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About ozzybwild

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    On the Coast
  1. ozzybwild

    Checking server status via fsockopen

    Ace! Took some time to figure out filterung the results properly ( //Use Magic is the most WTF comment I ever read in a source.. :D ), but GameQ is excellent for the job. Thanks a lot, you got my beans! :)
  2. Hi everyone! I hope I found the right place to ask about this.. The problem I have is, that I want to check whether our servers are running or not (like all those serverlisting-services do). My attempt is to check via fsockopen and thereby ping the ip and the port the server(s) run(s) on. <?php //Pingcall: function ping($host,$port,$timeout=10) { $fsock = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout); if ( ! $fsock ) { echo "! ".$errno." ".$errstr." !"; return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } //Listeneintrag, functioncall und Darstellung: function checkserver($name,$host,$port) { $up = ping($host,$port); echo $name.": ".$host.":".$port." - "; // online if( $up ) { echo "<img src=\"on.png\" alt=\"Server online!\"><br>--------------------------------------<br>"; } // offline else { echo "<img src=\"off.png\" alt=\"Server offline!\"><br>--------------------------------------<br>"; } } //HTML-Header, meta-refresh echo "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Serverstatus</TITLE><META http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"150; URL=status.php\"></HEAD><BODY bgcolor=\"black\" TEXT=\"white\">"; //Serverliste: checkserver('SERVERNAMEHERE',"IPHERE","PORTHERE"); //HTML-Footer echo "<br><br>©2012: ozzybwild</P></BODY></HTML>"; ?> "SERVERNAMEHERE", "IPHERE" and "PORTHERE" hold a name to display, the IP to be pinged and the port to access. However it works with none of the DayZ servers I am checking. Pinging my linux root at port 80 however works like a charm, no matter whether I ping the IP itself or the TLD.. Does anyone have an idea how I can check if the serverside application (/DayZ Server) is running or not?
  3. ozzybwild

    New Map: Chernarus Extended

    Hi there, I'm ozzybwild, GermandayZ's supporter for today. Just visit me in the *** CHERNARUS EXTENDED SUPPORT *** channel on our teamspeakserver at "ts.germandayz.de". I offer english and german support verbally or via chat, as requested. I'll give you a link to a setup.exe file which automatically installs the required add on and can also give you two starter batch files which enable the required addons and automatically connect you to our servers. - hope to see you soon! hf gl, oz