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Everything posted by Petunia-Server

  1. Could anyone explain to when when I should add something via: Building / instance_building, Vehicle / instance_ vehicle and deployable / instance_deployable? For example, I am guessing that buildings, walls etc should be a building, BUT a static gun, for example... should that be a deployable, or a vehicle? (like: ZU23_CDF on http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2Class151656165165341654165165165165f/A2/Weapons/static/#document ) Thanks in advance!
  2. Any ideas if AGS_TK_EP1 and D30_TK_EP1 should be added as buildings, vehicles, or weapons? Thanks :)
  3. Here is what I got from the 3d editor... activateAddons [ "rmod" ]; activateAddons ["rmod"]; initAmbientLife; _objectComposition_0 = [[1955.0027, 8606.3594, 0], 0, "SmallBase"] call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts\objectmapper.sqf")); _this = createCenter west; _center_0 = _this; _group_0 = createGroup _center_0; _unit_0 = objNull; if (true) then { _this = _group_0 createUnit ["CDF_Soldier_Strela", [1064.8998, 7614.8691, 6.1035156e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _unit_0 = _this; _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002; if (true) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;}; if (true) then {selectPlayer _this;}; }; processInitCommands; runInitScript; finishMissionInit; But not sure that it helps? Should I run some of that as SQL commands, as before I have only really adding things via buildings & instance_buildings via phpmyadmins :P
  4. P1-Kashwak, thanks for the reply :) I tried what you said above yesterday, but the 'position' it stated didn't appear to match worldspace co-ords in DayZ? (Was I perhaps looking at the wrong place?). Also, from what I could tell, the small base id was just 'smallbase' but then I added that to the building & instance_building tables, it didn't work :( (although with individual buildings it did, just not with compositions :( Final question, any idea why using those static guns insta-killed me? I added them as buildings, should i have added them as vehicles or weapons perhaps??? Thanks :D
  5. Hi Ersan, Two questions in this post (sorry!): 1) When adding buildings to phpmyadmin via building / instance-building, is it possible to add compositions as well as individual buildings? (liek these: http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2Class151656165165341654165165165165f/A2/Objects/compositions/) as it would make creating large areas much easier! (otherwise it can be hard to get walls to line up without gaps, by guessing worldspace etc, I think :P) - No worries if not, I just wondered :) 2) I added the following two things, but when I try to get in/use them, it insta-kills me... Any ideas why? (I do have rmod installed): AGS_TK_EP1 and D30_TK_EP1, from arma2 OA (http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2Class151656165165341654165165165165f/OA/Weapons/static/) <--- Or are these not allowed with rMod? If not, is there a list of what is allowed anywhere for guideance? Thanks :D
  6. Cool :) All is working now - No problems. Is there any estimated arrival time for the building spawning? :D - I know your crazy-busy, so no stress, just really looking forward to it :D Thanks!
  7. Hi Ersan, I am getting an error message when I try to log in to my control panel on dayz.st. I PM'd you the exact error message, as I don't like posting error messages with code/filenames in public. Cheers :)
  8. Hi Ersan, I have asked this question elsewhere but didn't get an answer, so I wondered if you would know? Just wondering, does rMod actually cause extra buildings and vehicles / weapons to spawn... OR does it just allow you to add them yourself in your database, without the worries of stuff being banned by Dayz??? I am wondering as I want the ability to add extra buildings, vehicles & weapons, but don't want them to spawn automatically, I want to choose what bits I want to add in... - Oh, and the previous issue with custom loads etc seemed to fix itself, by they way! :) Thanks again for all your amazing support, dayz.st really is an excellent dayz host :)
  9. Hi guys, I have searched the forums and, although I found quite a bit of info, I still have a few questions :D With rMod, if I installed this on my server, could I restrict the weapons and vehicles that spawn, so that I 'tune down' some of the military stuff a bit? I am basically looking for a way to add 1 or 2 extra things, but don't want to have quite as many rMod (seems) to enable be default... Has anyone got experience of this? Thanks :)
  10. Petunia-Server

    A few questions about rMod...

    Thanks :) Just wondering, does rMod actually cause extra buildings and vehicles / weapons to spawn... OR does it just allow you to add them yourself in your database, without the worries of stuff being banned by Dayz???
  11. Petunia-Server

    A few questions about rMod...

