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Everything posted by ZedsDeadBaby

  1. ZedsDeadBaby

    [POLL] Standalone and instances

    Yeah, this is a misleading poll and a complete misinterpretation of rocket's words. He was not talking about "instances" in the sense of zones or missions players would undertake. All he was talking about is the fact that underground bases could exist separately so that they would not be tied to a single server like tents and vehicles are now, and members of a squad could access them from different servers. And he was very clear that there will be no safe (no PvP) zones.
  2. ZedsDeadBaby

    Death should really be the end.

    The only alternative is permanent death which means you need to buy another copy of the game every time you die which I think you would agree is an unsustainable business model and a very unsatisfying game experience. We have discussed that. Getting a gun and a few bullets doesn't give me back my 42 Day survival counter. It doesn't give me back my 1250 zombie kills or 30 bandit kills or 600km travel distance. It doesn't mean I spawn next to my friends able to assist them further in whatever armed conflict we were involved in when I died. It doesn't return the vehicle I was driving at the time or the contents therein. It doesn't connect my new survivor with all the experiences, story and history that my old one. Play DayZ a bit longer and you will realize that the pain of death has very little to do with dropping a gun and a few tools on the ground. The pain comes from losing your life which is how it should be. Losing items is not the only or even primary penalty for death. If you believe it is and therefore think recovering a few items means there's "no penalty" then I submit that you place far too much value on equipment.
  3. ZedsDeadBaby

    Killing unarmed survivors..

    The thing about the vehicle "explosion" is that it's not really an explosion of note. It's just an animation to indicate the vehicle has been permanently disabled. Which gunfire of this sort would most certainly do in relatively short order. If you're inside one of these vehicles when it "explodes" you will usually survive with very minor wounds, maybe bleeding. Occasionally a broken leg. Not much worse than your average zombie hit. Also this belongs in the Gallery forum.
  4. No, it's not. Can people seriously not use Google anymore? Is Google broken? The Hague Conventions prohibit expanding bullets. But only for international conflicts. And only in war. Neither apply in Chernarus. Despite the ban on military use, hollow-point bullets are one of the most common types of civilian and police ammunition...
  5. Really? Then go respond to it and try to actually refute the arguments contained therein. I realize it's so much easier to just spout vacuous one-liners like this, but you spend enough time on these forums to put forth a little effort, no? Set aside a couple minutes and construct a rebuttal and post it in the thread instead of spouting off trite bullshit like this. Okay, wait. So did you even read my post? "Only Battlefield?" "generic FPS?" You cannot possibly have read that thread and walked away thinking that's what I'm advocating for. Well, that is, unless of course you came out with a bunch of pre-conceived notions about people who use these weapons and you refuse to abandon them no matter what. That can't be true, can it? Surely you're more reasonable than that. This makes me even more excited for your rebuttal, which I'm sure will show up if I just wait patiently. By the way, I absolutely love that you're still here. And every bit as entertaining as ever. Never give up, man.
  6. ZedsDeadBaby

    Death should really be the end.

    No, I really don't. The first paragraph discusses group-based, squad-based, and community oriented gear storage goals. The second says I don't care about my personal "load out" when I die meaning I'm not concerned about "epic lewts" for my "toon" but I do think that there should be long term goals that transcend single players and their individual lives. So you agree if I share a storage space with 20 other people and I die that all of their equipment and gear and work should be arbitrarily erased as well simply because I'm the one who placed the storage container on the ground (understanding of course that any clan will simply purchase a single CD key to act as a storage mule who never plays the game and risks death)? Or do you agree with the notion that no group of people should have shared storage (which in my opinion completely undermines the idea of community survival)?
  7. I asked a question and you had to qualify the answer with "if you play on regular servers." That's like saying "It's impossible to drive!" And when I ask "Why? Driving is easy." You say "Well if you're eyes are closed it's not!" So, like, open your fucking eyes, right? Same deal. Don't play on stupid fucking servers and don't answer questions about the design of the game by referencing servers with settings that shouldn't even fucking exist in the first place and are only hold-overs from ARMA 2 that haven't been removed and will most definitely not exist in stand-alone which this thread is about.
  8. Right, so are you going to actually answer my question? How is that less skill than any of the other fucking guns in the game which don't require the first two steps? Aim and click. That's how ALL of the other guns work with the possible exception of the crossbow.
  9. Yeah, if you choose to play on completely retarded servers then things get pretty retarded. Thankfully you have the "not retarded" option waiting for you any time you want to swap.
  10. I was actually teleported twice, and one time my guy started to do a dance while I was running in the woods. ESC-->Abort-->New Server each time worked. So that's three hackers across probably ~15 different servers and lets call it 24 days since I probably took a day off here or there. I'm not here to argue that hacking isn't a major issue. But it's big enough on its own without the help of silly hyperbole, questionably-conducted "studies," or the constant forum spam we have to deal with every day.
  11. Ahh, this old argument. It's been a few days. With bullet drop, distance estimation, moving targets and vantage point selection these weapons require more skill than any other system in the game. Help me understand how using one of these requires less skill than putting your AKM sights on a target and holding the mouse button down? Try to be specific.
  12. ZedsDeadBaby

