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Feral (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Feral (DayZ)

  1. Feral (DayZ)

    TMW are (not) bandits

    ^^ lol kichi. We knew immediately that they were a pair of Fail-Trolls =) they were so dumb and obvious. I can't believe they actually posted this here, just as you predicted =) they are even dumber than we thought. All that time they were scheming and loling and getting all impatient and excited because they thought we were on our way to stumble blindly into their ambush, when we were actually on our way to try and kill them, what a pair of wankers. 500 views and rising, they have no shame :D
  2. Feral (DayZ)

    White flag

    again, a good point I hadn't considered.
  3. Feral (DayZ)

    White flag

    You are right, but at least this gives players a safe method of communicating that they are not a threat in a way that can't be done now. Also, shooting a guy with a white flag would be considered as low an act of douchebaggery as killing a guy with a flashlight or a fresh spawn, there will always be dicks that do it but your average player, even bandits will probably realise that this is not the way to go.
  4. Feral (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

  5. Feral (DayZ)


    good news, a decent 1st person only server is exactly what I miss about the asylum =)Welcome back
  6. Feral (DayZ)

    White flag

    Good point that I missed, I edited to make the point, ty.
  7. That gives me an idea - White flags lol, Off to suggestions me thinks.
  8. I quite like the idea of having to find out about a player by good old fashioned methods. As the OP points out there are so many shades of behaviour that it is far too simplistic to try and demonstrate a players personality and play style with visual cues. The current system is not bad but it's far from perfect, there are bandits who shoot and bloodbag eachother to get the hero skin, there are good honurable guys who just happen to kill those who attack them and become 'self defence' bandit skins. In real life there is no way to tell what a person is like by what he wears etc and so this should be the case in DayZ, I love it when I meet a player in game and there is that nervous exchange while i try to figure him out, sometimes I get it right, often I get it wrong and that is all part of the game, in fact the human interactions and the uncertainty that comes with that is what I love most about this game. for those without mic's, I can see where you're coming from but how can you show a players play style visually? I have several characters on private hives, most are heroes but I have bandits and survivors too, I always play the same way but sometimes circumstances dictate how my avatar looks.
  9. Feral (DayZ)

    Zombie Attraction and Distraction

    indeed, it would have the added bonus of getting a player out of the shit if say he was trapped in a nearby building with a couple of zeds shuffling in, the sound of the bells could cause them to turn and head towards the source.
  10. Feral (DayZ)

    Zombie Attraction and Distraction

    Even if actually allowing players to ring bells wasn't possible, the hourly chimes should attract zeds to the church/town hall etc
  11. Feral (DayZ)

    Ghillie dude at stary....

    I agree that, for the sake of argument, if you were on overwatch while friends looted a city and you saw someone about to attack those friends then, of course, in this instance sniping would be an acceptable course of action. still cowardly but at least justifiable as the target is indeed a threat, if not to the sniper. However we both know that this scenario is less common when compared to the legions of server hopping snipe for lulz types that populate the game.
  12. Feral (DayZ)

    Ghillie dude at stary....

    No, you don't need to kill someone who is half a kilometre away to be safe, and betraying your location with a shot might not be described as smart. I must insist that it's cowardly to shoot at someone who poses no direct threat to you and has little chance of defending himself or responding in kind.
  13. Feral (DayZ)

    Ghillie dude at stary....

    No, the traits you describe could easily be applied to those who favour hatchets or assault rifles or indeed anyone with a set of binoculars. what sets sniper rifles apart is that they remove the user from the proximity of the kill and reduce the chances of recrimination, things actively sought by the cowardly. The only times it is ok to use a sniper rifle imho is to help a distant survivor by dropping zeds or to shoot another sniper who is looking at you through his scope, any other use is clearly cowardly by it's very nature.
  14. Feral (DayZ)

    Slow zombies down

    Yeah, seems fair
  15. Feral (DayZ)

    Ghillie dude at stary....

