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About matthew-wang@sbcglobal.net

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  1. matthew-wang@sbcglobal.net

    Read - Roaming Horde(s)

    +1 to this idea
  2. matthew-wang@sbcglobal.net

    M107 taking up backpack space?

    m240 doesn't take up your secondary slot though. :O That thing is huge too.
  3. matthew-wang@sbcglobal.net

    M107 taking up backpack space?

  4. matthew-wang@sbcglobal.net

    M107 taking up backpack space?

    I guess it does make sense. I keep getting a weird bug though where I sometimes keep my backpack if I take out the m107 from my backpack. The backpack doesn't show up in my inventory, but if I look behind me, I can still see my pack. If I find out more of this bug, I might take advantage of it :D. lol
  5. matthew-wang@sbcglobal.net

    Warden/peace keeper/ Militia idea

    @Izanagi The blacklist idea seems like a good idea. We can maybe add that in our website or on the steam group page sometime.
  6. matthew-wang@sbcglobal.net

    M107 taking up backpack space?

    When I equip the m107, it takes up my inventory space. Is this supposed to happen? Does it categorize as something similar to the rocket launcher? However, if put the m107 into my backpack, and then take it out of the pack, i keep my pack but can't access it. :O
  7. matthew-wang@sbcglobal.net

    Warden/peace keeper/ Militia idea

    @Theo Perhaps in the future, Overwatch or some other clans may have their own "medical" corps that will focus mostly on carrying medical supplies and helping those in need.
  8. matthew-wang@sbcglobal.net

    Warden/peace keeper/ Militia idea

    @theboneranger As of now, the watchmen are in good remote locations and have not been found by bandits yet. Most bandits don't usually go randomly to remote locations to find players. We plan to have overlapping lines of sight in certain places when we have enough manpower. @your point about what right we have to be policing others: We respect your interest in anarchy, and you can rebel if you would like. But if we see someone firing upon another or at us, we will fire back, just because we still have a thing called humanity. We aim to help others, due to the huge menace of bandits in the game, and our overall goal is just to survive. The bandit may say the same thing, but you can perfectly survive without killing others for their gear (not mentioning the bandits who just kill for fun). And yes, we do have rules of engagement which usually is: Fire upon those who may be a threat to us. I know you have been killed by bandits too, and that feeling is exactly why we hunt bandits. Usually unnecessary firefights can just be avoided with a simple "I am friendly". We have actually met many friendly bandits who have just made their presence known in the town we were looting. We didn't fire upon them and they did the same for us. Your stockpile idea is something we are working on too, except bases are near impossible at the moment due to the amount of servers, and the fact that it is extremely hard to lock down a "base" area unless you have 20 people on at the same time every second of the day. @ytman We never fire upon someone unless we ask first, and we usually ask for a while. Unless one is not smart enough to realize where he is or that someone is referring to him/her, we will not fire. A lot of the time, if you say your friendly and somehow prove this, we will likely not fire upon you, even if your a bandit. This group is for survival and helping survivors, and we do not go out of our way to kill bandits, but only kill bandits that may be an immediate threat to us (Which they usually are). We all sympathize with your ideas though, as this mod is the epitome of an extremely hostile environment. It is never fun to see a friend die. A lot of the deaths in this game are due to a lack of communication IMO. Heck, if you guys join us, we will protect each other.
  9. matthew-wang@sbcglobal.net

    Warden/peace keeper/ Militia idea

    To all the people who are interested in joining Overwatch, I am a representative of the group. As of now, you can also add me on steam too (name in steam is the same on here). SomeoneMustGetHurt is currently extremely busy this week, and cannot handle all the requests he is getting. If you are not getting a response from SMGH, try contacting me, as am less busy than him this week and will try my best to reply to any requests/questions in his stead. Make sure to join the steam group too.
  10. matthew-wang@sbcglobal.net

    Warden/peace keeper/ Militia idea

    Well for every person bandits kill, that may highly potentially be another member of the peacekeeping group. So, count how many people have died to bandits, and add like 20% or something of that to the growing group of peacekeepers?
  11. matthew-wang@sbcglobal.net

    Fix the dang Ladders

    When you climb up ladders, there is a high change that instead of walking forward, you just let go of the ladder when your on top, and then you fall down and plummet to your death. I'm not sure if its a mod glitch or just an error with the game, but its really annoying.