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Feral (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Feral (DayZ)

  1. Feral (DayZ)

    DayZ Animal Suggestion

    Seeing as 3rd person is being removed from the standalone, and there are quite a few players who are going to be very upset about it, as a sweetener why not add Giraffes? ...you could sit on their heads and get a buddy to run around just in front of you, this would recreate the 3rd person experience almost exactly.
  2. Feral (DayZ)

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    Again, very good points and quite convincing, i do see how 3rd person could aid a gamers ability to improve if used as a tool in the way you described. Unfortunately if the option to use it exists it will become the norm for virtually every player forcing those who want a more realistic experience to adopt a system they hate. I suppose it comes down to what kind of game the SA is meant to be, some kind of simulator that attempts to recreate a very real and believable experience or an arcade style shooter that allows unrealistic supernatural abilities.
  3. Feral (DayZ)

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    Fair points well made. i doubt there will ever be a game where it is possible to sense where various parts of your body are at any given moment and this is an issue with all FPS games, but most seem to manage fine. Also with the FOV argument, Dayz (Arma) has the 'free look' feature, and although it is tricky to get used to and far from perfect, once mastered it does a pretty good job of minimizing the FOV limitations of a screen based game. Not to mention the 'lean' feature for seeing round obstacles. The problem with 3rd person is it over compensates, it not only increases FOV it increases the player height to about 18 feet, it allows you to see over buildings and round corners you are not even close to, and that at least for some players just destroys the emersion. edit - and the crosshair/3rd person features, (i don't direct this at you btw) if you have come to rely on them and feel like you wouldn't be able to play the game without them, despite the fact that other players manage just fine - well, that sounds like crutches to me
  4. Feral (DayZ)

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    i had an argument about something similar with a buddy the other week, we were playing Gran Turismo on split screen, i like the cockpit view as it makes me feel like I am in the car, like I am driving it, i like to see the steering wheel and sense the cars movement around me, it makes it harder to see corners coming up but i don't mind harder, it's more realistic, immersive and enjoyable, challenging and rewarding. My mate on the other hand, he likes 3rd person, so basically he is sort of viewing the race not as though he were driving the car but as if he were 'floating' behind a radio controlled car, I mean what the fuck is with that? He says he likes to watch the car. Bullshit!!! it's so he can see further down the road. (to be fair to my mate he eventually admitted this, I converted him and he now plays 1st person and agrees that it is a much more enjoyable way to play) it's the same with DayZ, people say they like to look at their character, seriously? why? Try looking at the treelines for other characters instead. Let's be honest, it's because it gives you that magical ESP-like ability to see over walls, around trees and buildings etc... The trouble with 3rd person is it's such a powerful 'cheat' that once you get used to it it is very hard to imagine life without it, I know that cos I became dependent on it too, also, even if you don't like 3rd person if you want to play on popular servers that have it activated you have no choice but to use it too because everyone else is using it, to not use 3rd person on a 3rd person server is basically to fuck yourself. And 3rd person is very popular but It's only popular because it makes the game easier. I'm positive these people play other FPS's all the time that don't have 3rd person with no problem at all, so for them to say they won't play if it goes is nonsense. Get rid!!!
  5. Feral (DayZ)


    well thought through and presented idea but completely un-dayz
  6. unfortunately this is very true, the problem is that the tools are available, it probably starts innocently enough - maybe a buddy asking an admin to find out if a chopper has spawned in.
  7. Admin abuse takes many forms and is rife, unfortunately most of the time the admins pay for the server, they can do what they like. Admin abuse for me is in the same category as hacking.
  8. Feral (DayZ)

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    you are right, i apologise and shall refrain from using it incorrectly in future, So, what do you call a player who relys on in-game crutches?
  9. Feral (DayZ)

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    Good work, this shows that you can still hit targets without crosshairs but it takes a few shots, the first part shows exactly why it needs to go, 3 shots 3 kills from the hip at 50+ 200 metres with a scoped rifle? that is shooting from the realms of fantasy.
  10. Feral (DayZ)

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    Anyone that feels they cannot play without the crosshair and/or 3rd person is a bambi imho
  11. Feral (DayZ)

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    what is with these bambi's and their reliance on the two 'crutches' - the crosshair and 3rd person? In a whiney childlike screech they plead - ''if you take away one pleeeeease leave the other one or we won't be able to play dayz anymore'' Get a grip for crying out loud, all the top 5 'arcadey' FPS's have crosshairs and even they don't have 3rd person. Let's just have this one hardcore survival/FPS in our games library, c'mon, just one game that makes hitting a target from the hip tricky, like in real life.
  12. Feral (DayZ)

    Are KOS kiddies cowardly and stoopid?

    here, i've highlighted only the sensless bits for you
  13. Feral (DayZ)

    Are KOS kiddies cowardly and stoopid?

    I think that a lot of people are getting their panties in a twist here over nothing. As far as i see it this thread is not about players that kill other players for gear, it is not about players who kill other players in self defence, it is not a pro bambi thread or pro hero thread it's not even an anti bandit thread. It is about that small minority that settle down in front of thier pc and boot the game up with the sole intention of just killing as many players as possible regardless of whether they pose a threat, have decent desirable gear or any other reason related to a survival simulator, for whatever sad reasons they just want to spoil other folks fun. Killing is a huge part of the game and everyone who plays dayz knows and accepts that fact, no one likes to die (unless they spawned at kamenka) and to a large extent if you die in dayz you did something wrong. However if you are playing the game for the love of it and you come across players who are playing not to enjoy the game but solely because they want to spoil everyone elses game then isn't it ok to feel disappointed about that? For me this thread is basically about spiteful trolls, hands up if you like spiteful trolls?
  14. Feral (DayZ)

    Are KOS kiddies cowardly and stoopid?

    agreed, even the right to be cowardly and stupid is sacred
  15. Feral (DayZ)

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    you don't.... play counter strike/bf2/cod etc to feel like a pro marksman. when u get bored of the game doing all the hard work play dayz and enjoy the challenge of having to try edit - and why the obsession with 3rd person, 99% of other FPS don't have it
  16. Feral (DayZ)

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    they use it cos they can, take it away and they'd still play.
  17. yep, OP seems to be pretty mature for his age.... it's just the whole pre-teen voice over comms thing, try using this - http://www.screamingbee.com/product/MorphVOX.aspx and don't mention your age
  18. Feral (DayZ)

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    agreed...... what are the cons again?
  19. Feral (DayZ)

    DayZ - What we hear a lot

    why can't I access this fucking tent???
  20. Feral (DayZ)

    DayZ - What we hear a lot

    'fucking zombie shit fuckers.... how'd he get me from there???'
  21. Feral (DayZ)

    Get Rid of Player Count

    why not show an average user count for the last 7 days, so at least you can avoid dead servers.
  22. so they don't want a million plus gamers feeling good inside when they see those products on the shelf because of the 'positive' associations formed by the role those products play in a video game??? Some companies pay thousands for that kind of marketing lol fuck 'em then. idiots.
  23. Feral (DayZ)

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    what he said
  24. Feral (DayZ)

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    everyone anti the crosshair be quiet for a moment..... let's hear one good reason to keep it from the pro lobby