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Feral (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Feral (DayZ)

  1. Feral (DayZ)

    Admin clowns

  2. Feral (DayZ)

    Should Cannibalism be in DayZ?

    in a world of limited resources and an absence of law and order it would happen. there is absolutely no evidence that this addition would result in the game being banned anywhere, there are mods out there which contain this feature already and have been around for months if not years, so far none have been banned.
  3. Feral (DayZ)

    Should Cannibalism be in DayZ?

    If I'm not mistaken one of the mods of the mod added a cannibalism feature over a year ago, epoch? 2017? I'd like to see some evidence of it having been banned in any country on earth, post here please.
  4. Feral (DayZ)

    Should Cannibalism be in DayZ?

    whenever I think about a new feature being added to this game I find myself asking the following questions is it representative of life in what I imagine to be a post apocalyptic world? does it fit in with the overall feel of the game? is it something I could see myself doing/using? does it challenge me to perhaps make choices I hope I never need to confront in real life? does it add something new to the overall experience? will carebears hate it? and when the answer to all of these questions is 'yes', as is the case here, then it has my full support
  5. Feral (DayZ)

    Dayz Recording.

    can't wait thanks for the heads up
  6. Feral (DayZ)

    What to do if robbed by proper bandits

    1 - pretend to comply, act like a sap all placid and spineless, make them feel in total control and entirely relaxed, gather yourself and breathe. 2 - wait for the guy to begin cuffing you while deciding which one you are going to try and punch to death and assess the best route out of here, then... 3 - SCREAM! as loud as you can into direct, scream anything, this will distract and confuse them, if done well it can instil panic and complete disarray. 4 - fists raised sprint and melee attack while still screaming and maybe they'll get you but by god their hearts will be racing and you might just escape with your life and your dignity in tact. 5 - if you are still alive zig zag at full speed towards cover and potential freedom then, hunt the fuckers down.
  7. Feral (DayZ)

    Any piece of clothing you associate with bandits?

    absence of any outer clothing always invites a few rounds from me
  8. Feral (DayZ)

    Changing death

    what if you've had your brains blown out by a 7.62?
  9. Feral (DayZ)

    Question : Is epoch possible for SA ?

    with the arma 3 engine fully supported for modding it makes absolutely no sense to wait the 2 - 3 years or however long it will be before they open up the Standalone files to the community, if they ever do.
  10. Feral (DayZ)

    poems from apocalypse

    roses are red violence is too here comes undead i'll just hide in the loo
  11. Feral (DayZ)

    Best way to lose PLAYERS that are chasing you?

    one caveat for this tip you slow down on even mild slopes to a crawl this way, if you are running in the hills fists down gives you more speed overall
  12. Feral (DayZ)

    poems from apocalypse

    relentlessly hounded by fear and the guilt, why didn't I stay? her screaming still tortures my ear she was eaten as I ran away
  13. Feral (DayZ)

    OrLoK's Random Thread -

    attention whore ^^
  14. Feral (DayZ)

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    I call troll on this topic its a parody of the LeeHarveyEnfield thing and my money is on the HetSteak partnership at play ; )
  15. Feral (DayZ)

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    I particularly like the way the statue seems to be giving you double wanker gestures =)
  16. Feral (DayZ)

    the sun and moon and stars

    does the sun still rise in the east and set in the west? does the moon adhere to it's lunar cycle? and do the stars still accurately represent their real life positions in the night sky? I ask because I use them as navigational aids and the other day, judging by how far I'd managed to misjudge the position of the NE airfield it seems the sun was actually in the south East. edit - also it didn't seem to move at all.
  17. Feral (DayZ)

    the sun and moon and stars

    cheers kich hope they implement this soon =)
  18. Feral (DayZ)

    life's a drag then you die

    I lol'd not only at the story which was very funny but at the reactions of butthurt, rage and tears which ensued from the same old faces. Officer Raymond and conkykillz in particular never miss an opportunity to bitch and moan and cry and hate, whether or not you like the OP's work at least he is contributing in a creative and positive manner, whereas you 2 trolls only bring the forums down to a base level. Officer Raymond and Conkykillz - I laugh at you but I pity you too, it must be absolutely awful to have that kind of negative hate-filled outlook on life. leeHarveyEnfield - I salute you sir
  19. Feral (DayZ)

    30 pieces of lead

    me too, :beans: can't believe I missed this one
  20. to quote another member on another thread... in his clumsy way he absolutely nails why kill on sight happens and why it will always happen, even by hero's and non bandit types.
  21. Feral (DayZ)

    a study of the carebear (ursus cura)

    the only troll posting on his topics is you. If you don't like his stories try not reading them. Obsessively flaming every topic he posts with strange accusations and mad sounding rants about the forums, if you don't like the forums why do you keep coming back? Keep them coming OP, they always make me laugh, not least because of the reactions of guys like this.
  22. Feral (DayZ)

    medic bloke off the forums

    I always read LHE's stories as if I was an anti kill on sight survivor HQ dweller and from those guys perspective he must be the absolute nightmare antithesis of what they 'hope' bandits will be like. For that reason and the fact that I admire his writing style I love reading his stories :beans:
  23. Feral (DayZ)

    minding the child

    I lol'd :beans:
  24. Feral (DayZ)

    what happen if SA sucks?

    I think the SA will be great about a year after alpha release, once they get to grips with any issues and add vehicles etc
  25. Feral (DayZ)

    fill em with hope then fill em with lead

    exactly :beans: I quite enjoyed the story. if this is how he kills people then as far I'm concerned there are far less imaginative KOS players out there, I like his in game character, it has depth. sounds like he's completely immersed in the game to me and I envy him a bit for that