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Everything posted by ZedsDeadBaby

  1. ZedsDeadBaby

    This is not what I hoped DayZ would be

    It would be nice, but that's not what DayZ is or ever will be. If they're idiots, why are they killing you? Avoid and outwit them. They're idiots. It shouldn't be hard.
  2. There are times when a HUD is the most "realistic" option available. Hunger/Thirst on the HUD made far more sense from a realism standpoint than my character randomly mumbling well nigh unintelligible bullshit about how hungry, thirsty or nauseous he is. These things are emotions. They are ever-present and ever-accessible. You don't need to think about how hungry you are to know how hungry you are. You just know. Until games can figure out a way to pipe emotions directly into your cerebellum, an on-screen image which indicates a relative hunger or thirst level is absolutely the most "realistic" representation of this. As for the compass, what's realistic about the current implementation? I have the option of a compass that's too small to see, or one that for some reason obscures my entire field of view (but I can do it while sprinting). I have to choose to "Inspect" it - an action for which there is no real world equivalent. I would be "Inspecting" the thing just by looking at it. It's not like I would have to take it out and then tell my eyeballs "Okay guys, time to go to work!" The HUD pop-up was a stand-in for a quick glance. Something for which there is currently no in-game equivalent action. You have to go through this silly process of "putting" things in your hand (again, an oddly complex concept for something that in real life basically just involves bending your elbow and grasping) and then, again, "Inspecting" the thing which would already be happening in reality. Ideally, items which can be "glanced" at like a watch, a compass, a directional GPS arrow, a batter indicator, etc. should be available at a single keystroke to accurately recreate our brains' ability to gather information quickly with a glance without distracting ourselves from all the other things going on around us.
  3. Something that explains what your definition of "elegant" is, and how this qualifies by any stretch of the imagination?
  4. Thanks for this, I coincidentally was messing around and figured this out while I was just in game. However, really this is just a giant, screen-obscuring version of the old functionality. It's still awfully clunky. Especially for a designer who claims to want a mimialistic UI.
  5. ZedsDeadBaby

    This is not what I hoped DayZ would be

    They want the game to be difficult but predictable - which is exactly what a "hard AI" would be. Yes, you would get killed a lot at first, but once you learned the "rules of zombies" you could manipulate them and basically win the game. Winning against a "hard AI" is something they can feel proud of, whereas getting repeatedly taught a lesson by people they presume to call unintelligent and childish is humiliating and difficult for them to accept. It makes them uncomfortable. Which is exactly what rocket wants. So the whole thing kind of makes me smile.
  6. ZedsDeadBaby

    The difference between: Scumbag & Banditry...

    The cognitive dissonance in this crowd is amazing in this regard. In one breath they will tell you how "KoS is killing the game" and rocket needs to "deal with all the griefers," or what not, and then the next they're ranting and raving about what a "great story" emerged from two guys basically just trying to shoot some dude's face off. Point it out a thousand times, it doesn't matter. They can't seem to fathom that the things they hate most about the game are also the things they love most and if they would just shut up and play we would all have more fun.
  7. ZedsDeadBaby

    The difference between: Scumbag & Banditry...

    If you want to kill new spawns, camping a single spawn point is about the single worst method you could ever employ. You would see like 2 spawns a day. Spawn camping is a phantom problem invented by scaredy-cat little crybabies. It literally never happens. I put hundreds and hundreds of hours into the mod and over a hundred in the SA so far and I've never once been killed at spawn. Spawn, run forward for 5 seconds, never be on the coast again. Every. Single. Time.
  8. ZedsDeadBaby

    The difference between: Scumbag & Banditry...

    Yes, but then you don't just spawn there again. So you can't kill someone "every time" they connect to a server. And on a single server camping one spawn point is the most inefficient bullshit ever. You could sit there for hours watching a spawn point and never catch anyone.
  9. ZedsDeadBaby

    The difference between: Scumbag & Banditry...

    That's literally impossible to do. People who suggest this is possible drive me absolutely insane.
  10. ZedsDeadBaby

    The difference between: Scumbag & Banditry...

    So basically scumbags are smarter and better shots?
  11. ZedsDeadBaby

    The difference between: Scumbag & Banditry...

    Very interesting. Why should I or anyone give half a shit?
  12. ZedsDeadBaby

    This is not what I hoped DayZ would be

    More impressive than opening a virtual can of beans. Why would I wait for you to be "equally well equipped and knowledgeable" to engage you? How does that make any sense at all? What famous military commanders were known for saying "No, men. If we attack now we will definitely win and that would just be lame. Let's hold back and let them recruit more people, build more tanks and planes, and only attack once the playing field is nice and even. That way, when we win this war, we will really have something to be proud of." The answer? No general. No general ever said that because it's super, super stupid.
  13. ZedsDeadBaby

    Dear god... some people

    Considering the variety of activities currently possible in the game, I think writing a little creative fiction instead of walking around in circles shooting each other and eating Tuna is actually a pretty cool use of time. But I guess people will literally bitch about anything if it makes them feel superior to others.
  14. ZedsDeadBaby

