I imagine a river will make an appearance somewhere.
  9. ZedsDeadBaby

    ThunderDome fuck you!!!

    I see you're new here. :P
  10. Well if you really want to belabor the point I would have switched servers...
  11. ZedsDeadBaby

    Lol u do know why there are so many hackers right?

    You can rate him 1-star on his profile at least. Also the jackass who "liked" his post.
  12. ZedsDeadBaby

    Lol u do know why there are so many hackers right?

    The exact opposite is true. The amazing popularity of the game is the only reason there's cause to hack it. If the game sucked there wouldn't be anyone around to hack against. Also, go fuck yourself.
  13. So basically Left 4 Dead with less interesting zombie mechanics? Sounds pretty shitty. I'll risk the hackers. I've played 700+ hours and only ran into 2 hackers, one of whom gave me guns and took me on a helicopter ride. I'm not denying it's a problem, but it's not "every server" or "all the time" or "ruining the game" and when I did die to one I just picked a different server, geared up and kept playing.
  14. ZedsDeadBaby

    ThunderDome fuck you!!!

    An attitude you will most certainly have to change if you're ever going to enjoy DayZ. Hackers or not, "losing shit" is pretty much the primary mechanic in the game. Shit is just shit. That's why we call it shit. Enjoy the experiences. Personally I'm kind of looking forward to my first thunderdome.
  15. ZedsDeadBaby

    Why this mod is failing

    Please feel free to refer back to my post earlier in the thread for reasons why you will always have to rely on breaking the fourth wall to form lasting relationships in the game. The idea that you can bump into some stranger and just immediately become fast friends is ludicrous. To play with someone long term you need to know what time zone they're in, what their play schedule is like, how often they play, what their style is, whether they have other friends who play, etc. and you're going to need to plan ahead for times to play together, and keep each other up to date on your locations, especially if you play separately for a night or two, and where you parked the vehicles, and who took what from which tent, etc., etc. You really want to take care of all that over direct comms? No. "Hey here's a bandage see you later" or "Lets kill a few zombies, okay, see you around!" is the best you're ever going to get from random stranger encounters. Anything with more depth is going to rely on some out of game coordination, "4th wall breaking" or not.
  16. Good stuff, man. Thanks again. Need more contributions like this to the forum and community.
  17. ZedsDeadBaby

    Why cant DAY Z be take from this?

    Because copyright?
  18. AS50, range finder, patrol pack... skepticalface.jpg
  19. ZedsDeadBaby

    Last synch time-stamp in debug console

    It used to be there. It made duping a little bit too easy.
  20. ZedsDeadBaby

    Why break what wasn't broken?

    I wish we could nominate threads for like "worst of the week" or something. I started to type up a response but I realized I disagree so strongly with every single word in your post that it was just going to take too long, so instead I'm just going to have a beer and hope this turd of a thread falls off the front page before it gets any bigger.
  21. ZedsDeadBaby

    Banditry exploded

    Meanwhile, murder rates are roughly the same and banditry is down compared to a month ago and both are lower than they were a month before that when the bandit skin was still in the game. And life expectancy has nearly doubled in the last 8 weeks. So does "exploded" mean "remains roughly the same" now? Or am I missing something? Juts once I wish we could have a discussion that wasn't kicked off by some ridiculously hyperbolic statement that is proven demonstrably false on the front page of the very same website on which the discussion is taking place.
  22. ZedsDeadBaby

    Possible fix for item duping.

    I'm pretty sure if it were possible he would have done it already. Removing items from a container is probably a function of the engine, so he can't modify that code to "insert" a call to the save function in there. It's out of his reach technically. Just wait for DayZ stand-alone and all will be well and right.
  23. ZedsDeadBaby

    Why this mod is failing

    You mean kind of like the many, many, many incentives for cooperative play that already naturally exist in the game because of its nature as a cooperative tactical combat simulator? Oh, no. I see. NPC guards? :rolleyes: Next stop: vendor, auction house, and boss zombies that drop purpz.
  24. You were in the same place 5 minutes later, twice? You can run 1.5km in that time. Why were you still standing in the same fucking place? Hackers suck but you don't have to make it so easy for them, bud.