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About Dranoc13

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    On the Coast
  1. Name: Spencer Age: 14 In-game name Peee53 Location: Kansas Timezone: Central Standard time Steam: dranoc12
  2. Dranoc13

    Scythia clan recruiting members!

    Age: 15 al Day Z experience:How long have you had Arma 2 /OA for? over 4 months role? (One please, your absolute favourite role) lmg In Real Life Location? Kansas Steam name? dranoc12 Why do you think you would be good for Scythia?. I have played dayz for over 4 months and i have been on a tactical realism clan. I know almost everthing there is to know about dayz(not bullshiting) and believe that i would like to stick with a clan. Describe yourself in three words. Dedicated,loyal,friendly
  3. DayZ Name: Peee53 Steam name: dranoc12 How long have you played DayZ : over 4 months Time Zone: Central Standard time Will you stay loyal to our group?: of course What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) sniper or lmg