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Posts posted by Lions1885

  1. Will there be some sort of group forming enabled in the standalone?

    For instance when you pres 'P' to get the server list up

    You click on a player and invite to group and you can talk over comms or type to them in a group channel.

  2. Not so much as a whinge but an observation. Ok, ok - a whinge!

    Last night i joined a server which i presumed to be 'vanilla' DayZ - there was nothing in the server description to think otherwise. However upon joining i quickly realised that it was far from what i consider the "real" DayZ.

    I spawned with a Makarov, a map, a compass and not 100m from where i had stood there were 3(!) fully repaired and fueled Helis. Side chat was enabled and the chat consisted of : "OMG this is the best server ever!!" and such. Further exploration revealed the map was littered with vehicles.

    I realise that there are other servers which are 'vanilla' and there is a choice involved and normally i avoid these type of servers because it is not what i want out of the game. But my questions are:

    Why do players like these servers that give weapons at spawn, a map, a compass, 500+ vehicles etc etc?

    What sort of experience do you want out of a zombie survival game when things are put in your lap without the need for effort?

    In essence, why are you playing DayZ?

    Your thoughts please - it is a slow day here in downtown Brisbane.

    I agree with this mate, which is why i have been playing dayz 2017. Its everything the Old/Original Dayz WAS.

    Lee enfield or shotgun, toe to toe fighting and you still get helpful players. You have to fend for food, like cows and sheep rather than finding 30 cans of beans in a supermarket. It should still be like this in the standalone.

  3. Was looking for a ghillie i couldnt find a decent enough one but it could be me not looking hard enough! I wanted a heroic look for the ghillie wearer standing on the grass with a few dead zeds around him. Will have to take a few of my own screenshots i think. I gaussion blurred the survivor in photoshop but it doesnt this bad to be honest maybe uploading in tiff would be better for quality.

  4. Wierd, I play using 5.1 surround and sometimes headphones, I've never noticed the issue. Anyone else?

    Apologies fraggle! It was due to a bad set up, I think i was having a bad day when i posted this.

    Initially i only plugged in 2 out of the 4 leads forgetting about them. Obviously was going to give me shit sound.

    Plugged them in restarted. sounded fine. Then TS3 was messing the sound up aswell as the playback options inside control panel. Feel like a NOOB! The ingame sound for the 5.1 does seem a little flat though compared to BF3 my personal opinion!

  5. Hey guys! This is more of a suggestion for the standalone IF it can be done...

    A slight problem is the sound, i have a 5.1 headset and a few others in my clan have 5.1 and 7.1 its all good and well in 1st person but when it comes to 3rd person it doesnt work at all.

    The running sound sits in my left ear which is very irritating.

    Will this be looked at in the standalone? Thanks all. ciao.

  6. Hey guys. We have 2 servers up and running Lingor and Chernarus

    DayZLingor - (1.2/99153) [sBG][Day][300+cars] Private Hive


    Port: 3017


    ***NEW*** DayZChernarus - [sBG][300+cars] Private Hive ***NEW***


    Port: 3119


    ***NEW*** DayZ 2017 - [sBG][VETERAN] ***NEW***


    Port: 3221


    We do have a passworded teamspeak. If you wish to join us while playing or for more information please contact me ingame [sBG] LIONS1885 or via xfire/steam from my details below.

    Admins regularly play and over watch these servers. We offer friendly advise and help to any new or veteran player.

    DayZLingor server is set to an all DAY time frame with 150+ Vehicles.

    DayZChernarus server is set to DAY & NIGHT -1 GMT with 150+

    Both servers have Side Chat ENABLED. Map mil dot ENABLED also Third Person, death messages and crosshairs which are all ENABLED.

    We will be hosting events we have made our own events but we would like to hear some suggestions from you guys who join our servers for more events.

    Now the rules. Our main rule of the game is to have fun but to ensure it remains here is a small list that we hope that you respect.

    1. NO Hacking. Anyone found doing so WILL be banned and reported.

    2. NO Spamming side chat or voice chat during your time in the server or upon log in.

    3. NO Racism or Abusive language. You will be kicked or banned

    4. NO Combat Logging. Anyone found doing so will be kicked. Banned if you persist after several warnings.

    We are against the shooting of unarmed players. It isn't fun nor is it respectable.


    More information regarding starter gear on our forums.

    Contact Details:-

    xfire: yoof16 <CLICK

    Steam: Millwalllad20 <CLICK

    Website www.squadbasedgaming.co.uk

  7. Hey guys im sure you've seen this before but ive been reading a few fixes but theyre all different...

    When i try to connect to a server I get 'Bad version, server rejected connection.' But i have been able to connect to only 2 servers?

    Now im using DayZ COmmander to join and my Install/Updates section details are:

    ARMA 2: 98220 (up to date)

    DayZ 1.7.3 (up to date)

    The server details are:

    (v1.7.3/Beta 98443) Regular version 1.62.98443 - 1.7.3

    (v1.7.3/ 98220) Veteren version 1.62.98443 - 1.7.3

    I dont have any additional mods whether this is a problem or not. Would i need them to join this server?

    Hope you can help!

  8. Hey! Im new to DayZ and ARMA series. Been playing for 1 day only but slowly getting the hang of it. I wish to explore but im having trouble on my own! Scared to move as i dont wish to lose what little i have haha. I dont care if you have experience or not the company would be a bonus.

    For some strange reason, whether its a matter of waiting for the servers to update or what but i can only so far only log onto just 2 servers which are.

    UK 427 / UK 471

    If you are interested on teaming up add me on either of the below, i also have Teamspeak (TS3)

    Xfire: yoo16

    SteamID: Millwalllad20

    I'll be camping in my tower waiting for help lol!

    Forgot to mention im based in London England so my time zone is GMT. Your time zone doesnt really matter!
