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Everything posted by ZedsDeadBaby

  1. Okay. Here's some videos when it's not point blank. Notice the holy fuck you're fucking dead if this touches you anywhere but the finger or the toe.
  2. We need less duping. We need more encumbrance. Damage is fine. Serious talk here. You've been in these threads, Baz. Every point you raise has been discussed elsewhere. Not sure why you post this like it's revelational.
  3. ZedsDeadBaby

    Consoles eh?

    Console hate is so vapid. Just another excuse for lonely people to claim superiority over others. Meanwhile legitimate gamers play some games on PC and some on console, and appreciate the pro's and con's of each. Civilization? Europa Universalis? I'll take PC. Mass Effect? Batman: Arkham Asylum? I prefer console. Holy shit, someone shoot me. I can't say as I would prefer or even tolerate DayZ on a console, but I'm not going to get up on my high-horse and proclaim that it's somehow an insult to humanity if it does get ported. And so what if it's about money? Money hires talented artists, developers and testers and means DayZ will have a stronger team working on it. That's good for everyone. So, yeah. Everyone take a deep breath and redirect your rage at something that fucking matters.
  4. ZedsDeadBaby

    And here is a spoon dayz community

    In such a short post I was able to establish that you are ignorant of the definitions of the following words: Defended Endlessly Alpha Neato!
  5. Don't run out of date server versions. You're here to test the latest version, not play your favorite.
  6. ZedsDeadBaby

    Remove tents

    Except the point of the game isn't to "get more stuff." Tents are fine. Fix duplication and add more storage options, not fewer.
  7. ZedsDeadBaby

    Other mods that DayZ (standalone) should embed

    Pretty sure he can't just take those mods and sell them for a profit. It's always shocking when a post is mostly reasonable and then one little sentence clues you in that the poster is a complete fucking lunatic. Like, yeah, and Taco Bell shits in their tacos so they sell more gorditas...
  8. ZedsDeadBaby

    AS50/M107 used against light armored infantry?

    Holy shit we JUST fucking talked about this. No, it hasn't.
  9. ZedsDeadBaby

    How can you even call this a game?

    That's actually pretty hilarious. Hopefully he recorded that and I get the chance to see this from his perspective. Oh, by the way, you tabbed out of the game while in the presence of a stranger? Unwise, son.
  10. ZedsDeadBaby

    Apocolypse Currency (ideas for trade items)

    Uhh, that's assuming a lot don't you think? I don't have it strapped to my body. I'm not stronger than you, prepared for your attempt to steal it? I allow you to get a grip on the item I'm holding when you haven't allowed me to do the same? Why do you get to "yank" my item away when I have a grip on yours? Because it's not. Yeah, that's the hilariously stupid mechanic we're trying to improve on. Thanks for describing it in all it's horrid detail. Yes. So stupid. Unlike two grown man "trading" by rifling through each other's personal belongings completley unhindered. Uh huh. Okay. The inventory window "looks like" an MMORPG too. Should we take that out? You can just guess what you have, or have someone else tell you. 'cause nothing that looks like an MMORPG could possibly be useful to us right?
  11. ZedsDeadBaby

    AS50/M107 used against light armored infantry?

    Which article is that? Oh, nevermind. Found this: Legend has it that the .50-caliber is so powerful that the Geneva Conventions prohibit U.S. troops from using it against human targets, but does that make sense considering it is okay to fire much larger artillery shells against enemy troops? [...] In truth, neither the 1949 Geneva Conventions nor other laws governing the conduct of war forbid U.S. troops from using the weapon against enemy fighters, said Gary D. Solis, an adjunct law professor at Georgetown University.
  12. ZedsDeadBaby

    AS50/M107 used against light armored infantry?

    The AS50 weighs like 30 pounds. Not quite "immense." They do not require 2-man teams. A spotter is heplful but not needed. They are also used very often to engage human targets. They are capable of engaging vehicles but that is not their sole purpose. Many .50 calibers are deployed against human targets. More encumbrance features would be nice, and less accuracy while crouched, and maybe even some setup time but lets stop throwing around ridiculous and asinine misinformation for the sake of supporting the argument, okay? Just say "They're bulky and take time to setup." That's all you need to say.
  13. ZedsDeadBaby

    Apocolypse Currency (ideas for trade items)

    Yes, in fact. It actually emulates what would occur in reality quite well. I would show an item to you, demonstrating my willingness to give it to you. I would expect you to show me the item you agreed to give me in exchange. Only then would I "agree" to make the exchange. Any attempt to acquire my item before presenting yours or making it available would result in physical resistance and possibly combat. I assume the same is true for you. Only once we both "accept" the terms of the trade as presented would we relinquish our physical grasp on the item. So, again, yes, a trade window with accept buttons is quite a sufficient emulation of reality. Far moreso than rifling through each others' backpacks and just taking whatever the fuck we want with no way for the person to resist or even really keep accurate track of what you're taking (or putting in). Implementing a better trade mechanic has nothing to do with making it "safe."
  14. ZedsDeadBaby

    Tent under tree that I can not loot

    Sometimes if they're too near obstacles, you will not be able to get the menu. I've lost 2-3 tents this way myself.
  15. ZedsDeadBaby

    2 weeks of play, already geared?

    Repeat after me: It's not about the gear. This isn't WoW. Getting "geared up" isn't the point to the game. If you make it the point to your game, you're gonna have a bad time.
  16. ZedsDeadBaby

    Admin rant : Part 1

    For every admin like you and server like yours, there are two run by immature, lazy ne'er-do-wells who abuse their players and exploit their position. There are certainly entitled, loud-mouthed players who walk all over admins, but if you really want to clean up the dialog then you need to be just as worried about the admins are out there giving you a bad name by running their servers like shitheads.
  17. ZedsDeadBaby

    DayZ Vets

    So basically Halo? Yeah. I'll admit it sounds kind of fun but it has nothing to do with DayZ.
  18. Had to stop reading there. It probably goes downhill, but this just shows extreme ignorance of the state of the game when players started with guns. The beaches were literally covered with corpses and the din of buzzing flies because of new players shooting each other for ammunition or just for the hell of it. The removal of starting weapons had a greater positive effect on life expectancy than any other change that has gone into DayZ so far. In answer to your title, no, you're probably not the only one who feels that way. I'm sure there are other ignoramuses out there with the same misguided opinions.
  19. Always? You always find those things? Come on, dude. The % spawn chances are published. I have looted probably ~40 crashed helicopters in the months I've played this game and I've found 2x AS50s and 2x L85s in all those choppers. Weapons and equipment are common because there are 100 different ways to duplicate items, some of which happen unintentionally almost as often as they happen on purpose. That's all there is to it. Nothing to do with looting anything.
  20. Except the other 489 posts of his are equally asinine. Go ahead and read his history, I dare you. Pretty much every one one of his posts comes in at about the same level. It's a nightmare. Pretty much just like TheMachine. How coincidental. They're cut from the same cloth.
  21. ZedsDeadBaby

    Where does one find dogs?

    Please actually do this.
  22. ZedsDeadBaby

    Where does one find dogs?

    Right; because there are posts that answer the question so there's no reason to ask it. Which is kind of the point to the warnings.
  23. ZedsDeadBaby

    Shot some bandit, lost 7 K humanity.

    Haha, some fucking hero, then. Maybe you weren't cut out for the job. "I was totally going to save Metropolis but then this dude had like a bunch of kryptonite. Or maybe they were limes. I don't know. Fuck it, I'm playing XBOX."
  24. ZedsDeadBaby

    have i got a new story for you

    Dude. Seriously? 012 x 019 mate.