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Feral (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Feral (DayZ)

  1. Feral (DayZ)

    Oculus Rift + Omni + Dayz

    Mo Farrah's agent announced that the long distance runner will cease training on a track and start playing DayZ on the Omni. ps - be sweet if the base tilted to match hills, imagine chasing some fat kid up green mountain =)
  2. Feral (DayZ)

    Good Times

    indeed, it begs the question - 'why did the OP multiple post this?'
  3. Feral (DayZ)

    gaming laptop ! help

    http://www.pcspecialist.co.uk/laptop-computers/4/ a great customise your own tool, it gives you the chance to try different set ups and gauge the price
  4. Feral (DayZ)

    White flag

    You are trapped in a building, there is a guy out front with a nervous twitchy trigger finger, he's not a bad guy but thanks to countless lessons he's taking no chances. You have no mic and now is not the time to begin typing to placate and calm the situation, so what do you do? You do what anyone would do in a similar real life situation. You wave a white flag. A white handkerchief, easy to model and with the new crafting system i'm sure it would be easy to code in, combine a wooden arrow with a white hanky and you have the universally recognised symbol of non aggression and submission, a White Flag. Next time you need to communicate your unthreatening nature you just equip and wave. You could wave it tentatively around a corner or over a wall and the other player knows for sure that you have no weapon in your hands and you pose no threat, this way you don't even have to expose your self to his line of fire. If the other guy does the same then you can both come out and we have made the first tentative steps towards a friendship based on mutual trust. As SausageKing points out, this wouldn't just benefit those without or unable to use mic's, it would allow all players to communicate intentions from a distance outside that allowed by side chat. edit Another idea that must have been suggested before would be to add the option to raise 'both' hands above the head in good old fashioned 'stick em up' form, although this would not allow the player to remain behind cover to show his peaceful intentions it could be an instinctive one button move causing any held weapons to be dropped immediately.
  5. Feral (DayZ)

    Cant understand KOS moaners :s

    In a nutshell =)
  6. Feral (DayZ)

    Cant understand KOS moaners :s

    good point well made, we notice KoS kiddies because they announce their presence with gunfire, after spotting a player I too often take cover and allow them to pass by without ever announcing my presence, they never knew that I had my sights trained on them and I'm sure there are countless others who have done the same for me.
  7. Feral (DayZ)

    Cant understand KOS moaners :s

    The terms 'Bandit' and 'KoS' are often used to describe the same thing but they are very different things. Both have a role to play in this awesome game and personally I love both types. A Bandit - A robber, especially one who robs at gunpoint. They are motivated by what they can take from others and often do not to kill their victims. Personally I have a great deal of respect and admiration for skillful and imaginative Bandits, their existence makes playing DayZ a richer and more interesting experience, some of my most memorable moments have come at the hands of artful bandits. Players who KoS are not motivated by profit, they are only interested in shooting players for the sake of the kill. KoS also has it's place, I don't really respect or like those who blindly kill everyone they meet, especially those who target fresh spawns and unarmed players, but thier existence makes DayZ a little more scary and tense. As I don't personally shoot on sight opportunities for PVP are scarce, however thanks to KoS kiddies who often bungle the attempt on my characters life I get the chance to survive an attack and turn the tables, killing them, this provides me with a moment of extreme satisfaction, they gift me the opportunity to enjoy guilt free killing and for that I am truly thankful.
  8. Feral (DayZ)

    Cannibalism and drinking your own urine

    we still talking about piss? sounds very much like my gf's description of my population paint.
  9. Feral (DayZ)

    SA Shoe idea

    you could literally get away with murder with those on B) edit - if they did manage to catch you just say it was dark and you thought it was bandits
  10. Feral (DayZ)

    Murphy's laws of DayZ

    14 - No matter how carefully you drive the Tractor, it will kill you 15 - The longer the journey back to your body, the shorter the time till the next server restart
  11. Feral (DayZ)

    How good are YOU?

    I have my moments
  12. Feral (DayZ)

    How to stop kill on sight mentality.

    Even if they added a feature that, once you fired a gun or swung a hatchet at another player you'd be insta-banned for life and a virus sent to your PC that caused the motherboard to melt and all your facebook contacts be sent messages from your account calling them all manner of unkind things, there would still be Killing on Sight, there is no cure for this illness.
  13. I have a spare headset you can have. pm me if you want it. one condition - You at least make a concerted effort to engage with players and perform robberies without murder whenever that is possible.
  14. Feral (DayZ)

    White flag

    well, you could use the flag to signal your intentions from behind cover, different situations call for different solutions.
  15. For initial release there should be universal settings across the board, later when they allow private servers and what not then let the community fuck with everything.
  16. I think OP is a member of the Dev team and is concerned how long Rocket has been gone since he went for a pee 6 minutes ago.
  17. Feral (DayZ)

    White flag

    I chose white flags because the white flag is universally recognised as a symbol of surrender and non aggression, of course any flag would work just as well.
  18. Feral (DayZ)

    White flag

    I added to the OP the option to raise both your hands, this could be the reflex option you want.
  19. Feral (DayZ)

    Third person idea

    Trouble is, if you get spotted by a player who used 3rd person and you haven't seen him the damage is basically done, locking everyone into first person after he shoots you in the back helps no one.
  20. Feral (DayZ)

    White flag

    I think it would be better if you actually needed to equip it, one of the main advantages for this would be to demonstrate clearly that you have no weapon in your hands.
  21. Feral (DayZ)

    Third person idea

    A mirror on a stick is a great idea, the good thing about using a mirror is it allows corner peeking without exposing the player, and as Fluxley and Enforcer say the mirror could be spotted by an eagle eyed player, would reveal only a small area and so is a lot less OP'd than 3rd person. Another idea would be to add 2 - 3 prone positions, similar to the stance system in arma 3, so a player laying prone behind a log or low rooftop wall could just raise his head enough to see over.
  22. Feral (DayZ)

    Third person idea

    Keep third person, but stop it from being a wall hack.
  23. Feral (DayZ)

    White flag

    excellent point well made. beans for you =)
  24. Feral (DayZ)

    White flag

    this lazy non-forum searching bastard stole my beans!!!!
  25. Feral (DayZ)

    Third person idea

    It's an old debate, those who love 3rd person can't imagine the game without it, those who hate it have no choice but to use it because 99% of servers have it enabled and to not use it is to effectively fuck yourself. There are a few of us who don't use it but we die loads more, often killed by folks who spotted us using the witchcraft that is 3rd person. Those who choose to play this First Person Shooter in First Person mode are effectively punished for doing so lol. 3rd person ruins combat and makes a mockery of anyone who loves serious and realistic tactical play. The only suggestion I've seen that comes close to keeping everyone happy is this one. it deserves to be seriously considered imho. I honestly cannot understand why this issue hasn't been dealt with before and sincerely hope Rocket and co take a look at it for the SA. They have the opportunity to take a few risks with the alpha, this might just be a risk worth taking.