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Feral (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Feral (DayZ)

  1. I wish you were correct but people, just like everything in nature, (except those of us who actively seek a challenge and thrive under difficult conditions) will opt for the easiest route, the path of least resistance. make it a choice and it will dominate as it does with the mod. the game will become an arcade classic. it is a freakish feature among FPS games and it destroys the 'realistic survival experience' dayz purports to be.
  2. you can when it comes to what they want. I don't like bieber but he appeals to his target audience, millions of teenage girls. hitler was a nut but the downtrodden german masses hung on his every word and followed him into hell. coldplay cleverly exploit their formula for rousing anthemic tunes and hone a sound that appeals to half the planet. my point is there is a market for everything and if it finds its target audience and delivers whatever it is that audience craves it will succeed. The mods mentioned have failed on all counts spectacularly. I don't mean to disparage the creative individuals behind them, I salute their efforts, however for whatever reasons the mods they made failed to appeal to the target market and have died as a result.
  3. there is only one reason people like 3rd person and few are honest enough to admit it. it allows you to see without being seen. remove it, all other FPS games in history and the current blockbusters do fine without it, it has made some players lazy and they have become dependant on it. it's like junkies saying 'i'm not an addict, I just enjoy it'. bullshit, you want the easier option because it's there, it's ok, that is human nature. trouble is try taking crack away from a guy who's had a few months to develop an addiction. we need tough love, take it away in SA. leave 3rd person methadone on the mod, take a chance, believe me all these addicts will thank you when they are free from dependency.
  4. mods are subject to market forces, survival of the fittest. player choice doesn't lie, if a mod fails it probably isn't that good or is broken
  5. Not impatient for the alpha at all. I will buy it when it is released to make a saving but I won't play it until full release. Like others have said I just don't want to tire of it before it is even completed.
  6. Feral (DayZ)

    Need some advice

    mute him and any other idiots. Tell them you're muting them too, this will piss them off more and while you carry on enjoying your game their pointless rage will continue to fester. Kill them next chance you get. Say nothing in direct. just loot and hide the bodies and carry on being a decent guy.
  7. Feral (DayZ)

    What's your best kill in Day Z?

    My best kill was a 4 player rampage on Taviana Origins. This squad pulled up outside the firehouse we were looting, my 3 buddies got killed pretty quick but I managed to slip out the back door. I had M14, I waited right in front of the back door and they came streaming thru one by one into my bullets. 4 dead in less than 3 seconds and the side chatter was suddenly alive with 'Hacker????' lol
  8. Feral (DayZ)

    Creative KoS - Carebears at home

    it said creative KoS, I guess this is pretty funny. I don't get zero pvp servers either, very odd and they probably benefit from the occasional bit of action. Keep em coming OP
  9. Feral (DayZ)

    RIP GB Wireworld Server - it was a lot fun.....

    isn't the name 'RealDayZ' is a little presumptuous
  10. Future of the mod looks rosy =)
  11. Is it possible that these forums are populated by those of us who play the mod in all it's various guises and rocket has, in a very real sense kinda moved on from that? I'm sure when these forums are buzzing with thoughts, suggestions, praise and criticisms in relation to his new baby he'll be a lot more active.
  12. Feral (DayZ)

    How not to take off in a helicopter

    The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. Douglas Adams never managed to master the last bit
  13. Feral (DayZ)

    How not to take off in a helicopter

    OP, welcome to my world =(
  14. Bugs are the key - no one minds dying if they fucked up or were out fought but everyone minds when death comes as the result of a glaring imperfection in the games engine or design. Make it as hard as hell but first make it work.
  15. Mildly amusing vid, not sure I understand the impatience of some folks though, SA will be released when it's ready for release, any sooner would be stupid.
  16. Feral (DayZ)

    Current State of Dayz

    So, what you are really saying is you want the zeds to be less challenging so you can enjoy playing Taxi Simulator 2013
  17. Feral (DayZ)

    Dayz mod was great game, now is not

    I assume you're joking =)
  18. Feral (DayZ)

    Dayz mod was great game, now is not

    The good old days eh? OP? when every player you met had a coyote backpack, an AS50 or an M4CCO sd, NVG's, full toolbelt, a thermal sighted weapon in the aforementioned coyote backpack, just in case. The days when zeds were little more than an annoyance, when all you needed to bring yourself back from the brink was 10 cooked meat, those halcyon days when the game was beginning to feel a lot like CoD? I'm personally very happy with the direction the mod is taking, it's veering more towards the anti-game end of the spectrum and is keeping very close to it's roots, it wobbled a few months ago but I believe it's right back on track.
  19. It is exactly because of this type of player that I love DayZ
  20. Feral (DayZ)

    Dayz mod was great game, now is not

    As I understand it, Rocket has final say on all changes, so the direction is as much his as the devs.
  21. Feral (DayZ)

    Zombies in Starysober

    Teamwork, 1 -2 of you to aggro the zeds and lead them away while 1 -2 of you loot the tents and pick off any stragglers.
  22. Feral (DayZ)

    Some Suggestion trough the last of us

    read the thread title - trough, what do pigs eat from? humourless prat