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Everything posted by ZedsDeadBaby

  1. ZedsDeadBaby

    I want my money back!

    Obvious alt account of TheMachine is obvious.
  2. ZedsDeadBaby

    WTF IS THIS!!?

  3. ZedsDeadBaby

    This game...

    I put the final wheel on a white pick-up to complete an all-day solo repair job. The little "jump" the vehicles do when you put the wheels on caused it to start to jiggle, then slide; and it slowly slid downhill pinning me against a wall and breaking my leg. Then it caught fire and exploded.
  4. ZedsDeadBaby

    What is considered off the map?

    It's really obvious where the map ends. There is no more grass and the line is perfectly straight as if someone cut it with a razor blade. There is no mistaking it when you see it.
  5. Always love when this just gets thrown out. In reality banditry and murder rates both fell for many weeks following the removal of the skins. In fact bandits per living character and survivals ending in murder are only just now returning to what they were back when we had the original skins. Reality so rarely enters forum discussions though, I know. So don't let me interrupt.
  6. I fully expect this in the stand alone version, along with weapon, vehicle and structure maintenance. Hell, even a hatchet needs to be sharpened once in awhile to remain effective.
  7. Wow. Your post was kind of reasonable until this ridiculous bullshit. Yes, they are so busy enjoying the "perks" like never sleeping, working their fucking asses off, traveling to promote the product, negotiating with Bohemia, scrambling to fix bugs and release patches while simultaneously gearing up for a major development effort on the stand-alone game. All to bring you and people like you entertainment. So selfish. You silly goober.
  8. ZedsDeadBaby

    Where is the rage about the RPG-elements ?

    Why would this trigger rage? What's wrong with skills? Some people are better at some things than other people. That's why RPGs added skills in the first place, right? It increases diversity and reinforces player cooperation. Should be cool. The rage you see on the forum usually comes from people suggesting a class system or talent trees ala WoW. I don't think that's what rocket is referring to here. So, yeah. No rage.
  9. ZedsDeadBaby

    Why are the AS50 and M107 in the game?

    The tactical significance of sniper rifles, accumulated rebuttals and why they're here to stay. Your concerns are addressed there. Including the fact that I personally agree a better encumbrance system would be great for these weapons, including necessitating tools for use in assembling and disassembling them.' Which is the kind of stuff we should be discussing instead of another pointless thread about taking them out of the game.
  10. ZedsDeadBaby

    Why are the AS50 and M107 in the game?

    Why not? Because other stories about zombies don't have them (which is not even universally true)? This is a completely arbitrary distinction. There's no basis for making these claims. DayZ's setting is not the same as Night of the Living Dead. It is Chernarus where there was obviously a major military campaign going on to contain this infection and combat banditry. That's the setting for DayZ. It makes absolutely perfect sense that these weapons exist in this environment given everything else we see around the map. Weapons in deer stands? The military were using them as temporary watch posts during the early days of the infection, spotting the infected and roving rioters and bandits. Notice the military zombies near the stands? Hmph. Weapons in fire stations? Temporary strongholds and supply depots. Military were storing supplies here for civilians to distribute throughout the cities. Military used the towers to observe the surroundings for infected and bandits. Crashed helicopters? They were delivering weapons, ammo and medical supplies and evacuating survivors and injured out of Chernarus. Sometimes the pilots or crew were overcome with infection, other times shot down by bandits. The piles of dead bodies everywhere, crashed humvees, military hospitals in cities littered with soldier corpses. It all points to a major, long-term, province-wide military action involving an attempt to first contain, then eliminate the infected threat while simultaneously dealing with roving bands of bandits. That's the setting. And maybe it's not the same as other zombie stories and games, but that's okay, right? I mean when people make a new story they get to decide if it has the same setting as other similar stories or maybe a different one, right? What you're really saying is that the presence of these weapons doesn't meet your personal expectations of the setting. The problem is your personal expectations. They were inaccurate. Just revise them to fit what DayZ is instead of what you thought it was going to be. So why not make posts calling for the fixing of hacking and duping instead of spamming threads about taking guns out of the game? Gah.
  11. ZedsDeadBaby

    Why are the AS50 and M107 in the game?

