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Everything posted by StayinFrosty09

  1. StayinFrosty09

    SAS Clan Recruitment

    We are very casual gaming clan and have our own Dayz standalone server and Teamspeak server, we play all kinds of Arma realated games but right now mostly standalone as it is popular and well liked in the clan. We have been growing in size and are open to many more members but we do have standards as to who can join, for more information on that topic please visit http://www.sasclangaming.com/ if you consider joining and you may have a chat with the admins before joining if you like. Teamspeak: Our teamspeak is open to the public if you want to use it with your friends we wont mind. Dayz server ip or filter UK 42 We greatly appreciate donations as they help keep our servers running. All our members like to have a good laugh here in there but when we get serious we dont tolerate nuisances and we make sure to address the fucker/fuckers as soon as possible, Clan rules are on the website as well. We have been playing rust alot and we also enjoy some arma 2 customs games here and there if we have enough people.
  2. StayinFrosty09

    SAS Clan Recruitment

    We are very casual gaming clan and have our own Dayz standalone server and Teamspeak server, we play all kinds of Arma realated games but right now mostly standalone as it is popular and well liked in the clan. We have been growing in size and are open to many more members but we do have standards as to who can join, for more information on that topic please visit http://www.sasclangaming.com/ if you consider joining and you may have a chat with the admins before joining if you like. Teamspeak: Our teamspeak is open to the public if you want to use it with your friends we wont mind. Dayz server ip or filter UK 42 We greatly appreciate donations as they help keep our servers running. All our members like to have a good laugh here in there but when we get serious we dont tolerate nuisances and we make sure to address the fucker/fuckers as soon as possible, Clan rules are on the website as well. We have been playing dayz epoch aswell.
  3. StayinFrosty09

    SAS Clan Recruitment

    We are very casual gaming clan and have our own Dayz standalone server and Teamspeak server, we play all kinds of Arma realated games but right now mostly standalone as it is popular and well liked in the clan. We have been growing in size and are open to many more members but we do have standards as to who can join, for more information on that topic please visit http://www.sasclangaming.com/ if you consider joining and you may have a chat with the admins before joining if you like. Teamspeak: Our teamspeak is open to the public if you want to use it with your friends we wont mind. Dayz server ip or filter UK 42 We greatly appreciate donations as they help keep our servers running. All our members like to have a good laugh here in there but when we get serious we dont tolerate nuisances and we make sure to address the fucker/fuckers as soon as possible, Clan rules are on the website as well. We have been playing dayz epoch aswell.
  4. StayinFrosty09

    SAS Clan Recruitment

    Thats not what its about man, we are just trying to have fun with our friends man and we take on new people, besides we have disscused changing the name for that exact reason so you're not wrong but thats not the most important thing at the moment.
  5. StayinFrosty09

    SAS Clan Recruitment

    We are very casual gaming clan and have our own Dayz standalone server and Teamspeak server, we play all kinds of Arma realated games but right now mostly standalone as it is popular and well liked in the clan. Most members in the clan are getting The elder scrolls online so that will be popular amoung us. We have been growing in size and are open to many more members but we do have standards as to who can join, for more information on that topic please visit http://www.sasclangaming.com/ if you consider joining and you may have a chat with the admins before joining if you like. Teamspeak: Our teamspeak is open to the public if you want to use it with your friends we wont mind. Dayz server ip or filter UK 42 We greatly appreciate donations as they help keep our servers running. All our members like to have a good laugh here in there but when we get serious we dont tolerate nuisances and make sure to address the fucker/fuckers as soon as possible, Clan rules are on the website as well.
  6. When I launch DayZ with pmc installed it gives a decryption of headers error it says arma2 oa failed to load air_pmc.pbo but without pmc installed everything works fine but i really want to have the addon and HD player models for dayz can someone please help me I can give more info if needed.
  7. StayinFrosty09

    US 2373 hackers

    This server got fucked in the ass by 4+ hackers. Only got two of the hackers hex keys or ips or something i dunno (forgot their names but one of the hacker's is somthing sgt rieck check the end of this vid's player list Hex keys or something lol a212ddd2b7abb1b40c5bfa804a653baa (name unkown/forgot) fb943bc8ce3590d225248f818b30c502 (sgt rieck) O and my group had like 3 choppers guess u see how that ended....yea hacker killed everyone :|
  8. StayinFrosty09

    DayZ crashes when i join server with pmc installed

    i got it working and thank you for your help sir
  9. StayinFrosty09

    DayZ crashes when i join server with pmc installed

    so i install pmc latest update then install arma 2 oa's latest update again? if so can arma 2 oa be updated through dayz commander
  10. StayinFrosty09

    [W.O] Woodlands Order is recruiting.

    Age: 15 almost 16 Name: Garrett Skype: StayinFrosty09 Country: U.S.A Timezone: Eastern Standard Time [Steam Name: StayinFrosty09 Experience: 7 or 8 Game Style: Sniper, scout and infantry if i have to do so EXTRA INFO Best weapon for me DMR. I am a pretty good driver but don't put me in a pilot seat. I am very patient. I can lead a very small group of like 3 or 4 including me but i have never played Day Z with more than 2 other people.