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Everything posted by ZedsDeadBaby

  1. ZedsDeadBaby

    Raw Mouse Input Is Crucial To Immersion

    Right, which is what I said in my post. I don't think the current implementation is a good analogue for human movement. It is too slow at the moment and the behavior when you move "too fast" is really strange. But, I absolutely do not think the proper solution is to go to 1:1. Raw input in my opinion will not only feel incredibly unrealistic, it will look completely odd to see people move in that way from an observer's perspective. Plus, there are enormous implications for gameplay. Expanding reticle or not, in close quarters the ability to spin 180 degrees in what is essentially an instant completely changes the dynamic of position and movement in combat. Right now it's a huge advantage to sneak up behind someone, or to engage them from the rear. That advantage almost completely goes away if people can correct their orientation with the flick of a wrist.
  2. ZedsDeadBaby

    Raw Mouse Input Is Crucial To Immersion

    Acceptable for whom? It's really odd when a person speaks in facts and absolutes when discussing something that's very obviously a matter of opinion and design aesthetic.
  3. ZedsDeadBaby

    Raw Mouse Input Is Crucial To Immersion

    Now strap 40 pounds of gear to your back, hold an actual weapon instead of just pretending to hold one, and then do the same. Observe that you can no longer "jump and spin" quite as effectively, that the turn takes longer and that the end of your rifle is absolutely out of control all over the place during this maneuver. Mouse input absolutely needs improvement, but 1:1 raw input is inappropriate for DayZ. It is not human movement and in my opinion it is major hit against, not for, immersion. One of the major reasons I never considered playing The WarZ was observing it's movement mechanics and how they mirrored games like Counterstrike where players feel weightless. The goal is not only to simulate realism with respect to weapon accuracy. It is to attempt to simulate realism with respect to actual human bodily motion, and that's something "every other game" doesn't concern itself with. When I play DayZ, I want to feel like a person, not a weightless superhuman avatar.
  4. ZedsDeadBaby

    If I Spawn In Solnichniy One More Time I'll Puke.

    The whole point to spawning is that you are supposed to be vulnerable. If you could spawn anywhere, you would be way too safe. No matter how lost you would be, you could just find the nearest road sign and bam easy money. The map is huge, you're right. That's exactly why we need to limit spawn points to a small area.
  5. ZedsDeadBaby

    If I Spawn In Solnichniy One More Time I'll Puke.

    If you're tired of spawning, try dying less.
  6. ZedsDeadBaby

    Bambi's Knocking Out Geared Players.

    The rest of your 3-line post which said essentially the same thing as the line I responded to? Sorry to "disregard" it, but my response would have been the same either way. If you don't like punching people, don't punch people. If you don't like watching streamers do it, that's also your choice. I'm really having trouble drilling down into the deeper meaning behind your words. Should we tape new players' arms to their sides because you think some random streamer is "retarded?" Yes, please do check my post history rofl.
  7. It's funny how you would complain about the "it's alpha!" crowd and then write this, which is a hilarious example of a phrase to which "it's alpha!" is a perfectly legitimate response. Do you honestly envision a world in which the developers are unaware of these issues and have to come to the forums to look around for posts informing them of things that might need fixing in their game? The equivalent would be an architect who is overseeing the construction of a building he designed observing the foundation being poured and then stopping random strangers on the street and going, "Hey, what do you think? Help me out here. Is this building done? I'm not sure. What's next? Walls? Public restrooms? God I'm lost."
  8. ZedsDeadBaby

    Bambi's Knocking Out Geared Players.

    a. Don't do it. b. Don't watch it. I've solved your dilemma.
  9. ZedsDeadBaby

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Yeah, dude. We get it. You're "fine" with anything that lets you immediately identify bad guys so you never have to take any risks in approaching them and can fire from a safe distance without thinking about your decisions. We. Get. It. Anything that accomplishes this you're totally fine with. It's all quite fine, so long as some magical wizard swoops down on Chernarus and labels all the bandits for you. It's pretty clear you don't give a shit what form that takes. Someone could suggest that only the good guys can wear strap-on dildos and you would be totally fine traipsing around Chernarus shooting anyone that didn't have a rubber cock dangling off their waist. How many different ways can you say the same goddamn thing? 27 pages and all you have ever said is "I require the ability to immediately identify bad guys from any distance." That's it. That's what you want and here's me again praying you never get it because this isn't Lord of the Rings and you're not Gandalf.
  10. ZedsDeadBaby

    Do You Pos?