    Nobody? :P
  12. Hi, im having issues changing players loadout and doing custom starting loadouts... When I click save, it seems to say its saved the settings, but then it doesnt, and if i click the loadout again, its all gone again :( Is this a known bug? Thanks :)
  13. Thanks Ersan - just 1 question missed I think :) ...Final question, if I do install rMod, will the other vehicles become available via the excellent dayz.st map editor? Thanks again for taking the time to answer my questions! :)
  14. Hi, thanks for explaining :) Just 3 more questions :) The first one is one from my previous post that I think may have been missed: Question 1) . - Basically, I just want to know what to expect if/when I enable rmod, which leads me to... I know my existing players would all need to install rMod, which is fine, but Question 2) Would my existing players lose their great? Question 3) Would players lose their vehicles and tents etc??? Sorry again for all the questions! Mike
  15. Hi - A quick question... Without Rmod (but on a Bliss private), can I add other vehicles, like these (http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2Class151656165165341654165165165165f/OA/vehicles/Wheeled/) - Or will this cause issues with battleye etc? I know I can't do it with the map editor from dayz.st, but I wondered if I can manipulate the MySQL entries via phpmyadmin to change their class? Is it that simple? and if it is, will it cause battleye / whitelist issues? Finally question, if I do install rMod, will the other vehicles become available via the excellent dayz.st map editor? :D Thanks :) Mike.
  16. Petunia-Server

    How exactly is this game fun?

    That is kinda the point with DayZ too! - You can have the (semi) organised groups, but you have to meet them first! You might meet someone, trust them, then after an hour or running (or driving/flying!) together, they turn around and shoot you, so who do you trust? It can be hard, but you can end up teaming up with a few people, and forming a small group... build a camp somewhere, and organised runs out to get stuff... Maybe even arrange trades with other such groups. Others, on the other hand, may decide to go solo, and be either neutral, helpful, or outright bandits. Personally I like to team up with a select few, work together to survive and progress. I admit that it isn't as organised as a large scale Arma/2 operation, but then again, you are not really playing the 'part' of a soldier, your a survivor, so this makes sense. Be warned tho, there are lots of PvP bandits out there, including some backstabbers who pretend to be an ally, then turn on you to take your vehicle or goods when you are not looking. I know what you mean about being boring at first, I guess the thing to do is, DECIDE who you want to be - how would you be in real life? Being a friendly, or a bandit? Finding others you can trust? Perhaps find & repair a vehicle first, so you can exit quickly if things go bad? Personally I find the idea of being a solo PvP type a bit odd and boring (not saying ALL such guys are sociopaths, but...!). What I mean is, in real life, you would really want to team up, surely? What if you got ill/wounded? people live in communities for a reason, so maybe that could be your aim? join/make a squad/team? Don't expect others to follow orders tho! It's not the army, things have to be negotiated, like in real life :) Thats what I like, decide on your gameplay style and goals, and then work towards that... otherwise I get what you mean, you are basically just in 'walking simulator 2012' with some zombies thrown in! - Nah, for me it's all about thinking what I would REALLY do in an apocalyptic situation like this, and then trying to play that out as best I can. Some challenges maybe?: * Find a vehicle, and fix it up * Find a tent or two, gear up things you would need, and pick a quiet spot to set-up camp * Eventually find others to team up with, but be sure you can trust them * Deal with situations as they arrive - newcomers... defending camp, looting for things you need, fixing vehicles when damaged... surviving basically! Of course, if you do decide to be a friendly rather than a bandit, someone with ARMA experience like yourself could b every useful on high pop servers... Lots of bandits hang out and kill fresh spawns - I have seen, for example, two bandits running contests to see how many they can kill - puts new folks off the game quite a lot as they get disheartened... So there is always the option if you are a bored friendly, of leaving good gear in camp, and heading out for a spot of anti-bandit-PvP, redressing the balance a little. Basically lots of ways to play, just a case of deciding how you want to play the game, and going down that route. It's like, in ARMA/ARMA 2, there is a structure, in DayZ, you have to try to create that structure out of the chaos... That's my take on the game anyway!