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Everything posted by ZedsDeadBaby

  1. Yes! Absolutely. Tired of all the hackers? Now you can get fucked by childish admins too. It will be glorious.
  2. The only thing simple about Cherno is death. That's been true since day one I don't know what it has to do with hackers. Don't go there unless you want to die. Most of us learned this the day we started DayZ. Except that's not at all what he said. He said go go get killed by one in 40 minutes or less. If they are constantly on every server everywhere that should not be a problem. But if the extent and frequency of the issues are perhaps not quite as prevalent as the forums would have you believe, then it might prove difficult. Nobody is arguing that hackers don't exist.
  3. So don't worry about playing "seriously" for now. Test the game. Mess around. Try different things. Experiment. Relax. Above all, try not to complain about it in the process. 4 hours? That map is 15x15km. You run 5 m/s. You could have run back and forth across the map 4.8 times in 4 hours. Even if it took you 2 hours (?!) to grab a weapon and some food, that still gives you enough time to traverse the map 2.5 times. I mean I'm sorry you got killed but holy shit.
  4. Make friends? Does rocket have to wipe your ass for you next?
  5. ZedsDeadBaby

    Please enable respawn option again

    The caliber of player and poster asking for the return of respawn confirms multiple times per day that removing it was the right choice. Love these threads for just that reason.
  6. ZedsDeadBaby

    Standalone by September? No chance

    You seem to be a bit confused about what it would take to go stand-alone. Port to ARMA 3 (which he has already done). Branch the code. Release a build. Voila, DayZ is stand-alone. Easily accomplished by the end of the year, if not sooner. Only thing holding him back is probably waiting for ARMA 3 to go Beta.
  7. Never fails, bitch posts ALWAYS mention gear. Guess what? Nobody gives a flying fuck what "epic loot" you had and neither should you. Don't want to die to one hit from a zombie? Bring a fucking friend next time. This is a multiplayer game for a reason. "No matter what" is a bit of a stretch mate. Wait until they swing, turn and fire. You don't have to get hit. Just practice more.
  8. ZedsDeadBaby

    A few changes I'd like to see...

    Wow, usually if someone posts that many ideas I can agree with at least one of them. Here, not so much. Bikes are so of the most powerful vehicles in the game. They should be rare. When players spawned with weapons the beach was littered with corpses and the constant, deafening sound of flies. Murder rates are down and life expectancy is up since weapons are removed, because new players have to think carefully about their first moves instead of just running to the nearest other newbies and shooting his brain out. Backpacks are fine. Weapon frequency is fine. And fuck no never to safe zones.
  9. At this point I almost welcome their return so all the people who think they are going to be a magical solution to all their troubles realize that they get shot in the face just as often as they ever did and that people not wearing the skin are still going to be just as dangerous.
  10. ZedsDeadBaby

    Admins need to be able to ADMIN!

    If it was just the "random odd" admin who was abusive it would be fine. But it's not. Look at how many servers are locked/passworded right this very minute. And that says nothing of the ones that don't bother passwording and just run auto-boots for anyone not preauthorized to join. The ONE thing admins are allowed to do, and there are hundreds of servers abusing the shit out of it. DayZ stand-alone will answer the hacker issue. Until then, deal with it or don't. If you're not willing to, then shut your servers down quietly. They will be replaced.
  11. ZedsDeadBaby still no sign from Dev-Team

    Oh. My. GAWD. 55 hours. Someone get a fucking flail so we can whip these lazy motherfuckers raw. Seriously, though. Please shut the fuck up.
  12. ZedsDeadBaby

    Done With Server Hosting

    Yeah, except, you know, none of that is true for locked servers. OP said in his first sentence he wanted a server for himself and his friends. What is that providing me besides the chance to face a large, well-armed militia who have a safe haven to retreat to any time they are wounded, killed or threatened? Again, follow the rules or don't. You're not the only one who can scrape together the cost of a few large pizzas every month. If you don't want to host, someone else will.
  13. Oh, that would be convenient for you wouldn't it? So you want me to PM you a link to this thread in which there is ample evidence of your admins breaking the hosting rules, including a confession? Okay... Interesting perspective. So it's totally okay for people to cheat as long as the cheats are "known?" Don't call it a bug. It's an exploit. The idea that you can "accidentally" create a tent city filled with gear because of a bug is silly. You have to deliberately utilize the well known exploit in order to copy the tents, place them and duplicate their contents. It's not like "Whoops I tripped on that rock and now we have a tent city and a bunch of gear."
  14. ZedsDeadBaby