    I don't know why you bother writing different things in your posts when they all say the same bullshit. Just CTRL-C, CTRl-V and save yourself the time dude.
  11. ZedsDeadBaby

    Did I Get Cheated Or Was This Just A Glitch?

    Not to sound dismissive, but why does it matter at all? We know some hacks are floating around and we definitely know there are a lot of weird glitches going on. So, who cares which one this was? Obviously nobody can tell for sure. Maybe one, maybe the other. Maybe a mixture of the two (i.e., he glitched into the wall and decided to exploit it to his advantage). You're dead either way you slice the pie. Well, that's a bit sad. Hopefully you can convince your friend it's really silly to get upset about glitches and exploits at this stage of the game. That's like driving a car with no tires and then complaining about the bumpy ride.
  12. ZedsDeadBaby

    Bambi's Knocking Out Geared Players.

    Ahh, yes. Firstbornchicken's brain, where being a little sarcastic is an unforgivable sin but profane xenophobia insulting an entire nation of people is just fine and dandy. Typical, I don't know, Ivory Coaster? Brazilian? Just wild guesses here because I don't have weird prejudices about other countries bumping around in my head. Also, is there even an ignore feature here?
  13. private void playerSpotted( targetPlayer ) { runDestination = targetPlayer.currentLocation; runTo( runDestination ); } Such advance. So AI. Wow.
  14. ZedsDeadBaby

    Bambi's Knocking Out Geared Players.

    What does that even mean? Yes, it's his opinion. I was responding to his goofy opinion. Just because something is someone's opinion doesn't mean it can't be weird or stupid. Haha, yeah. Okay. 34 years of being a sarcastic ass and this is what's going to turn it all around. "Well, I was a real pill until Firtbornchicken told me to cool it one day on the DayZ forums and ever since then I've been a straight-laced, no-nonsense kinda' guy!"
  15. Going to go out on a very short limb here and guess that you're not a software developer nor do you have much experience working with software. First big clue is the phrase "hard coded" in this context makes absolutely no sense.
  16. ZedsDeadBaby

    Bambi's Knocking Out Geared Players.

    'cause somehow what he chooses to do in the game matters to everyone or has any impact whatsoever on what the developers have accomplished. Because, I don't know? You said so. Or something.
  17. ZedsDeadBaby

    Bambi's Knocking Out Geared Players.

    Are we really going to have this conversation again? Just because it's not how you play doesn't mean it's not playing the game. If you don't want your face punched occasionally, don't let your face get in punching range of random strangers. That is ridiculous. Who are these players and why do they suck so much? Ahh, here we go. The "it's going to turn into" argument we've been hearing since May 2012. So far, none of these predictions have come true. The game isn't going to turn into anything just because some people choose a style of play that you find a bit odd. As in real life, simply adopt a general policy not hanging around people who randomly punch you in the face. It works just as well in the game as it does in reality. If you want to make friends, choose people who don't use their body parts to smash your body parts. It's really not that complicated and it entirely solves the problem.
  18. ZedsDeadBaby

