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Everything posted by resin

  1. DAYZ – TRADE Server is a friendly first server, with alot of friendly regulars, items traded can either come from the PVP server or taken back there for PVP. Rules for both servers can be found @ sawclan.net |SaW| Trade Server Information Server IP : DAYZ – TRADE Server The Trade Camp mod is a role play version of DayZ. Friendly First Server. Clear Roads Hndreads of Cars / Heli's. 4 Trade Bases with friendly members to help and trade. Auto refuel at Tanks Small 2 man bases Cuustom Buildings. Much more... |SaW| PVP Server Information Server IP : DAYZ – PVP Server (with bots) The Trade Camp mod is a role play version of DayZ. PVP Clear Roads Hndreads of Cars / Heli's. Army Bots Survivour Bots Auto refuel at Tanks Custom Buildings Custom Towns High Yield spawns
  2. SaW|DayZ|Friendly First|Trading RPG|UK|(v1.7.6.1/build 102591) (PRIVATE HIVE) We have changed the map to include Trade bases and general camps / bases. With the hope we can bring our server back to survival. The server runs the basic rules of Friendly first, Dont Steel gear, find it and trade with other camps. If you steel or kill for no reason you will be added to the wanted list or eventually banned. If fired upon you can kill. Zombies are the bad guys (Mostly) LOL Why not try our server - The rules and camps are listed on the Map. We have a Custom load out and over 100 Cars / Helis / Find a Camp register on our website and request ownership of the camp you want. www.sawclan.net IP : DAYZ – SURVIVE / TRADING ROLE PLAY for images of some of the custom camps ....and more info check this link http://sawclan.net/bf3/trade-camp-info/ DAYZ – TRADE CAMP – What is it about The Trade Camp mod is a role play version of DayZ. Friendly First Server. Stealing Occupied Camps IS a Crime. Helping and trading with the public players is essential. Taking cars / gear from a Camp will result in you becoming Wanted by all camps. Camp owner groups will support each other. There are 2 types of Camps Trade Camps, and just Camps. SIGN UP/FORUM – How do i take a Base or a Trade Base Find a empty base or trade base, then follow instructions below. All members of your group register (In game name) on our website. Here Then Request Trade Camp Forum Access. Here Once Access is granted Introduce yourself in the forums, and follow the steps below. List the Camp that you want (Location or Co-ords) List the all members Names of your group. Ask the rest of your group to sign up and follow steps one and two above, Stating the group they are with. JOIN FORUMS – Can I Join The Forums As a Single Player Just to keep up the people and updates. Of Course you can, Register on our website. Here Then Request Forum Access. Here What if i want to just stay alone and not take a camp - This is fine, you can still trade with camps and ask for help, so long as you are friendly. Always be friendly first and ask before shooting Killing Camp members will result in your name being wanted by all members / players Never go into a Camp / Trade Camp and steal. Remember Zombies are the bad guys. Stay alive |SaW| members are your friends and Admins If i become wanted – How does this happen If you wish to be taken off this list and turn over a new leaf contact us via the forums. Stealing from a Camp Killing a Player Take a look at some images : http://sawclan.net/b....mp-1-large.bmp http://sawclan.net/b....ade-Camp-3.bmp http://i.imgur.com/f7kr2M0.jpg http://sawclan.net/b....03/Ruins-1.bmp http://sawclan.net/b....ade-Camp-1.bmp
  3. Please come and see both our trade and PVP servers, Items can be taken form one to the other, either for trade, or for hunting BOTs or players. ReS
  4. Day Z PVP Now Open More lootable building, AI players (including the odd bandit) Auto-refueling at all tanks. The hive is shared with our trade server so you can bring the spoils back for trade. But watch out as you could loose everything. What does this all mean… AI players: The server will run AI players as well (These will spawn in like zombies): # There are three categories. Survivor – Normal player will shoot zombies and bandits. Soldier – These will patrol areas and will shoot zombies and bandits. Bandits – These can appear in groups so watch out, will shoot anyone. Refueling: A refuel script has been added allowing you refuel at any tank where you could get fuel from normally. (There is a plan, if this works on the PVP, to bring refueling onto the Trade server as well). More Loot: More lootable buildings have been added been added to the map at: Kamenka Komarovo Balota Solnichniy North West Airfield North East Airfield More to be added soon… Shared Hive The final thing to note is that this PVP server is connected to a shared hive with the Trade server. This means the following applies: If you die on one server you die on both. Where you log out on one server you will log in at on the other. Anything you are carrying will be available on the other server. IE you can get high value gear on the PVP server and bring it across and trade it, or get better gear on the Trade server to stand a better chance on the PVP.
  5. Trade Server : PVP Server :
  6. Yes you can, our PVP server with shared hive ...see below for details I always get the negative wallys posting !! LOL ...kids eh
  7. 09.09.2012 19:40:00: Zyper (********************) 0019a79eebd4c2149db58210ef659c79 - #0 "USBasicWeaponsBox" 392:0 What is this ?
  8. resin

