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Feral (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Feral (DayZ)

  1. Feral (DayZ)


  2. Feral (DayZ)

    More focus on Zed's

    lost me at popping tyres
  3. Feral (DayZ)

    No one is playing this anymore??

    There is definitely a bit of a lull right now. As mentioned above quite a few players are just waiting for the SA, there are more maps too which has spread the remaining player base out a little thinly. I used to play every day but to be honest I just began to get bored having pretty much done everything that can be done in the game on all of the maps. I'm with those who are waiting for the SA and the new fresh challenges it will hopefully bring.
  4. Feral (DayZ)

    Bring DayZ to console aswell!

    trying to run dayz on a console would be like asking a 95 year old asthmatic with broken arms and legs to drag a dead elephant through a lake of quick drying cement.
  5. Feral (DayZ)


    however, the civilised world is a recent invention, what about the hundreds of thousands of years where our species was shaped, when humans were pitted against each other and nature with no rules at all? (a world like that represented in DayZ?). ^^ my words There's no use debating with someone who ignores what others have to say, OP you are a very strange fellow indeed
  6. Feral (DayZ)

    "Hey, I know you!"

    +1 this would transform player interaction which is probably the biggest issue with dayz right now
  7. Feral (DayZ)


  8. Feral (DayZ)


    ^^ sociopath, i'm outta here
  9. Feral (DayZ)


    Of course in the civilised world as it is now with it's rules and regulations, those individuals who have fewer scruples and zero empathy have a clear advantage over those whose hands are tied by the fact that there are certain strategies they won't employ. however, the civilised world is a recent invention, what about the hundreds of thousands of years where our species was shaped, when humans were pitted against each other and nature with no rules at all? (a world like that represented in DayZ?). If psycho/sociopaths were better suited to survival under those circumstances then we would all be psychopaths now, but we aren't.
  10. Feral (DayZ)


    Humans are just another animal, a twig from a branch on the tree of life, we have extraordinary brains and these have elevated us to the top of the food chain, for now. Deception has played a part but only a tiny part in that journey, your insistence on attributing the superiority of our species to our ability to tell good lies is daft, opposable thumbs have played a far greater role, the anatomy of our larynx must take more credit than our undoubted ability to use it to spout bullshit. 'Evil' is an artificial construct, there is not really any such thing. It is a way for our species to try to describe things we feel are not good. Nature doesn't know the difference between right and wrong, good or evil etc and nature will not only inherit the earth, nature already has it. Morality? again a human invention, nature has no sense of morality, nature is neutral, the only force that shapes the success or failure of a species is natural selsction driven by environmental change. 'Life' has existed on this ball of rock we call earth for many billions of years, 'humans' as we recognise them have occupied it for a few hundred thousand years, a blink of an eye. For example the dinosaurs were here for 10,000 times as long as we have been here and they have completely disappeared. We too will give way eventually to species better suited to whatever changes this planet may go through. And Nature in it's cold, uncaring way won't even notice. Aside from that, our species is a social and cooperative animal, our success has been driven by our ability to work together. Examples - hunting, agriculture, civilisation have all occurred thanks to our ability to work together and find a natural balance between what the individual needs and what is best for the group. And for cooperation to have a chance there needs to be trust or the delicate social systems begin to crumble. Deceit is the enemy of trust, we need deceit but we need honesty and truth to counter balance this and keep the system working.
  11. Feral (DayZ)


    I don't dispute that intelligence and deceit are linked, in fact my sentence proclaimed precisely that, however I know some dumb ass liars too and believe me they are pretty far from being what you might call 'good at life'. There are tons of other skills and strategies that an organism must employ to truly excel at whatever it is they are trying to achieve. Deciet is one, creativity is another, there are things we have no conscious control over too like how efficiently we move around, the list is endless. lying can bring success and it can bring failure, there are so many variables in the average human interaction that to claim that mastering deceit = mastering the world is just silly.
  12. Feral (DayZ)

    Ears Drop on PK

    if that dude you just offed has one of these infections that are meant to be included in the SA the last thing you're gonna want to do is dress yourself in body parts
  13. Feral (DayZ)


    it takes intelligence to decieve, but it doesn't necessarily follow that the more intelligent you are the more you will lie, neither does it mean the more you lie the more intelligent you must be, lying is just one of many thousands of social strategies that must be mastered to ensure success.
  14. Feral (DayZ)

    Prototype Quadrotor

    cool toy but very un-dayz
  15. Feral (DayZ)

    Cannabis, Cannibalism and Carnage

    I think the author struggled with the game, rage quit and then wrote the article
  16. Feral (DayZ)

    Cannabis, Cannibalism and Carnage

    99% nonsense, funny read though =)
  17. Feral (DayZ)


    what do you call a player in the middle of the sea who refuses to swim? Bob
  18. Feral (DayZ)

    Is your server doing enough ?

    does the train run? is that an aircraft carrier? does it move? do you run standard dayzmod or variant? do you admin abuse?
  19. Feral (DayZ)

    standalone engine?

    found this tonight, i don't speak german so no idea what he's saying.
  20. Feral (DayZ)

    standalone engine?

    ok, sweet. I've only seen ToH footage from pilots perspective, cheers for clarifying that
  21. Feral (DayZ)

    standalone engine?

    so this vid is some footage from Arma3 and some footage from ToH?
  22. squads of heroes all suited up clearing out the cities, burning piles of bodies. Bandits honouring the ceasefire and sniping zeds because they need to gear up too once the place is cleared, this could be epic
  23. absolutely nothing, that's dayz =)
  24. will there be other less obvious ways to protect yourself from infection, face masks, latex gloves or even ABC suits for example? edit - How about disenfectant to clean infected items? I could see players specializing in salvaging and making safe infected items, it would be risky and would need to be done right, we could have a whole new class of player lol