    I kill anyone I see with a sniper rifle on principle, sniper rifles are designed for one thing and one thing only, killing from a distance. AS50/M107 etc are the weapons of choice for cowards.
  16. Feral (DayZ)

    Guide to 1.7.7

    nice balanced appraisal of and guide to the patch
  17. Feral (DayZ)

    TMW are (not) bandits

    @ Sleeping Tobi/Statik You rather stupidly titled this thread with the false proclaimation 'TMW are bandits' Now that the claims behind this act of libel have been utterly discredited along with your fuzzy thinking, in fact this thread has been demonstrated to be as flawed as your sadly broken minds, will you sir do the decent thing and withdraw your accusation? And what is more, I put it to you, Sleeping Tobi/Statik, that you owe TMW an apology. I wonder if your stunted intellect will allow you to see the facts as the rest of us see them and whether or not you are even capable of making amends for your deranged and alarming behaviour. Somehow I doubt it as cowards and fools are often blind to their errors. edit - It seems clear that this thread (rather like your pitifully attempted ambush) has failed spectacularly, I get the distinct impression that you two miscreants are no strangers to failure, indeed your constant brushes with failure and disappointment may well prove to be the source of your sad and pathetic bitterness. So, why don't you just let it go fellas? Set aside this bizarre campaign of hatred and envy. Your insane and obsessive persecution of these medics is only serving to advertise to this community just how tragically repellant you both truly are.
  18. Feral (DayZ)

    TMW are (not) bandits

    forgive me if i'm wrong, but isn't this the TMW private hive? and do they not have a disclaimer on the front page warning that this server is a playground and if you are killed by a member please do not complain? By the way, I am Carter, I am NOT a TMW member and I LoL'd as I shot you. We had you pegged as a pair of Fail-Trolls and this vid proves that those assumptions were indeed correct. You sound like a pair of oddly bitter and slightly disturbed medic stalkers to me. My only regret is I didn't kill you both. =) Thanks for making my day.
  19. Feral (DayZ)

    Thank you SO SO much for this patch

    My buddy and I were beginning to think we were alone, we too love the patch, yes the game now is more challenging but we altered our approach and have adopted new strategies to deal with the new threats, we have no problem now.
  20. Feral (DayZ)

    Slow zombies down

    rather than slowing zeds down maybe reduce their stamina, make it so they are very quick initially but after a while they lose pace.
  21. Feral (DayZ)

    1.7.* Infection WIP Update

    How about giving heatpacks a use? when a person gets a viral or bacterial infection in real life the first thing medical professionals advise is to rest, keep warm and drink plenty of fluids. Boiled water and heatpacks combined with a rest at a tent could slow down the blood loss or even stop it temporarily. Not suggesting that this should cure infections, maybe just slow down the effects a bit buying the player a bit of time to search for meds. edit - this idea fleshed out http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/140593-realistic-infection-management/
  22. Feral (DayZ)

    To Everyone Complaining About 1.7.7

    It took me and a buddy over 10 man hours, two and a half trips around the map to every industrial site and several deaths, mainly from infection, but we did it, we fixed a heli and got it flying. I have never had to work so hard in a game before in my life, when we finally got the thing in the air the relief and satisfaction was immense. Never has stress been so much fun. Now all we need is some antibiotics...... Fucking awesome patch.
  23. if you had a beans given notification but found none on your post then the chances are the bean giver had a change of heart
  24. Feral (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    awesome patch, hats off to you guys. DayZ is scary again, survival is difficult but not impossible, it must be tricky to strike the right balance and for me at least this patch has got things pretty much bang on. Of course there are a few minor problems but when haven't there been? Keep up the good work.
  25. old rocket loves to showcase the SA's 'crafting' element by magically making 2 bits of map stick together to make 1 bit of map, lol, not sure what you'd call that but it sure aint crafting. Where is the selotape? you should need tape, a staple gun or some other method of adhesion to fasten the two bits together then, maybe, you could call it crafting. Even then it's kinda stretching the definition of crafting. Just sayin. edit - I have done a fair bit of travelling and I collect maps from everywhere I visit, I have stacks of em but I never, ever saw a map that came in quarters.... just sayin, again