    Guys - Advice needed

    But is it a HACK, I take that it is someone using a script to spawn in a wepons box
  9. resin

    ATV "Found"

    Its mine.......Stop Him..
  10. Order = 3489319067 Please advise if my application has been lost or over looked, 11 days and no answer. thanks ReS
  11. " server within 12 hours, but that's with vilayer who are closely tied with the dayz staff" Hmmmm
  12. I see. Is there any chance a admin other then the one i keep speaking to on my Tickets, sort this issue. I just get the standard post back from this guy. (Jonathan D) Its clear that servers are not going in order, if the above posts are true. Thx Res
  13. My Server Wait is now 10 Days. Tomorrow Will be 11. :( Just wondering ..did any of the chaps above actually get the ID or still waiting ..LOL
  14. resin

    Server setup

    Where do i find any info about installing the mod server side and getting it running, I have emailed the admins for a code or what ever with no answer ? ReS:@
  15. resin

    Server setup

    8 days ive waited now. This costs dosh !! not only that the hassle i get from my team as admin is a pain. I understand that these guys are working as fast as they can, but i originally read 48hrs, then told 5-6 days. 1, the wait time as it stands should be on this site, so that admins can decide if they want to waste that money. 2, Server signups should be stopped (HOLD) while catch up is done. 3, Dont post this is a automated service, when its clearly NOT. If this gets close to 2 weeks, i will be closing the server (that we cannot use)
  16. I was alive for 46 days ! i worked hard for all my gear. But recently i have died 5-6 times. Not even due to bandits or Zombies. 1, Was lifted in the air and dropped 2, Whole server was killed. 3, Whole server was killed The latest one was 4, Guy spawned a Heli, and attacked our camp by crashing into it. Killed my mate !! No death cam up for the driver. Then spawned another heli, flew away from camp...then flew back and crashed it into me. Great game !! Calling it a day, Game is amazing ...hackers are Idiots. and anticheat is non existant !! GL with this mod and game !! LOL Res
  17. What about another game mode, such as Group Survival. When you login to a server, there are two groups, The two groups have to survive, avoid zombies, eat as normal ...whilst avioding each other or Fighting in towns and so on. This could be a game mode that clans and communities are attracked to, for example : we have another clan that we trust and could play on a closed server and basically have a ongoing war / survival game with...this could gon on for weeks. Group survival would be great addon to the game and add so much for clans and communities. If the server was open, and public. the server could just choose the players side and thereofore reducing the number of pointless kills, your less likely to kill a guy on your side. Other options could be added to the game for group communications....and map options. I'm sure there would be alot of other features that could be added to this. This would be essentially the same game ethos. Let me know what people think ?
  18. resin

    Group Mode - Fight for resourses.

    I understand what your saying from a public play, point of view. As a clan its alway nice to see a version that is aimed at teams and with structure.
  19. This is true, they dont care how many are in the server. Sat Morning i was on a server with a mate (only 2 of us in the server), a third guy logged in and spwned next to us and shot us. Lucky for us he was crap at shooting...LOL. He then logged out, Odd ...!! ReS
  20. resin

    Hackers - Just Silly tbh

    Gex, Wasnt sure if the whole thing was staying with Arma 3, tbh. If your looking for a freindly clan that use TS3 and play a fair bit. We have just ordered a server. Let me know and will sort your access to TS. We also have a BF3 Server. Mack (Resin)
  21. resin

    Hackers - Just Silly tbh

    I hope your right bud, Does anyone know if they will be using battleeye or a Antgicheat in the stand alone game. Gex where are you from bud, we have TS and play a bit. Res
  22. resin

    Hackers - Just Silly tbh

    My clan have just ordered a server and are awaiting our Instance ID, I read that people are waiting for 3 days for this and that when they do they then have to wait 6-7 days for Cars and the like, to spawn in. With the hackers ontop of this, im starting to wonder. !! I wonder if it would not be a better idea for Alpha testing (in light of the lack of anticheat) that if the server's was locked (passworded) and that each community invited clan members and freinds, trusted people to play on each server, that the testing would go better. I think when you have a clan, that the Passworded version of aplha testing would generate better results and less hassle for the DayZ team. They should offer this as application for closed clan / community testing. This would reduce the ammount of moaning on the forums and more important, allow admins and clan / community to run a clean server for better testing and playing of the game. or have i had to many BeanZ ....I was alive for over a month and only had BeanZ for Dinner, (well untill the hack kid killed me) ReS (MarkK)
  23. resin

    Hackers - Just Silly tbh

    I get your frustration, but tbh that was a bit over the top bud. LOL. But point taken... Res
  24. TBH, not one of my group can get in the servers anymore. we either spwn on blank hills, or we dont see other players or zombies. plus changing the load out at spawn is a fail. the game as it played before was fine. maybe zombie view and animations needed looking at, but tbh we will ALL go back to bf3 now. Thx ReS