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Everything posted by ZedsDeadBaby

  1. ZedsDeadBaby

    Sniper Rifles

    And how is that argument unique to sniper rifles? It applies to all weapons.
  2. ZedsDeadBaby

    Sniper Rifles

    Because the military was there trying to stop the zombie outbreak and combat bandits, obviously. The same reason a "sleepy corner of Russia" has temporary military bases set up, military assault rifles scattered all over the ground, and ruined HMMVs all over the place. Why is the realism argument only applicable to sniper rifles? If you want to play a game that stresses realism, there's not going to be random guns lying around anywhere. Sleepy corner of Russia or not, you don't just find random weapons and ammunition caches lying around on the ground. If you're willing to suspend disbelief long enough to accept that you can find an M4 lying around, then it's kind of ridiculous to try and argue that sniper rifles "don't fit the setting." Either the military left rifles lying around for us or they didn't. What, did they just happen to get away with all the sniper rifles, but the assault rifle guys didn't make it out? is that the story we're supposed to buy? Come on.
  3. ZedsDeadBaby

    Sniper Rifles

    With respect, weight is a ridiculous argument. We're carrying like 50kg of gear around on our backs. If you really want to start talking about weight, we're going to run into an awful lot of problems really quickly. As for "maintenance" I don't know what your source is on this. I think you're pretty much just winging it. What's your source for this claim? Can you link to some indication that these rifles require extreme amounts of "maintenance" compared to any other rifle? What do you even mean by maintenance? Like repair?
  4. ZedsDeadBaby

    Loot distribution is all wrong

    Loot distribution isn't implemented yet. Why are we even talking about it?
  5. ZedsDeadBaby

    Sniper Rifles

    You can make the same argument about assault rifles or pretty much anything except shotguns and hunting rifles which is boring.
  6. ZedsDeadBaby

    Sniper Rifles

    I so rarely disagree with rocket. That's just stupid. What is a setting in which military assault rifles "fit" but sniper rifles do not? Weird. Oh, well.
  7. ZedsDeadBaby

    Sniper Rifles

    Source on this?
  8. ZedsDeadBaby

    Sniper Rifles

    You're cute.
  9. ZedsDeadBaby

    Sniper Rifles

    Who said they're not being added to the SA?
  10. ZedsDeadBaby

    Too many veterans

    Forum member since December 2012. Knows to go to the NWAF and can get there without a map. Never played the mod. Definitely checks out.
  11. ZedsDeadBaby

    please remove the barracks at balota

    Right, but that has nothing to do with Balota barracks. You don't spawn at Balota barracks. You choose to go there. If you do that and die and you're a smart person you go "Well, that place is dangerous" and then you don't go back. You don't keep running there over and over again and then quit the game in frustration. Just understand that this is not going to happen. Good discussion, but honestly I can guarantee you 100% that they're not going to start making changes to the map to address concerns about loot before loot mechanics have even been implemented.
  12. ZedsDeadBaby

    Suggestion: multiple characters

    If it's really that important to your enjoyment of the game, you can buy a second copy. That's what we did during the mod.
  13. ZedsDeadBaby

    please remove the barracks at balota

    This thread is getting kind of goofy. Look, the map isn't going to change before loot spawn mechanics have even been implemented. Maybe come back in 3 months and talk about this when it matters?
  14. ZedsDeadBaby

    Should combat logging be ban-able?

    No, obviously. It should just be fixed.
  15. ZedsDeadBaby

    please remove the barracks at balota

    I don't see how that has any impact on whether or not the game turns into a "TDM." People will go North and get killed just as easily. It will just take them a little longer. If someone is going to be "turned away" by spawning and dying often, then they're not going to like DayZ no matter what spawns where mate. If someone will quit after dying in Balota, then they're going to quit all the faster if they run for 90 minutes and then die.
  16. ZedsDeadBaby

    This game will only be a niche .....

    A person who read your post and saw a ton of stuff that DayZ will never do or have and you complaining about it? It's not hard to put together that you're not going to like DayZ. It's like someone saying "I hate the taste of oranges" and then telling them they will probably not like orange juice. Who am I to say they won't like orange juice? Well, just a person who knows they hate the taste of oranges. It's not hard to put together. Then you should probably know what a ridiculous post this is and how none of the shit you listed is ever going to happen, ever.
  17. ZedsDeadBaby

    This game will only be a niche .....

