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About hwninja

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  1. I have updated the server configuration, now there are over 600 vehicles! Also some minor adjustment to game play have been added to make the server more enjoyable and hacker free!
  2. The server had only just started so until now not many cars had spawned in. I'm looking at the map and there are over 300 cars and 14 helicopters on the map.
  3. Current member count: 5 Now Recruiting Bandit Clan www.resilientgaming.com Resilient Gaming is a friendly clan that's always looking for new members. We look out for our own members and give help to them when needed, weapons and starting can be provided if available. Here at Resilient Gaming we have our own server with many active admins to keep it hacker free 24/7 Our clan has ranks which you can earn as you help other members and participate in raiding. The ranks are as following: Owner(Only if you very lucky) Sargent(Top members of the clan) Captain(Lower level leaders) TAT(Tactical assault team) Adv Private(Member that helps quite a bit) Private(First promotion) Recruit(Where you begin) No hacking No cheating 15+ only TS3: If you would like to join fill out an application below or join our teamspeak: Age: TeamSpeak and mic: Reason for joining: Skills/roles: Additional Info:
  4. Thanks, please enjoy the server. There are still about 6 heli's along the south coast, get them fast before other people do!
  5. Resilient Gaming Presents A new DayZ server www.resilientgaming.com Our server has active admins that listen to players and try to help where possible! Our server welcomes both heros and bandits to give you the most exciting gameplay possible. Starting gear Crossbow Machete Food & Drink MORE! Limited time only, fully repaired heli's around south coast
  6. hwninja

    Instinct- UK Squad is Recruiting!

    I'm 16 years old, and have been playing dayz for about 4 an 1/2 months. I have a mic and I already have both, teamspeak and Skype(minecast404). And I'm in the UK, so I believe I meet all of the requirements. :) I can do almost any role when needed(gunner, driver, pilot, scavenge and some more).
  7. Application: DayZ Name : Aaron How long have you played DayZ : I have been playing dayz for about a month. Time Zone: GMT but I am awake most of the night. Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes. What is your primary role requested?: Hmm, engineer but i'll take almost any of the roles when needed. I'm good at doing runs into cherno or electro to gather supplies, zombies are not a problem for me and I almost never fire a gun on a zombie.