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About Towbiekun

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. We at the DayZ Unofficial Fanpage (www.dayzufp.com) has recently released our second server, based in Europe. Things we've added onto the server: -Handplaced buildings, to make citys feel more alive and loot-friendly. -Added some stores along the coast, so people don't suicide as much just to get closer to cities. -We've remade the Northeastern Airfield, you won't regret visiting it! -We run Gotcha! and we are also supporters of www.banzunion.com and using their up to date banlist to keep the hackers away. -We are also running the refueling script. All you got to do to refuel your vehicle is to go to a gas tank and just scroll and choose the option to "Refuel". Tents work and save as they should. Cars save as they should. -500 in total vehicle spawns. (Some handplaced!) Would you want a server to call home? Then this is the server for you. We've established a friendly community since the server launched. Which is two days ago. (You barely get shot on sight, unless you are a bandit, and people actually help you out!) It is a private hive, currently passworded. You can connect to the server with the IP or just filter for DayZ UFP in DayZ Commander The password to the server is "porky85" Screenshots from the server: http://sphotos-h.ak....270009126_o.jpg http://sphotos-d.ak....742016832_o.jpg http://sphotos-f.ak....764556440_o.jpg Welcome!
  2. You guys have still been outplayed by my group a couple of times. Loads of fun stealing the ural and the pickup ;)
  3. Towbiekun

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Stop lying man. Frames are the same, and IF they are better at Lingor Island is because the map is much, much, smaller.< The zombies still run in the same dodgy lines on Lingor. Artifacts still exist in Lingor, btw. Stop being a Lingor fanboy drone, you'll thank me later.
  4. Towbiekun

    Gunrunners Arms Dealing

    In game name: Slodka My Vodka What you're trading: GPS, NVG, Rangefinder, SVD Camo, M249 SAW, M107, M4A1 CCO SD, M4A3 CCO, Bizon SD. What you want: AS50, L85 AWS Age: 21 Current clan (if in one): GRBF (It's just a clan between me and my friends. Will you be using overwatch (for my own safety): No, I'm coming alone.
  5. Towbiekun

    this mod is in beta...

    Then you should be talking about ARMA2, which still is in beta either way.
  6. Towbiekun

    this mod is in beta...

    First of all, DayZ isn't a game. Its a mod thats still in alpha. Stupid cunt.
  7. The server hasn't been restarted in several days. The coast is on fire by some bug and there is helicopters on the fields that players have crashed. Would need a restart as soon as possible.
  8. I play DayZ using my hacked Kinect.
  9. Did you name the file face.jpg?
  10. Damn shame, I tried it on four different servers and all of them worked. I thought I had found something groundbreaking. :(
  11. Had no idea about that! Is there any chance of getting banned using these sort of edits?
  12. Can't you read? I said everyone can see it. This is a good thing to do for clans, specific clan logos on gloves, perhaps a specific war painting for clans? This is perfect for that.
  13. Greetings! I've been trying out different methods creating and making my own custom face and importing it into DayZ. And I succeded. Here is the guide. First download a face from http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?51913-ArmA-Custom-Faces-For-Free I would suggest that you take a face that is clean and have no camo (You can add your own features this way, if you're good at Photoshop or any other program) Open the skin up and edit how ever you want. Once you've completed your skin and feel happy with it. Save as a .JPG and make it MAX 100kb big. (This is important, the skin won't show up otherwise for other players) Rename the file to face.jpg and extract it to Documents/ArmA 2/ or Documents/ArmA 2 Other Profiles/(Your Profile name) Now when you've done that. Go into your Profile Editor in the ArmA 2 main menu and choose "Custom Face" You should now be able to see your newly made skin and just log into any server of your choice and there you go, your new custom skin. Please note that EVERYONE on the server can see this. It is not restricted to just yourself. Down below you can see how I modified my skin to add a camo to my gloves, also added a sniper logo and under my ghillie I have a facepaint colored to match the forest.
  14. Towbiekun

    Guy livestreaming just alt+f4'd.

    I like how his stupid fans are creating accounts to fight. He is abusing the game, face it.
  15. Towbiekun

    Guy livestreaming just alt+f4'd.

    Just start reporting this sad fuck.