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Everything posted by SomeoneMustGetHurt

  1. SomeoneMustGetHurt

    Seeking: Group with Military level tactics

    Hey MajorGunHo, If you are interested, I run a DayZ clan called Overwatch [OVW]. The name is in fact referring to the military tactic you mentioned and we use it in all of our operations. A few things about us: OVW was formerly an anti-bandit clan but since the last update, we've become a highly efficient, combat effective survival group. We have a loose military structure that is appropriate to DayZ employing the use of fireteams. We switch between operating casually and tactically depending on whether the enemy is not expected, expected, or known to be at a location. Originally, we were fully mechanized with 7 vehicles (2 UAZ's, 1 offroad, 2 pickups, a bus, and a car) but we recently moved servers due to lag and are currently in search of new vehicles. We have Teamspeak 3 servers and a forum. We are also working on running DayZ servers. If you or anyone is interested in joining OVW please go to: ovw-dayz.com And apply, you will be contacted if approved. Maximum 3 users approved a day, so join quick! Requirements: * Be over 16 * Be mature- Willingness to learn, listen, and behave around members and officers * Microphone Group statistics: Kills: 74 (mostly bandits) Deaths: 27 In need of- * More fireteam leaders * Skilled marksmen * People with balls in general. Always, SMGH
  2. SomeoneMustGetHurt

    Warden/peace keeper/ Militia idea

    Indeed, it's been in our list for quite some time but we are still working on the website and such so we'll implement it later. For now, we're keeping a mental note of hardcore bandits, though the list is so small, since no one typically wants to attack groups of 10 of us. We can remember all 3 of their names at the top of our head :p @theboneranger Sounds good, if you guys feel like joining at any time, feel free to add me on Steam. SMGH
  3. SomeoneMustGetHurt

    Anybody want to Partner/Group up?

    @dphi1996 Alright, I added you :) @Deeds We generally do both at the same time. We patrol in a triangular path finding loot in certain areas where bandits are often found. As of now, we have 22 bandit kills and 8 of our our deaths. We aren't as much a full blown clan than a group of like-minded people who want to survive, kill bandits and have fun. Keep in mind though, we are a relatively large group that is growing exponentially day by day; we even had up to 20 members on one server today. SMGH
  4. SomeoneMustGetHurt

    Warden/peace keeper/ Militia idea

    @ Anders190 I 100% agree with having a "good guy" skin. From my experience, the humanity requirement of 10,000 isn't bad. It is difficult to achieve but it will greatly reward those who achieve it and prove to others that they are people of good conscience; they would be less likely to be murdered by overly-cautious individuals. People would start having a realistic goal instead of giving up and becoming bandits so quickly. It's funny how you mentioned "scavenging group" and "2 cars" because that's actually what we have right now! :) We just found the 2 UAZ's and fixed them up today and picked up some guys at the NW airfield. We'd like to patrol the coastal cities, but for now we're training in military simulator and arming up until the 30th deadline when the clan is fully operational. Again, if anyone wants to join Overwatch, just add either me, Pro_Nub or Oreo. And here's a picture of some of us with the cars below ;) SMGH
  5. SomeoneMustGetHurt

    Warden/peace keeper/ Militia idea

    Hello theboneranger, Overwatch clan leader here. I see your point, but that leads to another thing: who gives bandits the right to do what they do? Imagine, if there are bandits, there must be something on the opposite side of the spectrum to bring balance. Furthermore, there is no law we are trying to force on any server, we just trying to give a reasonable measure of safety to those who need it. Most importantly, however, we provide a stable, trustworthy group for those who want to join us. :) I found that most bandits are not inherently evil... they are just afraid and full of resentfulness after being backstabbed and killed by "friendlies" time and time again. Too often now I've seen first hand someone giving up on trusting strangers and turn towards banditry. We, the Overwatch, and similar clans aim to provide an alternative to becoming bandits before it's too late. We even converted a couple former bandits to our cause and now they are survivor skinned with 2000+ humanity. Like Pro_Nub said above, we do indeed have fire discipline. No one fires until the person is confirmed as a dangerous entity or does not respond to our block of warning text. We, of course, are not perfect and sometimes (very rarely, if at all so far) may kill an innocent, though I have not had any confirmed reports of this thus far besides from people who were killed by survivors claiming they are part of OVW. We do have a "base" or a place we are generally concentrated in and conduct patrols from that area. I cannot reveal the area though due to the bandit activity on these forums ;) If anyone wishes to join Overwatch, message me (same name), Professional_Nub or Oreo (above) and we'll direct you through the entry process. I may be a bit busy this week though so it's best you contact the others, though if you can't add them, I'l be available. Always, SMGH
  6. SomeoneMustGetHurt

    Looking for a realistic group to play with!

    Hey guys, If you're looking for a combat effective, highly organized group to play with, The Overwatch may be the clan for you. We're an anti-bandit, policing clan that started it's expeditionary operations only 3 days ago. Since then we've had 13 confirmed bandit kills and 3 KIA on our side (one due to friendly fire). We have Teamspeak and are working on a website with a forum to report Bandits to the Blacklist. If you are interested, add me on steam (same name) and join the Steam group. You must be 16+ and recommended you have a microphone. Always, SMGH
  7. SomeoneMustGetHurt

    Get Out Of Here, Stalker!