    Oh, then here's an idea: get off your lazy ass and go get some of these rifles and fucking balance it. You don't have to be a certain class to use them, or a certain level, or a certain gender or nationality. All you have to do is not be fucking lazy. Just walk north, find one, sling it on your shoulder and go do your thing if you think it makes you such an unbeatable badass. "These weapons are only used for killing players." Yes, thanks. That's one of the primary goals in this game. Did you read "What is DayZ?" on the front page? There are only 3 goals in this game and one involves killing players. Get it? Killing players is important, therefore weapons that make it easier to kill players are important. If you don't like that, then I'm pretty sure you know how to solve that little problem.
  12. There definitely weren't enough threads discussing this topic already. I'd politely ask you to use the search function, except you're currently participating in those threads, so obviously you knew they were there and decided to spew forth this pile of steaming word diarrhea anyway. So instead I'll just tell you to get fucked.
  13. Hint: Get one of your own. BAM! Countered. That was far from impossible, right? Everyone else blathering about the game being "so imbalanced" can we discuss that for a second, okay? Because every player in this game has equal and full access to every item in this game at any time. It's not like you have to be "Level 50" or a "Scout Class" to acquire and use these weapons and tools. You can literally spawn, run north, find an L85 or a sniper rifle and do whatever the fuck you want to do with it. Stop calling the game "imbalanced" when what you mean is "I don't want people to shoot me before I get a chance to shoot them." Flashlight vs. Winchester is imbalanced, so go get a Winchester. Winchester vs. AKM is imbalanced, so go get an AKM or equivalent. Squad combat is imbalanced when one squad has an L85 so get get a motherfucking L85 and start using it to "win the game" or whatever you think it's going to do for you (hint: it's really not that great). Just like I said the last time this thread appeared. And the time before that. Same asinine reasoning every time the thread crops up. "Oh, I can't do anything to counter it despite having every opportunity to do exactly what the person who has the gun did to acquire it in the first place."
  14. Uhh, rocket likes it. He has discussed his plans to add it to DayZ on several different occasions...
  15. This might be more suited to off-topic, and I might be tired, but I couldn't help picking up on some odd parallels in the introductory monologue of Assault Girls, a 2009 Japanese film that I haven't finished watching yet because this totally distracted me. Here's an excerpt from the intro dialogue that reminded me immediately of DayZ: Avalon. Conceived as a military RPG combat simluator: this particular game incorporated top-of-the-line advances in cerebro-physiology - making the environment open to spontaneous brainstorm style play. While hardly alone in a multitude of possibilities available to the social strata, this perfectly adapted to the human desires of those who inhabited the stangnating world. Players needed not to rely on basic acoustic or visual perceptions, since they could instead directly input all of themselves into the game environment via low-frequency wave simulation- the cerebral cortex. Combat could be set within the context of a programmed game scenario, and the player's passion injected into operative avatars that enacted their expectations and actions. The rewards coming to those worthy, thanks to an impartial evaluation system. A limited number of basic rules ensured that chances were to be spread evenly and, unlike the real world, outcomes could be repeatedly challenged. No wonder, then, that people got hooked on the game. Avalon immediately ? gaming aficionados around the globe, including a growing number of illegal groups called 'parties.' There was, however, a controversial aspect to this game in that it proposed a world full of destruction, mass murder, betrayal, and self-serving synicism. So everbody had to face the truth. The unrestrained yearning for an answer to the meaning and purpose of it all. The essence of humanity most people were looking for found solace in this violent struggle.
  16. This might be more suited to off-topic, and I might be tired, but I couldn't help picking up on some odd parallels in the introductory monologue of Assault Girls, a 2009 Japanese film that I haven't finished watching yet because this totally distracted me. Here's an excerpt from the intro dialogue that reminded me immediately of DayZ: Avalon. Conceived as a military RPG combat simluator: this particular game incorporated top-of-the-line advances in cerebro-physiology - making the environment open to spontaneous brainstorm style play. While hardly alone in a multitude of possibilities available to the social strata, this perfectly adapted to the human desires of those who inhabited the stangnating world. Players needed not to rely on basic acoustic or visual perceptions, since they could instead directly input all of themselves into the game environment via low-frequency wave simulation- the cerebral cortex. Combat could be set within the context of a programmed game scenario, and the player's passion injected into operative avatars that enacted their expectations and actions. The rewards coming to those worthy, thanks to an impartial evaluation system. A limited number of basic rules ensured that chances were to be spread evenly and, unlike the real world, outcomes could be repeatedly challenged. No wonder, then, that people got hooked on the game. Avalon immediately ? gaming aficionados around the globe, including a growing number of illegal groups called 'parties.' There was, however, a controversial aspect to this game in that it proposed a world full of destruction, mass murder, betrayal, and self-serving synicism. So everbody had to face the truth. The unrestrained yearning for an answer to the meaning and purpose of it all. The essence of humanity most people were looking for found solace in this violent struggle.
  17. ZedsDeadBaby