    Death should really be the end.

    No, no. I like playing the game just fine. I wouldn't want to play your version of it because it's shallow, uninteresting and short-term which completely defeats the purpose of having a persistent world. Without storage, DayZ might as well play like ARMA 2 - instanced missions that come and go. What's the point of having a persistent world that saves its state if there is no method by which players can accumulate supplies over long periods of time? What if I want to recruit new players into my squad and outfit them quickly? What if I want to create a player-run hospital and supply my own medics with blood, morphine and antibiotics? What if I want to repair a vehicle (which requires more than 3 wheels and a jerry can)? What if I want to have a long-range loadout ready for days when I need to play over-watch and a short or medium range loadout in storage for days when I need to be prepared for urban combat? What if I want to extend the survivability of my team by stockpiling food and supplies so they do not have to enter populated areas and endanger their lives every time they get thirsty? What if I want to run a supply depot and trade weapons for car parts and medical supplies? What if I want to build a larger structure such as a fort or underground base, or repair and maintain the vehicles and equipment I get which will soon undergo degradation and disrepair as per rocket? What if I want to try and rebuild motherfucking civilization? I have to do it out of my backpack? Yes. Sorry. Insane and retarded both come to mind. In what ridiculous fucking universe does it make any sense whatsoever that I wouldn't want to store some survival supplies and equipment somewhere? What kind of survivor says "Well, there's a lot of food and important supplies over there but there's no room in my backpack so I'm just going to let it rot." Fucking ridiculous. Because when I repair vehicles I don't do it like a retard. I find out what the vehicle needs, and then I go gather those parts slowly and methodically until I have every part I need and then I use one of my existing vehicles to drive in, repair the damaged vehicle quickly, and get out safely. Instead of your method which would basically require running back and forth and forth and back and forth and back and forth over and over like a goddamn circus clown to bring items one at a fucking time from kilometers away just because you don't think a pick-up truck has a bed or a military supply vehicle a place to put motherfucking supplies. No, that's not even one of my complaints let alone the biggest. And it's not you I'm trying to convince. I can tell from reading your posts that you will never be convinced of anything. Instead I just plan on following you around and pointing out at every opportunity what a ridiculous loon you are with respect to player storage so that other players who come by and read the discussions won't mistake your ideas for legitimate contributions to the mod and wonder whether they might have to be afraid of the kind of de-evolution in mechanics and depth for which you constantly advocate. Okay, then what fucking difference does it make if I find it in 1 hour or 30 minutes because I have it stored in a tent? You just undermined your entire fucking argument. You're right. Gear is not important. Finding it is not hard. So letting me store some in a tent doesn't really undermine the pain of death. Your problem is you think the game is about gear. When I die I don't give a flying fuck what gear I had. I care about my story, the history of my character, losing contact with friends, getting cut off from my squad, resetting my zombie kill count and days survived, etc. Gear is not the point to the game. So storing it does not undermine anything let alone the "fundamental design" of the game. Link me to these polls where people agree that storage should be removed? Please? Is that the same interview where he talked about letting squads build underground bases for persistent storage that wouldn't be able to be infiltrated while they were offline? That rocket, and that interview? You putz. It's obviously not how the game was designed. Oh, please son. Tear into me all you want. Take all the time you need. I welcome your tiny little kitten claws. Meow. No, what it comes down to is that I understand that gear storage doesn't have any effect on how permadeath impacts me as a player. Because unlike you I realize the game isn't about gear or loot. It's about player interactions, stories, and creating and fostering an emotional presence in the world. It's ironic you accuse me of wanting to play WoW when you're obviously the one who is obsessed about gear and equipment. If you really thing having some shit in a tent takes away the sting of death, then you value gear far more than I do.
  13. ZedsDeadBaby

    Scale down loot spawns on low pop servers?