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Except it's not really a real choice. I called you out on the ruse already, mate. Under your proposed system "Bandit armband" and "no armband" both mean exactly the same thing, so you can identify me either way. What does it matter if I have a "choice?" It's an illusion. Either way, you know I'm not a Hero, which is what you want in order to justify pulling the trigger on me without actually doing any observation or discovery on your own. We're back where we were 20 pages ago. You want God (or Santa Claus, or the Tooth Faerie) to come along and tell you who the bad guys are. Whether they're in a Bandit armband or exercising their "choice" to not wear their bandit armband, you know they're not good and that's all that really matters. That's what your system boils down to. We didn't need 24 pages and sample screenshots and a bunch of ridiculous arguments about the size of the armband or how hard it is to see from what distances to figure it out. You could have posted once. "Please tell us who the bad guys are so we know who to shoot." That's it. That's what you want (or, in your opinion what you "NEED"). I for one genuinely hope it never happens. It was artificial and magical on Page 1 and it's sitll artificial and magical on Page 25.
  19. The revenue from the mod would have come in regardless of whether BI committed the team to the Standalone. So it's not exactly accurate to say that they were generating revenue by working on the Standalone. The revenue was coming from the mod, not the work they were doing the past 18 months. In fact, their decision to take the team OFF the mod and have them focus on the Standalone even though the mod was generating revenue for them is fantastic evidence that they weren't in it for quick cash. Quick cash would have come from continuing to push the mod hard or moving it to ARMA 3 which sells for $59.99.
  20. The criteria has broadened significantly in the past 5 years. Everyone thinks they're an "indie developer" now because they downloaded some open source flash game and dicked around with it one weekend.
  21. ZedsDeadBaby

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    The people I care about aren't using their eyes to look at me. Oh, very nice. Except while I have the option not to wear the Bandit armband, I don't have the option to wear the Hero one, right? All the Heroes wear their's, and suddenly "no armband" is just another way for you to identify bandits. Nice try, though. If you want people to have choice, then nothing needs to be implemented except more clothes. Let people wear whatever they want. If the community wants to agree on a "good guy" costume then go ahead and put that on, but I get to wear it too if I want.
  22. ZedsDeadBaby

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    In other words, incredibly easy to see from well over 400m away. So, godsight. Just like we said like 20 pages ago and you got all up-in-arms about. If you want to not kill heroes, then don't shoot people until you know whether or not they're a hero. It's "pretty simple."
  23. That's obviously not "simply" what you said in your original post. You outright accused Bohemia of running a scam to steal our money with no intention of delivering a product. That is a hell of a lot different than just "wanting them to focus on the proper things." If that's what you wanted to discuss, that's what you should have posted. Not your bullshit conspiracy theory about Bohemia using DayZ to bilk us out of millions of dollars and close up shop without delivering a product. If you're really interested in reading about the team's Alpha priorities, go to this reddit thread. I posted a long post criticizing their priorities and rocket responded reasonably to every point. He discusses precisely why the priorities seem odd, explains what they're working on and why, and even hints that they are looking to hire production staff to help keep things moving in the right direction. And next time you want to talk about something, maybe just make a post about that thing instead of wrapping it up in a giant box of bullshit.
  24. ZedsDeadBaby

    Why ARMA Engine?

    Oh, okay. Neat. Bethesda doesn't license its engines. Anymore brilliant ideas? So you don't trust them to address issues in the engine upon which the game was designed and with which they are completely familiar... but somehow you would trust them to take a completely unrelated engine and make it work with DayZ which would undoubtedly be MUCH more complicated and require much more time, effort and money?
  25. At first glance, an absolutely scathing takedown of Bohemia and the DayZ development team! At second glance, a downright laughable rant based on absurd assumptions disguised as "evidence" and a bunch of gobbledegook pulled directly out of your puckered asshole. If BI wanted a quick buck, why would they have let Dean and team work for 18 months on the payroll with zero revenue? That was a huge risk. If you want to see what happens when a company wants to make a quick buck, go play The WarZ. That was a cash grab. If BI didn't intend to finish it, why the last 18 months? It makes no sense. They could have plopped the mod on top of ARMA 3's engine, released it for $20 back in 2012 and probably pulled in just as much money, then put Dean and folks back to work on their core products.