    Done With Server Hosting

    Pretty sure that's not going to be the case. I seriously doubt DayZ stand-alone is going to have private servers. The rules exist because 90% of server admins are not like you. They would use the power to password their server in order to limit a server to their clan, farm gear and vehicles all day, and then use their server as a private safehouse storage and travel area in order to terrorize other servers. The power to kick/ban would be used to likewise limit access, or punish people who threaten their possessions or friends. It's nice that you're mature and planned to run a cool community, but you're the exception, not the rule I'm afraid. The rules are there for a reason. If you're not willing to follow them, that's cool. Just don't set up a server. There's really nothing else to say about it.
  15. ZedsDeadBaby

    Leaner Ammunition & Ideas For Standalone

    Ammo will probably be just fine once clips stop refilling themselves at logout.
  16. ZedsDeadBaby

    i miss the respawn button

    The caliber of player calling for the return of the respawn button is all the evidence we should need to conclude that its removal was a stroke of brilliance.
  17. ZedsDeadBaby

    Butthurt Admin (Venting thread)

    Title implies they shut the server down moments after your stole the chopper. Then I read the thread and it's like two days later? What the fuck? Although, kicking everyone but clan members is suspect.
  18. ZedsDeadBaby

    Admins need to be able to ADMIN!

    "Responsible admin" is the key phrase there, I think. If you can come up with a way to reliably differentiate between responsible admins and the group of 12-year-olds who pool together their allowance to rent a server with the express intent of using their power to gain whatever advantage they can over the people on their server and others throughout the community, then we can discuss putting more power in their hands. Stats from my ass or no, I can say with no exaggeration that I have encountered more abusive and unscrupulous admins in my 700+ hours in the game than I have hackers. I have seen ~3 hackers, 1 of whom was really nice and took me on a helicopter ride so I barely count him. Meanwhile I see admins mucking up the community every day. Locked servers, passwords, auto-kick scripts, "no PvP" servers, auto bans for anyone who finds their camp, restarting servers to roll back unsaved vehicle positions, crashing servers to duplicate entire camps' worth of items and equipment, kicking for friends or clan members, "24/7 daylight servers," etc., etc. No, not all of these offenses are as severe as "kill everyone on the damn server" but cumultaively both are incredibly detrimental to the DayZ community at large so I kind of feel like your suggestion is the equivalent of stealing fish from a grizzly bear because the polar bear is getting hungry. It's like, fine, you can have the fish but I'm still going to get bearfucked. Personally the way forward seems clear to me - build whatever tools the responsible admins use to prevent hacking into the architecture itself. The problem is rampant not because you don't have the power to ban (lets face it, by the time you go through the logs and pick out the IP and pass it around, the damage is already done and the hacker probably uninstalled the game) but because the client/server just aren't being very careful. Tighten up signature checking, restrict what clients have permission to do with scripts, and reduce the amount of superfluous information that gets shared among the clients by the overly-generous server for starters. It's like if I had a really bad case of acne I wouldn't hire a team to sit there popping my zits for me one at a time - I would just go to the dermatologist.
  19. ZedsDeadBaby

    Becoming your typical FPS PvP game?

    Open world. Free roaming. Player-driven objectives and goals. Non linear. Emergent play. Tell me, what are we missing before it's a sandbox? I'm really curious how we are a "long shot" away. Please be specific. Prediction: Long-winded answer that can be summarized as "more mechanics to play with." Which, like, yeah. The sandbox is under construction.
  20. ZedsDeadBaby

    Only Hacker on each server

    Uhh, and what if they do read it? Do you think they're not aware of the problem? Like they're just going to sit down with their morning coffee and pull up the forum and be like "Holy shit, rocket, come look at this! mikethkiller says our game has hackers. Hackers! Can you beileve it? Did you forget to flip the "Allow Hackers" switch to "No" again? Come on, we've talked about this! Okay, there, it's fixed. No more hackers forever and also free blowjobs for all of our players because that's just how we roll."
  21. ZedsDeadBaby

    Admins need to be able to ADMIN!

    Because most admins would use spectator mode to spy on people and call in locations of camps and vehicles to their friends. And ban anyone who gets anywhere near their stuff. Just look at how many servers are locked and passworded right now if you want ot know what admins do with what little power they're given. Or how many clan servers are auto-booting. "Fuck the rules and fuck other players, it's my server and I do what I want" is basically the attitude of a solid 75% of admins. If you want to be treated like adults, start by cleaning up your community.
  22. ZedsDeadBaby

    Seriously Pissed off!

    It's so telling that every one of these posts starts with a list of gear. Hey, guess what Sherlock? Nobody gives a flying fuck and neither should you. Wow... just wow? What did you expect? Some kind of magical anti-hacking device? You got hacked. A simple forum search would have told you you're not alone, and also even what the developers' response has been and when you can expect a resolution. All with just a few calm keystrokes. But, no. Here we are. Just another complaint thread that will fall off the front page in 10 minutes and accomplish exactly dick.