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About aarondude5

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. aarondude5

    Looking for a clan.

    Hey everyone, I just joined and this is my 3rd day playing. I'm looking for a clan to join. Something small that is serious but more to have fun. I'm young so i'm having trouble finding a clan without age requirements. Even though its my 3rd day i'm learning quickly. I have a Skype and a mic so if your clan needs members my skype is "aaronkristofer". Thanks.
  2. aarondude5

    Dayz Clan Looking For New Members!

    Hey, I'd love to join. Today is only my second day playing the mod, so i might have a lot of questions and not know some things. But when i play games like these i like to stay with just one group, so this sounds like the way to go. I'm young and hoping my age wont matter, but if you have any questions or feel like accepting me into the clan or need to get me started, my skype is: aaronkristofer Thanks, Aaron