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Everything posted by CTGOON

  1. I had a 400mb up date but my version is still 0.32.114557
  2. This is probably the noobiest question but I cant get my version to change could some one plz help

    List of 24-hour cycle servers

    I love servers that have a cycle but as some one stated you never make it though the full cycle because of server restarts which we need to get the loot back. I would love to see servers like DayZ mod Origins a straight up 4hr day/night cycle would be epic also you have not lived until you have seen the sunset over electro north hill best sight in a game ever.

    Admin Abuse on a few servers.

    Wow is this what you people worry about private servers. Rocket already stated the private files will be released when they know it wont mess with the public hive. I also do understand peoples frustration with the public hive just like in the mod it is used to exploit the game and rocket knows this but surely it is the only way to test the alpha fully other wise you are going to have thousands of people playing in password servers and not getting the fullest out of the game. Just my 2 cents and really and truly after playing 30+ hours on the public hive I would love to see a private hive because to be honest I find my self server hopping in the NW why because I can.

    Can dead character talk?

    Yes you can just like in the mod when a person dies and is on the death screen direct comms still work.
  6. I am so hyped for the stand alone like everyone else but it takes as long as it takes because I know when this drops it is going to be epic keep up the awesome work Dean and the DayZ team you have made the best survival game to date.....
  7. Hey man would love to have a group to play Breaking Point with dont mind being a bandit as long as it is done right..

    Making a new clan/Just bought a server!

    Hi I am looking for a friendly group I have played DayZ alot and like to play as a hero my skype is liquiddie