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Everything posted by ZedsDeadBaby

  1. You can't just count murders and say they're up 51%. That ignores the population increase. Look at murder rates per living player. The increase isn't nearly as severe. Neither those nor banditry are higher than they were when bandit skins were in the game. Both were above 18% and both now remain below that level.
  2. Murder and banditry rates went down after skins were removed, and life expectancy went up. The game didn't go to shit and if it had it wouldn't have been due to the removal of the broken bandit skin system. I'm almost certain I've had this conversation with you before, Slyguy.
  3. ZedsDeadBaby

    DayZ Development Blog #1: The end of the beginning

    Bwahaha. Are you being completely serious right now?
  4. ZedsDeadBaby

    DayZ Development Blog #1: The end of the beginning

    It's not a completely new engine. ARMA 3 shares a common ancestor with ARMA 2 and rocket has already confirmed DayZ runs on ARMA 3. So you think they're going to spend months of work and hundreds of man hours to fix bugs in ARMA 2 that they have probably already fixed in ARMA 3/RV4? And commit to supporting both engines moving forward? Don't you kind of think that's a giant fucking waste of time, money and man power? I don't know why I'm arguing to the point with you. It's simply obvious they will use ARMA 3/RV4. There is no other choice.
  5. Work very well to accomplish what? What is your stated goal in asking the designers to artificially limit the magazine size, RoF and damage capabilities of these weapons? Just because it makes you feel safer? You need a better reason than that. What "problem" are you referring to? I feel like I've done a sufficient job addressing the claim that the mere presence of these rifles presents a "problem," so what's left? Give me something to respond to here and I'll work with it mate. Sufficiently low spawn rates combined with periodic loss of items ensures rarity. If you want to encourage rarity, kill snipers and bury their guns with their corpses. Neato!
  6. ZedsDeadBaby

    DayZ Development Blog #1: The end of the beginning

    ARMA and ARMA 2 are based on RV3. ARMA 3 will be based on RV4. So, yes, DayZ will be based on RV but since ARMA 3 is the only game right now using RV4 that's more or less equivalent to saying it will be based on the "ARMA 3 engine." And still correct to say it will not be based on ARMA 2, as that would tie it to RV3 which would be folly.
  7. ZedsDeadBaby

    DayZ Development Blog #1: The end of the beginning

    Because it's the only engine that makes any sense whatsoever? Bohemia is developing the game. They have two game engines to choose from: ARMA 2 and ARMA 3. ARMA 2 is a four-year-old, aging and outmoded engine which they are already in the process of replacing and would have to continue to support for years to come if DayZ were based upon it. ARMA 3 is about to launch as a brand-spanking new engine. Which do you think they're going to pick? More to the point, if DayZ were not going to be based on ARMA 3, why would rocket be waiting until later this year to go stand-alone? He could literally branch the ARMA 2 code today and release a stand-alone by the end of the week. Again... "Common Sense Weekly" newsletter.
  8. ZedsDeadBaby

    DayZ Development Blog #1: The end of the beginning

    It was in the "Common Sense Weekly" newsletter.
  9. This would be like quitting masturbation because I might be having sex later this year. So, yeah. No. Not going ot be giving up either habit any time soon.
  10. ZedsDeadBaby

    How do you survive for more than a few hours?

    This guy is trolling you. Or he's a ridiculous goober. Coastal cities are fine if your goal is "get a gun as soon as possible" but that doesn't really ensure your survival. Being on the coast at all, let alone in or near a city is pretty much the best way to die as quickly as possible. If survival is truly your goal, the coastal cities are the absolute last and final place you would ever want to find yourself. They are death traps both from scared new players doing exactly the same thing, or bored veterans sniping said players. Get off the coast. Ignore the cities. There is nothing there you cannot find more safely elsewhere. Start in farm buildings. Long, low ranch and cattle buildings or barns. You will find hatchets, food, water, and at least one of the starting weapons - Winchester, Lee Enfield or Double Barrel shotgun plus plenty of ammo. Next step up to small towns with grocery stores. You will want a map, compass, matches and hunting knife (assuming you already have a hatchet). Grocery stores are a great place for this as well as larger backpacks. Now that you have basic gear and inventory space, head to Berezino hospital. It is the safest hospital on the map. Stock up on morphine, blood bags, bandages and an epi-pen or two. Otherwise, make friends and keep them. Friends are the most important step toward long term survival.
  11. ZedsDeadBaby

    Please remove "L85A2 AWS"

