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!Swe-UK! Mark

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Everything posted by !Swe-UK! Mark

  1. Hey Guys, Fully dedicated server with 70 Slots, NO LAGG Whatsoever, Custom Paid ANTI-HAX, Very active Admins, Lots of shoreline vehicles Boats/Bikes/Cars for new spawns to make the trek up north. Custom Bases designed by you and made by the Admins, Custom buildings in city's e.g Stary/Balota/North West/North East Feel free to join our Teamspeak as we are a friendly community who invite all and are always there to help Teamspeak : eurots10.gamespeak.com:9312 SERVER IP : If you have any questions, Poke/Ask any of the Admins in teamspeak or ask Brandon/Nembience(Owner), Seph (Admin) Or Me (Mark) Our names are the same ingame :) ~ Mark
  2. Hey guys, Myself and my friend Brandon have setup a new DayZ Server on Namalsk, It is a private Hive and we hope to get it up and running with a fair few base members, the server is currently quite empty but we hope to change that, although it is a good time to come online and hoard some vehicles and start a base for yourself, restarts are every 3 hours so there will almost always be new vehicles ready to go. The server IP is : We hope to see you all there, If you have any issues please contact the Admin who is known as Brandon Also our teamspeak is Feel free to contact myself (Mark) Or Brandon for any questions Thanks, ~ Mark
  3. Panda Can you reset the server please? it hasn't reset since 8am GMT :/