    What's up with people naming themselves "admin"?

    They're like people who wear the yellow and black "STAFF" shirts to concerts. In other words, assholes.
  18. Title speaks for itself. These administrators are as bad for the DayZ community as any hacker. Clearly the spate of locked servers in the last 24 hours are admins who are trying to lock down control of the helicopters. I don't advocate a permanent blacklist, but maybe a 72 hour black out? At least show them you're paying attention and their abuse isn't going unnoticed.
  19. ZedsDeadBaby

    Are Bear Traps part of DayZ?

    I picture it being a topless girl flashing her titties at you and then while you're distracted someone shoots you in the back. Ha! Bare trapped.
  20. ZedsDeadBaby

    Why we're losing players.

    There is no definitive evidence that we are losing players. Players per-24 is an incredibly deceptive stat. 300,000 fresh players will probably be playing every single day, so PP24 would be 300k. Those same 300k players might still be playing, but only once every 2-3 days which means PP24 suddenly tanks even though nobody has "quit." ARMA 2 is still a top seller on Steam and we're still gaining 50k new uniques per week. So I think it's not such a bad sign that maybe some people are taking a day off here and there. It's worth discussing but it's not quite "the sky is falling" level is what I'm saying. People do get bored. It's an Alpha and an early one at that. It's easy to exhaust all there is to do in the game as it stands.
  21. ZedsDeadBaby

    who couldent dayz controls work on console

    Uhh, why not? CoD has pretty tight controls.
  22. They said a word about it: Alpha. That's the word. Things sometimes break in spectacular ways and they will try to fix them as quickly as possible. What more do you want? Do you want them to send you snippets of source code while they analyze the problem? Also, you have access to their bug tracking database if you want it. Honestly, what do you expect? I'm sorry rocket didn't personally give you a phone call to discuss what they're working on today. You'll get over it.
  23. ZedsDeadBaby

    Yep, this mod is dying

    When ARMA ceases to be a top seller on Steam we can talk about the mod "dying." For now lets just talk about its growth slowing. That's all we're seeing. 50,000 new players per week is still amazing growth. Hackers suck but DayZ is doing fine. This is such a silly mentality. "I don't like DayZ so you should give it to me and let me change the way it works." If you don't like DayZ, make your own mod or just don't play.
  24. ZedsDeadBaby

    Add DEAD bodies as LOOT spawns

    These are in the game already. Point at a living body and click a few times, it will spawn a dead one with loot in it.
  25. ZedsDeadBaby

    Retention Dropping

    Dude, he's just fucking bringing it up for discussion. I love how you go on to tell him to "relax" and "lighten up" when your post is 100x more inflammatory and emotional than his. You're the one that needs to lighten the fuck up. I'm a huge supporter of this mod, fully aware of what it means to be Alpha, very calm about the state of things, patient with the dev team, etc. but even I am concerned about a drop from 220k daily players to 150k in such a short period of time. That's a ~30% drop, not 2% and Alpha or not it shows a waning interest and I think it's probably not a bad idea to discuss why it's happening like mature adults, eh? Fewer players means less word of mouth which is critical for a game that probably won't have a huge advertising budget. There's nothing insulting in pointing this out and asking what can be done about it. Jesus.