    I honestly tried to respond to your post, but it started turning into a novel because, shockingly, you're literally wrong about every single thing. It's astonishing. I mean "an MMO can't work without factions?" That's what you're going with? Gee, let's list MMO's that did just fine without factions, shall we? EverQuest, Ultima Online, Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2, Final Fantasy, EVE Online... should I go on? I could go on because the list is really long. Anyway, yeah. My best advice to you is to go back to WoW, and I don't usually tell people to "go play another game" because I think that's tired and gets old, but it's honestly what you need to do. DayZ is not the game for you.
  18. Until it's not an Alpha anymore. Based on the current state of the game my guess would be sometime in 2015. If you didn't want to play an Alpha, why did you buy DayZ?
  19. ZedsDeadBaby

    please remove the barracks at balota

    The way it worked in the mod was incredibly repetitive, predictable and boring. Spawn, get a backpack, maybe a compass and some beans then run north. Every. Single. Time. High value spawns in the south will, I wager, almost always be picked clean once the "real" loot system is in. In addition, they will be incredibly heavily camped and therefore extremely dangerous. Going there will still be far less effective than traveling to less well-known hot spots to find your items. Removing them is premature and unnecessary. Thankfully I think rocket understands that making map changes to account for loot balance before the loot mechanics are even implemented is beyond ridiculous.
  20. If my friend saw you rob a liquor store last week and he describes you to me then, yes, I will know your reputation when I see you on the street. You're not perfectly anonymous as long as you can be observed.
  21. Why would I "approach" them? I observe from a distance while remaining unnoticed. Are you reading anything I'm actually saying? No, it's definitely not. Just throwing the word "statistically" into a sentence doesn't help; especially when it's obvious you have no idea of the actual numbers involved. Yes, the map is very big; but, there are points of congregation as well as highly traveled "corridors" between hot spots. People traveling from the coast towards the NWAF will pass through areas like Pavlovo, Zelonogorsk, Drozhino, Sosnovka and Myshinko. It's really common to meet people in these areas, as well as on the roads or in the woods between them. Likewise with the eastern corridor between Solnichniy and Berezino. Very heavily trafficked and quite common to encounter players. Even relatively obscure towns like Mogilevka or Dolina see action precisely because lots of people think they're "safe" going there. If you honestly think it's "statistically improbable" to encounter players, then I question how much you've played the game (or, again, you're playing on servers with fewer than 12 people probably).
  22. Zombies are not incredibly difficult to avoid at night. If you hear a zombie yell, just start running and don't stop until you can't hear the zombie anymore. They can't outrun a player at full sprint.
  23. ZedsDeadBaby

    DayZ DIY

    Oddly, I jam a pair of 3D glasses in to the space between 'W' and '2.' Why 3D glasses? I don't know. They were sitting there looking lonely.
  24. No, it's definitely not. Perhaps you don't understand what I mean by "tacked on." I mean features which exist that break immersion by artificially rewarding or punishing certain behavior. For example, if giving blood to a dying survivor made a plane fly over and drop supplies for you as a reward, that's "tacked on" and artificial. Likewise, if AI NPCs show up and arrest killers and throw them in jail for murder, that's "tacked on." Me shooting your ugly face off because I feel like it is not tacked on. That's a direct consequence of playing a game which has guns and other people in it. I don't understand what that's even supposed to mean? I encounter dozens of players every time I play. I usually go prone in the grass and watch them pass by. I don't understand what you're trying to say here? It makes no sense. Yeah, no. That's really not true. w/ binoculars and other long-range optics, it's really easy to observe players from a distance and see what they're doing without becoming directly involved. I witnessed dozens and dozens of murders at the NWAF during the mod days, and often while remaining completely unnoticed. You can take point above a town in a deer stand or sniper tower and watch for hours players come and go and they will never know you're there. Just don't make a target out of yourself and you won't get noticed. Provided the activity is rewarded (i.e., you're able to gain information about other players) and equipment is added to the game to support this activity (like binoculars, optics and cameras) then it would happen all the time. Okay? I don't understand how that's relevant to my idea. And as I pointed out before, that's an opinion you're free to hold but is by no means a fact. Collecting gear is important in the first few hours of the game, but it ceases to be a priority after that. For me the most important and desirable thing in the game is trusted friends and after that the second most important thing is interesting stories. Right. Which is exactly what my idea would allow. As more survivors witness someone being a murderer, word and information spreads about them and then when you see them, you recognize them as the killer you heard about. Did you read my post? Probably not. That is very obviously and demonstrably not true based on the fact that there are several very large clans in operation that have a policy against banditry and murder that have existed since the early days of the mod. They never gave up being good, because for them that's what makes the game fun and interesting, and "losing shit" is meaningless. There's always more "shit" to get. Your obsession with gear is not shared by most players. I am betting you don't know what you're talking about. I survived for 45 days during the mod and never once attacked anyone. I had 5 player killers which were all in self defense. I had over 1600 zombies killed and had easily traversed the map 10 times (over 120km traveled). I had a dozen vehicles including two motorcycles and 4 different "base camps" around the map with 3-4 tents in each holding reserve ammunition, food and weapons. I achieved this by cooperating with friends, playing smart, moving quietly and not going in guns-blazing all the time expecting to win every firefight I got into. It was really fun, and I'm more proud of how long I survived than I am of how much "shit" I had. I had too much shit. We all did. We had shit coming out of our ears. It was not important. What was important was the experiences we had traveling together and surviving. If that's how you want to play the game, you can. Nobody's stopping you but yourself.
  25. How? Why? Is my stuff just going to fall apart? That's goofy.