    There is no lecture' date=' just a simple analogy :p . Also, the only idea I wanted to pull from Free Market is the no restraints policy and generally being able to do whatever you want that is normally outside of conventional game boundaries. Neither am I at all "pro-US", in fact my father and his forefathers fought against the United States in different wars over the centuries and I have much to say about the arrogant attitude and ignorance of the average American as well. I am, however, a realist, and you cannot deny that the US is currently flourishing, albeit that it may be in the process of decline in the face of other, more motivated nations. Oh stop it, don't act like it's obscenely preposterous in the world of economics.. at least Libertarians would agree lol (good old John Stossel). Regardless, I am in no way an economist so don't give me too much flak, I was just trying to give some simple analogy that could more or less describe the game, although I probably unwittingly induced some kind of bias in the process. Anyways, I don't want to start a political firestorm and I'm sorry if I offended any of those left-wingest, anti-American, (insert label that doesn't approve of Free Market for whatever reason here). :D SMGH
  8. SomeoneMustGetHurt

    Get Out Of Here, Stalker!

    Hey Beeman, I run an anti bandit clan and abide by your faction idea and skins but I think it should be implemented in a less "forced" manner. What I love most in this game is that it's so free. Think about it, why is USA successful and none of the Communist countries? Answer: Free market vs government controlled; which in a way applies to games I play. A different, possibly better way to change skins is by performing a certain task (or several) for a given amount of times. For example, a combat medic skin for those people who have healed others frequently (probably a modified version of the normal skin with a red cross band would be fine for the sake of uniformity). Another would be a "vigilante" skin, though I'm not sure how that would look, for a person who hunts down a number of bandits. As I've seen on other threads, there could also be different skins achieved through survival time, distance walked, etc. My own personal idea in regards to this is "combination skins" like a bandit who heals his fellow bandits a lot but kills just enough to maintain his negative humanity would get a bandit skin with a medic armband. Some skins would obviously be mandatory while some you can choose whether or not to be them, which makes sense for bandits and medics, respectively. Cheers, SMGH
  9. SomeoneMustGetHurt

    Warden/peace keeper/ Militia idea

  10. SomeoneMustGetHurt

    Active Player looking for band of people!

    Hey Bigjoe, Just want to expand your list of choices here... we're an anti bandit clan called the Overwatch. We're active, efficient, tactical (i.e. have patrol zones, base of operations), cautious, and, most importantly, have Teamspeak. Everyone is 16+ and are both quite friendly and generous. If you're interested in joining us, add me on steam (same name) and join Overwatch in my group list. :D Cheers, SMGH
  11. SomeoneMustGetHurt

    Looking for US players to group with

    Hey Clay, If you're interested in an active, organized and efficient clan to join, you may want to join our clan, the Overwatch. It is a group focused on providing security in Chernarus and bandit hunting. We have a Teamspeak server and are working on a website. Add me on steam (same name) if you wish to join us. SMGH
  12. SomeoneMustGetHurt

    Introduce yourselves

    Hey everyone, Been playing DayZ for about a week now and I have to say I'm impressed. What I love about the mod is that there are no restrictions and, as a result of that, chaos ensues. This gives players the opportunity to really shape the game to their liking, either becoming a bandit or, in my case, a vigilante. Although there are no skins to identify myself as one as of now, it's still the idea that counts. I run a vigilante clan called the Overwatch based in the US. We basically patrol certain regions in a map to protect areas against bandits and attempt to make Chernarus safer in any way possible. If anyone is interested in joining, add me on steam (same name). We have Teamspeak servers and are working on a website. Cheers, SMGH
  13. SomeoneMustGetHurt

    Warden/peace keeper/ Militia idea

  14. SomeoneMustGetHurt

    Warden/peace keeper/ Militia idea

  15. SomeoneMustGetHurt

    Needed: Organization

  16. SomeoneMustGetHurt

    Needed: Organization

    Hello Drifter, I operate a vigilante/survival group called the Overwatch. It is highly organized group that has a cautious playing style (i.e. choosing safe routes, timing, player identification). You seem like the type of person we want in our composition. Also, we are in dire need of a TS3 server since we currently only use TS servers operated by members' former clans and generally are not allowed to use them freely. If you're interested, you can add me on steam (same name). Cheers, SMGH
  17. SomeoneMustGetHurt

    Anybody want to Partner/Group up?

    If you want to join an active, highly organized group, add me on steam (same name). I operate a clan called the Overwatch that will someday help eliminate bandits and keep the level of murders down, but for now we're just a survival group. We still need a lot more people so feel free to join and invite anyone you know. :)
  18. SomeoneMustGetHurt

    Warden/peace keeper/ Militia idea

    Hey Boganova, great posts, you summed up most of what I had in mind when I signed up for this forum. Your vigilante group suggestion is exactly what we need in Dayz. I have already taken the initiative and created a clan based on this idea known as the Overwatch. I've made the group just today but I have been planning for it for a while and was looking through the forums today to see if anyone had similar ideas. I'll post a new thread for the sole purpose of recruiting when I have things finalized. I'd approximate 2-3 weeks before the clan goes operational to any extent since I'm still brainstorming more ideas for clan functions, reworking my website, and bringing in more volunteers. You can add me on steam (same name as above) and check out the group thus far if you're interested.. And if you want to, you could give some suggestions or join us if you find it suitable to your tastes. :P I also wanted to expand on your current suggestions for functions in a militia group but I had my last entry deleted before I could post it when my computer crashed, so I'll just make a quick summary below Some features of the clan: -Will enforce one server until more manpower is available -Strict organization -> i.e. patrols have chain of command and special roles, certain methods of conduct around player, etc -possibly ranks based on trust, leadership capability, and skill (to a lesser extent) -Blacklist and whitelist for repeat offenders and known trusted individuals, respectively -Teamspeak server and Skype (Officers only) -brief training for recruits and screening process -willing to work with, combine, or ally with clans that have similar interests -website with a forum Cheers, SMGH