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Feral (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Feral (DayZ)

  1. Feral (DayZ)

    Crafting, why not building?

    Post Apocalypse - Humanity has suffered huge losses - the global population has shrunk to a fraction of it's peak numbers, but houses and other buildings remain. The last thing a post apocalyptic survivor is going to do is build a new house when he can have his pick of the houses already there. I do think it would be cool to be able to secure existing buildings.
  2. Feral (DayZ)

    Survival type games

    Perhaps the OP is dislex dysleks dyslecxi has trouble with spelling
  3. Feral (DayZ)

    Cant understand KOS moaners :s

    Indeed, exhilarating and satisfying almost beyond words. I can think of nothing in this game that feels better than hearing the sound of flies emanating from the corpse of a player that intended to kill you for no good reason. You can almost taste their feelings of devastation and shame.
  4. Feral (DayZ)

    Cant understand KOS moaners :s

    Yes!!! DayZ would be a lot less intense without them, God bless the little fuckers.
  5. Feral (DayZ)

    Proper Editing Tool - SA

    it would be awesome if we eventually got a user friendly editing tool for the SA
  6. We had such a mod, It was called DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Alas it lasted for just a few short days but many of us remember it with genuine warmth and fondness. We take comfort from the fact that it is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.
  7. Feral (DayZ)

    Hero section?

    Heroes don't need their own forum, actions speak louder than words
  8. Feral (DayZ)

    Cant understand KOS moaners :s

    I guess robbing without killing the victim is a bit more challenging and therefore a bit more rewarding. I robbed a guy on the Taviana bridge once - I used a commanding voice tone, ordered him to drop his guns and ammo, go prone and crawl away, I told him if he turned around I'd kill him. He didn't turn around. It felt quite satisfying watching this fella crawl off into the distance. I'd got what I wanted so why kill him?
  9. Feral (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    have to agree, no problems for me with sneaking, just have to be patient and time when to move
  10. Feral (DayZ)

    Cant understand KOS moaners :s

    A few months ago I was on the top of the Cherno town hall when I saw a survivor enter the lobby of the hotel. I called out in direct chat, something like 'hey you, guy in the hotel, you OK, need a blood bag?' He came out and stood in the open, he was spinning around trying to see where the voice was coming from and something came over me, I aimed my m16 and shot him, he died instantly. I felt so guilty about that, even now as I relive it I wish I could rewind and just lower my gun, climb down the drainpipe and go see if he needed anything. That was the first and only time I ever shot someone for no good reason.
  11. I once circumnavigated the entire map, keeping to the edge of the debug plains in the West and North, and the coast in the East and South. Took me a couple of hours
  12. Agreed, this feature on it's own will transform the game
  13. Feral (DayZ)

    How To Play DayZ

    video seems to exist entirely independently of the title
  14. Feral (DayZ)

    Zombie spotted

    I think he's trying to blend in
  15. Feral (DayZ)

    Dayz in a nutshell (video)

    that's a pretty big fuckin nutshell
  16. Feral (DayZ)

    Whats the point of dayz?

    I go hunt rabbits
  17. Feral (DayZ)

    How much time does it takes?

    by the time the download has completed the world would have moved on, we'll all be playing DayZ 12 on quantum computers
  18. Feral (DayZ)

    Zombie spotted

    G000gles back then
  19. Feral (DayZ)

    Oculus Rift + Omni + Dayz

    Can't see Stephen Hawking using one of these..... lazy bastard
  20. Feral (DayZ)

    Creepy music for your DayZ videos!

    nice =)
  21. Feral (DayZ)

    Starting in a bed and sleep in a bed

    seen a lot of suggestions for new spawn points, my personal favourite was spawning in mid air with a parachute as if your character has just bailed from a burning plane
  22. Feral (DayZ)


    nice ^^
  23. Feral (DayZ)

    Comic Series: Nooby McNoob

    G000gle?????? =)