    Low population servers are actually a lot more dangerous because that's exactly where farmers go to farm loot. If a server has 4/50 people you can pretty much be guaranteed that 2 are at the NWAF and 2 at Stary Sobor.
  14. When the forum starts getting spammed with pointless fucking threads like this one.
  15. Tons of conclusions that you had to leap to, no verifiable numbers, no data. This is not a study. Hackers are a problem. Hacking sucks. Nobody needs to be told this. But they're not everyhwere. I'm on Day 26 and play daily. I would be dead many times over if hacking was anywhere near as ever-present as your "study" implies. And beside that point, even if it WERE as common, what do you think you've accomplished by doing this apart from hopefully receiving a global ban? Do you think they're going to go "Oh, we thought it wasn't a big deal until that dude posted that one thread now we're totally going to flip the 'allow hackers' switch to OFF.
  16. ZedsDeadBaby

    Death should really be the end.

    And completely retarded, and a total undermining of cooperative play, long-term goals, player structure building, squad mechanics and a host of other things as I have explained to you in gruesome detail in countless other threads though it seems to have no effect on you showing up in every one of these fucking discussions spouting the same garbage. No. The acquisition of gear is not "fundamental" to the game. It's loss is not "fundamental" to death and maintaining it through lives does not violate anything "fundamental" about the game. You are the one who misunderstands what this game is about. Not those who utilize storage. You.
  17. I teach my dog to smell pussy, sorry. I'm afraid this will not be the "bandit deterrent" you have been waiting for.
  18. Right. And the AS50 is 12kg. So, yeah. That was my point? I'm not sure what the "are you fucking kidding me?" is for or the "unable to move" comment. You seem to be responding to someone who is not me. Or didn't follow precisely what I was saying. I'm calling out the people who say an AS50 should make people walk instead of run by pointing out that most of them are carrying around the same amount of weight in random shit in their packs and would likewise be effected by their calls for increased encumbrance.
  19. Okay, so now it's rate of fire that's the problem? Not standing accuracy? Geez, talk about a moving target... The AS50 can fire 5 rounds every 1.6 seconds. It takes a moment to reacquire a sight picture, which is true in the game as well when you're standing or crouched. Rapid fire is only really possible prone (in RL and in DayZ).
  20. I'm super excited for all the people clamoring for such a draconian weight system to return here when they realize that 5 cans of beans, 2 liters of water, 2 pints of blood, an AK-74 w/ 60 rounds of ammo and random supplies add up and make it so they can't run either. They will be back on the forums saying "No, no! We meant just for big scary guns. Not for the stuff WE carry." I'm all for making these weapons a little bulkier and harder to deploy - but making me walk everywhere or "get tired" 'cause I've got a lot of stuff sounds incredibly tedious and quite silly as a mechanic.
  21. ZedsDeadBaby

    Any more updates in progress?

    Maybe they're at Gamescon? You know, like the announcements that you claim to want but don't read say.
  22. Perhaps you should continue one of the other discussions that are currently ongoing about this very topic right here on the GD front page?
  23. ZedsDeadBaby

    Another "I quit because..."

    Anyone who think this forum is the worst they have seen can't possibly have participated in very many forums. There are far more legitimate and nearly-legitimate conversations going on here than any online game I've played in the last 15 years. Plenty of flaming, and plenty of ideas being shot down (usually the awful ones), but also a fair amount of decent discussion. Go try to have one of those on the WoW forums. See what happens. I *dare* you. And I think coffee is better than tea. But, if I walked into a tea-house and started shouting that at people, I would fully expect to get "flamed" and "shot down." DayZ is a PvP game. It's meant to be "heavy" with it. If that upsets you, perhaps your time would be better spent finding a game more suited to your desires than sitting on the DayZ forums? The reason you're being flamed isn't because the "community is awful" it's because your ideas are anathema to the spirit of the title.