    Oh, look. This ridiculous thread again. Allow me to conveniently recall my response to it from the previous discussion. It is still applicable.
  12. I've added a response to the "The weapons are too deadly" argument. It turned out longer than I hoped, but oh well. It's already a novella of a post. I'm not going to address your "anti-immersive" claim because I feel that falls under the previous claim that these rifles are "unrealistic" or "out of place" in the game. You cannot claim they are anti-immersive just because they can kill you. Fear of death is pretty much the most immersive thing you can ask for in a survival game.
  13. The kicker is I read the forum on the white theme, so I'm just going to imagine he's sitting there huffing and puffing with his hands on his hips thinking of something clever to say.
  14. Okay? How would that change my response? I'm not responding to what your expectations were, I'm responding to your ridiculous claim that you've "never seen" team play in the game. Meanwhile it's fucking everywhere. It just speaks to the same old attitude of "Do for me because I don't want to do for myself." I've never played alone in DayZ unless I specifically wanted to and left my team for a few days of solo adventuring. I can have a team whenever I want. Because I went out and found one instead of expecting it to come to me.
  15. I'm saying that does not appear to even remotely be the case just browsing the first 4 pages of the cheat report forum and considering the fact that there are far more US servers than EU/UK and LU combined. You would expect more reports from US servers given their presence, but in fact I would wager that given the % of servers that EU/UK/LU account for, the number of reports actually indicite a disproportionate population of hackers on the Euro servers. Of course I wouldn't want to make any definitive claims since I haven't actually done any actual calculations and have no knowledge of what the actual distribution and server counts are and I'm not a ridiculous douche.
  16. Hint: There's more to team play than just expecting every random asshole you run into to be your best buddy. If you want to play with a team, find a team and play with it. Don't expect the team to come find you bleeding on the floor and pick you up and carry you off to their castle and feed you grapes and massage your feet. Blood bags need to remain how they are. They're one of the few mechanics in the game that truly require cooperation. We need more features like this, not fewer.
  17. Just Sayin' you're an asshole http://dayzmod.com/f...acker-on-uk119/ http://dayzmod.com/f...no-and-elektro/ http://dayzmod.com/f...y-being-hacked/ http://dayzmod.com/f...as-been-hacked/ http://dayzmod.com/f...ssively-hacked/ http://dayzmod.com/f...hackerscripter/ http://dayzmod.com/f...hacker-on-fr35/ http://dayzmod.com/f...rs-on-ru61-spb/ http://dayzmod.com/f...esent-on-nl-17/ http://dayzmod.com/f...-nz-15-hackers/ http://dayzmod.com/f...-mass-teleport/ http://dayzmod.com/f...heat-on-de-397/ http://dayzmod.com/f...ed-allua-akbar/ http://dayzmod.com/f...reenshot-proof/ http://dayzmod.com/f...tuff-happening/ http://dayzmod.com/f...-guy-with-ksvk/ http://dayzmod.com/f...kers-on-de-111/ http://dayzmod.com/f...-everyone-died/ http://dayzmod.com/f...y-within-5-min/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/62485-es-5-hacker/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/62495-se-6-hack-arena/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/38680-tkg-leavaris-another-incident-at-uk34/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/62547-se-48-hacked/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/59648-lu188-needs-to-help-with-cheaters-urgent/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/62593-ru-500-too-many-cheaters/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/62536-hacker-norway-20-got-names-server-realtime/
  18. Wait, so you've only seen 4, but from the 4 you've seen they appear to be on US servers? Or are you saying you've only seen 4 so whatever you'll just assume they're on US servers because you're a ridiculous cockwad? "Hey guys, I personally have very little experience with anything relevant to the hacking issue, but here's a completely baseless piece of guesswork I yanked out of my asshole. How's it smell?"
  19. ZedsDeadBaby

    Nobody reads these forums

    You know if you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you can see who is browsing which forums and threads? Look and you will quite often find the dev team browsing Suggestions. They also reply to threads directly, which most developers don't bother doing. Perhaps they're not reading your threads because they're all full ridiculous, vapid bullshit like this one?
  20. ZedsDeadBaby

    Standalone: what will it change?

    Stand-alone does not mean "new engine" it simply means it is not tied to another product i.e., not a mod, expansion or DLC. The improvement is that rocket can now modify the game's source code which allows him to change the way the game behaves in more fundamental ways and add new mechanics and features instead of being completely tied to whatever features the base game provides. The potential is not in what the engine will provide immediately, although ARMA 3 promises to be a better engine in most respects; the true potential is in what this allows rocket to accomplish in the future. And, yes, all the things on your list have been mentioned as intentional changes/fixes/updates by rocket at one point or another.
  21. ZedsDeadBaby

    DayZ Development Blog #1: The end of the beginning

    ARMA 3 is releasing in 2014. Meaning it is likely going Beta internally quite soon. They can branch the code, continue to inherit bug fixes and optimizations form the ARMA 3 team during beta while starting development on DayZ stand-alone. This would neither be unprecedented in the industry nor particularly technically challenging. Code branching in version control systems were developed precisely to facilitate this kind of collaborative and paralell software development process. And it would be far less costly than tying a new game to a 4 year old engine. rocket has already talked at length about the fact that the ARMA 2 engine will not support his plans for DayZ. It's ARMA 3 for DayZ guys. I would bet my firstborn on it.
  22. ZedsDeadBaby

    DayZ Development Blog #1: The end of the beginning

    What possible reason would he have to just fabricate that? Just to troll us? What benefit would he gain by claiming that DayZ runs in ARMA 3 if it doesn't actually run in ARMA 3 or he has no plans to port it to ARMA 3? I mean seriously. What kind of weird conspiracy theory has rocket somehow trying to drum up excitement for a product he has no intention of creating. And if he does intend to create it, somehow convincing himself that telling people it's working before it is somehow works to his benefit? You're weird.
  23. ZedsDeadBaby

    DayZ Development Blog #1: The end of the beginning

    Why would he have to start all over again? He has already ported DayZ to ARMA 3. It's up and running according to him, like weeks ago. All he has to do is branch the ARMA 3 code and get to work. I don't have a link, but what other engine would he possibly use? Why would BI invest a ton of time and money into a brand new stand-alone game and then base it on a 4 year old engine that they're in the process of replacing? It would be the most ridiculous decision in the history of game development. And unless I'm mistaken they don't have any other extra engines lying around, right? It's either 2 or 3... If DayZ is based on ARMA 2 they will have to continue to develop and support both engines simultaneously. If DayZ is based on ARMA 3 they have a single engine and can focus all optimization, debugging and support efforts on that one engine, and share a ton of code with DayZ in order to improve and optimize that product simultaneously for half the cost. Why would they keep two engines in house instead of one? ARMA 3 is literally the only logical conclusion for DayZ. Nothing else makes sense.