    This is not what I hoped DayZ would be

    It is an absolutely universal and 100% reliable rule of these and any DayZ-related forums; if someone starts a sentence with the phrase "I have no problem with PvP" you can be absolutely assured that what follows will explain that they do, in fact, have a problem with PvP. This sentence always takes some form of "I don't have a problem with PvP as long as you do it like me." Why would I PvP up north? People have guns up there.
  15. ZedsDeadBaby

    Damage Models Stepping Backwards

    Yes. It can. It can take quite a beating. What it can't take is multiple fucking assault rifle rounds center mass. That's not a "beating." That's just death.
  16. ZedsDeadBaby

    This is not what I hoped DayZ would be

    That's what you've got left, is it?
  17. ZedsDeadBaby

    This is not what I hoped DayZ would be

    No, it absolutely will not. The more difficult the game becomes, the less I am going to want strangers around me. This will be true of all good players. This idea that game difficulty is going to drive away the "KoSers" is just fatally flawed. I kill people because they are worthless to me. I have a team of friends; we cooperate and communicate and get jobs done in the game already. I don't need you and your random bullshit, so I kill you when I see you. As the game gets more difficult, I will want to kill you more. The harder the game, the more I value my life and possessions, the less I'm going to want to risk them by hanging around with every Joe Schmoo I come across. And as zombies become more dangerous, I'm not going to want your dumb ass running around attracting them to me like a giant turd in the middle of a fly storm. Want to hear what the developer really thinks the game is about? Not just some bullshit quips on a screen, but an actual quote from his mouth about how he feels about "KoSers" and "CoD kiddies" in the game?
  18. ZedsDeadBaby

    This is not what I hoped DayZ would be

    If someone came running up to me in nothing but their underwear in real life I wouldn't even talk to them, what the fuck makes you think I'm going to do it in a game where you represent nothing but a threat to my safety and security? Even if you're not going to personally hurt me, your presence draws attention of zombies and other players. You're just a useless tit, so I'm either going to tell you to fuck off or make you fuck off by opening fire. If you want to try and find strangers to interact with in the game in meaningful ways, maybe try starting by not acting like a goddamn mental patient who just escaped from the ward.
  19. ZedsDeadBaby

    Best way to stop combat logging

    A campfire is just a logout timer that takes up space in your inventory and makes no sense. "Sorry, sir, you can't blink completely out of existence until you set this wood alight!" Logging out doesn't make any sense in the context of the game. So don't try to make it. Just add a 30 second logout timer and ship it. It's done. The problem is not that hard to solve. Why do we have to have these threads every 2 days like rocket doesn't know how to fix this simple problem? He already says he fixed it and just hasn't put the fix out yet. Yeah. All good survivalists know the rule "You can't phase out of reality completely without first lighting a good campfire." It's practically survival rule #1.
  20. ZedsDeadBaby

    This is not what I hoped DayZ would be

    So you ran around acting like a complete idiot and people told you off. Congratulations. What did you expect people to do, offer you pants? The paranoid murdering is the entire reason the game is interesting. What's left if you don't have that? Eating sardines and watching the sunset. Weeeee!
  21. ZedsDeadBaby

    This is not what I hoped DayZ would be

    One post "proves" the point, huh? That's what you're going with?
  22. ZedsDeadBaby

    This is not what I hoped DayZ would be

    You bought DayZ. It's not a "survival game," any more than it is GTA. The whole point is that it's unique. It's a bit of this and that. Another major point is that it doesn't actually resemble the final game in any way, since it's in early Alpha. As for being "grieved on" I don't know what the fuck that means. If you mean you're not playing to get shot by other players, then yes, even in Beta or Final release DayZ is probably going to make you unhappy. It's a game with guns, other players and unrestricted PvP. You're going to be shot, over and over again. Even if you think you "don't deserve it" or "it doesn't make sense" or "real people wouldn't really do that" you're still going to get shot. The shooting is never going to stop. If you want it to so badly that you feel you're being "grieved on" then just close up the game and forget it exists because it's going to cause you nothing but stress.
  23. Yeah, not sure where he got that idea. if it was ever discussed, it was probably a very big "maybe" because I can't imagine any scenario in which that would be technically feasible. Even if servers were restarting every 2 or 3 hours you would have thousands of bodies piling up.
  24. ZedsDeadBaby

    Guns I Dont / Want To See In The Game

    I think that would be cool for about 24 hours and boring for the rest of eternity.
  25. It's a common issue apparently to do with a server's ability to remain connected to the hive. Also, some servers have not yet been "white-listed" and so they will not have permission to access the hive yet and will not store your progress (or be able to retrieve your data from the hive, so logging in to these servers will effectively "wipe" your character). rocket discusses the issue here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/155698-serious-database-issue-bug/ Here's the tracker issue: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=78 You should go there, vote it up and add comments about your own experiences to increase visibility on this relatively critical issue. In the meantime, I suggest you use the "Favorites" function to flag servers which reliably store your progress, then only play there.